Page 216 of Saving Her

She grabs the glass of champagne and takes a drink for herself. Actually, she glugs the whole thing back and then she leans across again to pour a drink for me. I chuckle to myself, enjoying her boldness.

“Well, you have me as a friend now,” I say, probably in a silly way. “I’ll still be here even if your friend does end up going.”

“Until you get bored of me...” She doesn’t sound angry about this, just curious. It’s almost as if she’s trying to work out how I really feel about her. I smile, glad of the chance to explain myself, or at least the amount I understand.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of you.” I tug her in a little bit closer to me. A chemistry circles us and it’s highlighted by the fact that we can’t do anything about it. The tension is thick, the sexuality is high in the air we’re so close but so far. It’s almost taboo which is very exciting. “There’s something about you, Serena. Something that lures me in and thrills me. I will be honest with you, I haven’t ever felt this before and I want to know more.”

She breathes in deep, almost as if it’s gotten stuck in her throat which makes me want to kiss her even harder. Damn it, if she lets me, when we get out of here I’m going to do all kinds of wicked things to her. I’ve been patient, but now I’m starting to struggle with it and judging by the way that Serena is wiggling in her seat, she’s feeling it too.

“I want to know more about you too,” she insists breathily. “I think you’re awesome.”

Her hand rests on the top of my thigh for only a brief second, but it’s enough to set me on fire. She wants me. I can see it. My eyes automatically glance down at my watch and it kills me to see the time. We still have ages to go until her shift is over. Hours of flirting, of desperate sexual tension, of needing to just drag her into a cupboard somewhere and fuck her...

It’s going to be really hard to resist, but I respect Serena enough to do it.

“Okay, so tell me some more about you,” I say gruffly trying to talk through the thick lust in my throat. “What’s your favourite colour?”

“Yellow,” she replies in a heart beat. “What about you?”

“Red. Are you a dog or a cat person?”

“Dog, definitely. I mean, I like cats well enough but I would much prefer a dog. They’re just so loyal and welcoming.”

Okay well that’s something we have in common. It’s good to have some common ground when we’re clearly very different. It might only be a gossamer thin thread, but it’s something. “Yeah, me too. I’ve always wanted a dog. Maybe I’ll get one someday soon.”

“That would be so cool. You should get a Pug, they’re so damn cute.”

“Maybe I will.” An image pops into my brain of me and Serena with a dog between us, cementing us. “Maybe I will...”

Chapter Ten – Serena

“Oh thank goodness it’s time to leave,” I gasp as finishing time rolls around. The club empties out and I sigh deeply with relief. “I thought this shift would never end.”

Me and Ben have been desperately flirting all night long and it’s been killing me. Admittedly it’s been a while so it doesn’t take much to put me on edge, but now I’m about ready to beg him to take me right here in the club. When I came to work tonight I had no intention of ending the night taking Ben home with me. I didn’t even think about anything past just looking at him and spending more time getting to know him, but now I know that I have to. I just hope that he wants to as well...

“Do you have any plans now?” I ask coyly. “Anywhere you need to be?”

“The only place I want to be is with you.” He slips his fingers through mine and gives me a knowing look. His deep penetrating eyes sends a shiver racing up and down my spine. “If that’s what you want, of course.”

“Oh yes.” I might sound needy and desperate, but that’s exactly how I feel right now. The throbbing in my panties would never forgive me if I didn’t give into this. “That’s what I want. Shall we get out of here?”

“Actually, just before we leave.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. Then he takes some cash from it and hands it to me. “Here are your tips. I want to give them to you now because...” He looks adorably embarrassed as he speaks. “Because it might get weird later on.”

I shake my head, despite the fact that I really need that money. “No, I can’t take it from you. I had too much of a good time to need your tips.”

He rolls his eyes and laughs. “I want you to have it and I won’t take no for an answer. Unless you want me to cause a scene...”

“No, no, I don’t want that.” I take it from him. “I’ll take it, come on let’s just go.”

The journey to the apartment is much quicker than it was yesterday, but that’s because we know for a fact now that it won’t be the end of the night. If anything, it’ll be the beginning. The thought of what will come next is filling me up, sending delicious lightening bolts crashing through me, I can hardly wait.

“Just be quiet as we sneak in,” I whisper to Ben. “I don’t want to wake up Jenny before her big interview tomorrow.”

It feels funny to be the one sneaking in. I know that Jenny’s done it a few times but it hasn’t ever been me. It’s quite nice actually, I’m the desirable one for a change. We tiptoe into my bedroom, stifling giggles as we go, but the atmosphere changes from something amusing to something very serious the second we step inside.

“You’re so beautiful,” Ben whispers as he dips his head to mine. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all night
