Page 22 of Saving Her

“I think my support team’s already getting frustrated.”

“It’s been two days,” Andy smiled. “He’ll get used to it.”

The music was suddenly turned up, and a bunch of the college kids started to cheer and dance. I watched them as they moved to the beat, jealous of the carefree attitude and the college life I had missed. I felt Andy grab my hand again and pull me out of the booth.

“We got an hour before your curfew,” he said. “Come on, let’s see if we can turn this night around and get you to smile.”

“What are you doing?” I laughed as he dragged me to the center of the pub.

“We’re going to dance, Andrea Canfield,” Andy yelled.


Andy got me home at ten, as promised, with a quick hug goodbye that I partly wished could have included a kiss. He waited until I was at the door and opening it before he pulled away, and I stood there watching his car disappear down the road.

What the hell are you doing? You just ran away from a toxic relationship, and you’re doing what exactly?

I had no idea. The only thing I was sure of was that I felt safe around Andy. I hardly knew him, true, and there was still so much I was trying to figure out for myself. Let alone worrying about Dennis coming after me and the constant need to look over my shoulder just in case. Was this denial? Was this my sick way of trying to pretend that everything was normal, when nothing really was? I had no idea. All I knew was that I felt a strange attraction towards Andy, and it made butterflies flutter inside me.

You’re married.

No, I wasn’t. I stopped being married a long time ago, and it was a little scary how quickly I was accepting it. Like I hadn’t just been speeding out of Manchester two days ago, obsessively checking my rearview mirror in case Dennis was coming up behind me. I wondered if there was anything logical about what I was doing, and quickly realized no, there wasn’t.


Bobby was waiting for me in the living room, half asleep on the couch, the TV still on. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, stretching as I walked in and slumped down on the chair in front of him.

“What time is it?” he asked.

“Ten, dad,” I teased.

He gave me the finger and ran a hand across his face. “I have to do a double shift tonight and tomorrow morning. You should get some sleep but I’ll back in the morning for a while and then I’ll be dropping you off at Jane’s, on my way.”

“I can take my car,” I said.

“I’d rather you’d not,” Bobby replied. “Andy was telling me we should probably park it in the garage anyway. It’s like a beacon for Dennis the way it’s parked outside like that.”

I thought about that for a second and decided that it probably would be for the best. “Is Andy babysitting me again tomorrow?” I asked.

Bobby looked at me, his eyes searching mine. He stayed like that for a few seconds before saying, “No, he’s on the morning shift, too.”

“Oh.” I heard the disappointment in my voice and noticed that Bobby had to.

“Andy’s my best friend,” he started, “but that also means I know a lot about him. I love him like a brother, but I have to warn you. He might not be someone you want to get too hooked up on.”

“I’m just enjoying his company, that’s all.”

Bobby eyed me. “Just be careful, okay? I trust him to keep you safe, but that’s pretty much as far as it goes when it comes to Andy and women.”

He got up, stretched, and made his way outside, leaving me alone in the living room to think about what he had just said.

Chapter 8: Andy

I drove home feeling like a million dollars.

Andrea was like a breath of fresh air. For the first time in a very long time, I actually felt good around someone. I didn’t feel like I had to put on some show, make a spectacle to impress, or up the macho to swoon. I felt like I could be myself, completely and utterly me, and still have a fucking good time, too. I even caught myself whistling as I made my way upstairs, already running through possible things to do the next time I saw her.

I liked her. A lot. And even though that feeling was foreign to me, it didn’t scare me. I had always expected that I’d be the type of guy who shied away from a relationship. At least a real one. Crazy nights, a different girl every time, and dodge Hannah as much as I could until she lost interest in me. Then probably grow old and die alone. And I was okay with it.