Page 292 of Saving Her

“I know,” I said. “And I am so very sorry. I had no idea that Sarah was behind everything. I had no idea that Sarah even knew John. It all started to come together after Lindsey showed up in my office, but by the time I pieced everything together, I was afraid it was too late to make it up to you. I panicked, and I should have been a better man.”

“Sarah has been behind every bad thing in my life since I was in my teens,” she said. “She has manipulated my life to the point where everything is a mess. She slept with my ex, and then this. I mean, this is just beyond anything I thought a person was capable of. She had a man make up a document and then had your best friend convince you that I was married and only after your money. Which, I want to add, is completely insane. I have never, not even once, borrowed money from any man, including my own father. In fact, I have never borrowed money from anyone, except a dollar in the third grade from Lindsey to buy a lollipop, and I paid her back with interest! It showed me how much you really didn’t know me. It showed me how you wanted to know me, but when it came down to the nitty gritty, the real hard stuff, you didn’t want to give me a chance to explain. You wanted to writhe around in your misery.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I said.

“I know I’m right,” she replied. “I have worked really hard for a long time to build my dream from the ground, up. I could take my grandparents’ money, but then I wouldn’t have done it myself. I want to make a name for myself in the medical community that is positive and bright. I don’t want to jump into something I’m not ready to give my all to. That was why I hadn’t opened my clinic yet, not because of the money.”

She was so angry, and I wanted to calm her down, but I knew that she needed to get out whatever she was thinking. I knew that she had bottled this up ever since I left the house, and it was only fair that she got to say whatever she wanted to. I owed her so much more than that.

“As far as the marriage thing goes,” she said. “If I were truly married, I would have never talked to you. I would never be the woman that betrayed the sanctity of marriage. Sure, there were several nights that I couldn’t see you. I thought that was normal. I didn’t know dating you meant I had to jump when you said jump. Either way, me not being available every night didn’t mean I was with a secret husband, for God’s sake. I was helping Lindsey plan this wedding. Everything here, I put together. I did almost everything for her. So yes, I was really busy when you wanted to see me. I am sorry that your expectations were something different than that.”

“Amanda,” I said. “I deserve so much worse than what you are giving me right now. I was an idiot, a scared little boy that ran off as soon as I thought there was a chance I could get hurt. I ignored every glaring sign that what I was being told was a lie. I’m so sorry for that.”

“Nathan,” she said. “There is something else.”

“What?” I asked. “Please, whatever you need to say, say it. Don’t hold back.”

“I’m pregnant,” she said, looking up at me.

Immediately, my heart stopped beating, and all the alcohol coursing through my veins just disintegrated. I was expecting her to tell me off, not tell me she was pregnant. I didn’t even know what to say to that. I was completely speechless. Everything in my world that I had been so upset about all these weeks just disappeared into the background when those words came from her lips. I stepped forward and grabbed her by the arms, looking deeply into her eyes.

“Are you serious? You’re pregnant with my child?”

She looked up at me, scrunching her shoulders, and tears formed in her eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and knowing that my child was growing in her belly made her all the more beautiful to me. It was so obvious that everything that had been told to me was a lie, and I would never understand how I could ever think anything differently about her. She was so precious and so perfect in that moment.

“Yes,” she said quietly, nodding. “I’m serious.”

“Will you come with me somewhere private so we can talk?”

“Yes,” she said.

I grabbed her by the wrist gently and pulled her through the lobby to the Presidential Suite elevator. I put my key in and climbed inside, feeling more than a little nervous about what was going on. She was pregnant, something that I didn’t think I would ever hear in my lifetime. I was really glad I rented the suite, although now I wouldn’t be using it to get completely wasted and pass out in later. When we got inside, I walked her over to the couch and took her hands in mine, looking deeply in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry for everything,” I said. “I love you more than the world, and I want to be there for you and this baby.”

“You do?” she asked.

“Of course, I do,” I said. “Can you forgive me?”

“Yes,” she said with tears flowing down her cheeks. “Of course, I can forgive you.”

“I can’t believe I am going to be a father,” I said, tears gathering in my eyes. “I should have called you back all of those times that you called. I was terrified that if I talked to you again that I would find out that John was right. I knew in the pit of my stomach that it was all lies, but I didn’t know what to do.”

“You were scared,” she said, wiping away one of my tears.

“I was scared because I have never loved someone as much as I love you,” I said, pulling her into my arms.

“I feel the same way,” she said, hugging me tightly. “I have been miserable without you.”

“I have been someone else without you,” I replied, pulling back and taking her face into my hands.

There was so much emotion flowing around us, but intertwined with those feelings was desire. I leaned forward and pressed my lips gently against hers, breathing in the sweet smell of her perfume. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me, her fingers curling through my hair. Immediately, I could feel the ecstasy creep over us, and our kiss turned from gentle to lustful and passionate. I loved her, and I couldn’t wait to show her how much.

Chapter 25


The heat between the two of us was intense, so intense that I could imagine a fog floating around us. We had been apart for so long, wanting each other, needing each other, and now that we were together, we didn’t want to waste a moment of it. He had accepted the baby without even so much as a question, and he’d realized how badly he had messed up. I knew I could never stay away from him, and I dreamt that he would be back in my arms again. The intensity between us was even thicker than before our break up, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. All the exhaustion, the anxiety, and the sick feelings lifted immed