Page 194 of Saving Her

Garth laughed and clapped his hands. “Bravo, bravo!” he said. “Always the long arm of the law, aren’t we? You’d rather try and take me in than save your sweet Jenni? I’m impressed, agent Logan.”

I winced at his shrill laughter, and my eyes darted to the house where Jenni was supposedly in. This was just another game. There was no telling if there was any truth behind what he was saying. This could just be his way to distract me while he got away.

“On the ground!” I yelled, my mind racing.

Garth got down on his knees and put his hands behind his head. “I’m not exactly sure how you’re going to cuff me, but make sure you read me my rights. I know Sheriff Blake is going to be incredibly interested in what happened here.”

I wanted to shoot him right there and then, and fought the urge back. I approached him slowly, rifle held tight, and tried to think of the next best move.


I turned to see Jenni racing out of the house and across the street towards us, and realized my mistake a second too late.

Garth lunged for me, slamming his body against mine and pushing me back until we slammed into the side of his car. The rifle fell from my hands, and he kneed me in the side twice before I even had a chance to collect myself. I cried out in pain, tried to block his attack, and felt my head snap to one side after his fist connected with my jaw. I stumbled and fell to a crouch, Garth’s knee slamming into my chin and almost knocking me out completely.

I rolled away from him, blood pouring out of my nose and into my open mouth. I watched him rush for the rifle, and I quickly pushed myself to my feet and rushed after him. Before his hands could reach the weapon, I threw my weight against him and brought him down hard. His head smacked against the rear bumper of his car as we fell, and he rolled away from me, groaning in pain.

I tried to stand up, my eyes watering from the pain, and I waited as he used the rear of the Mustang to hoist himself up. He swayed on his feet, and I immediately grabbed him by his collar and threw my fist against his nose. I felt it break against my knuckles as he fell back against the car. With one hand holding him in place, I landed one punch after the other, screaming in rage as I attacked him. I don’t know how many times I hit him, but by the time Jenni grabbed my arm and pulled me back, he slid sideways and fell in an unconscious heap onto the ground.

I staggered away from his limp body, and immediately turned to Jenni, holding her tight in my arms as she cried against my chest. I ran my hand across her back, burying my face in her hair.

“You’re okay,” I whispered, trying my best to soother her. “We’re okay.”

I closed my eyes and held her tight as sirens sounded in the distance.

Chapter 25: Alex

“I could get used to this,” Samuel said, folding his hands behind his head and sighed as I rolled him towards the house in his wheelchair, briefly struggling with the uneven path that led to the front porch.

The hospital had released him an hour earlier, and I had never seen him happier. He looked at least ten years younger, and a part of me knew it was because of all the attention he had been getting from the nurses. I even caught one blowing him a kiss as we drove away, and when I asked him about it, he expertly dodged answering.

“Maybe I should just leave you out here,” I said, grunting as I pushed him towards the makeshift ramp I had set up at the end of the porch steps.

“I think Kelly might just kill you if you do that.”

I chuckled. “Her and about half of the hospital staff.”

“Are you still going on about that?”

I pushed him up the ramp. “What they see in an old man like you, I will never know.”

“It’s the Logan charm, Alex,” he laughed. “I don’t expect you to understand that, the grunt that you are.”

“Gee, thanks, dad,” I said.

The front door flew open, and Kelly raced out, practically jumping onto my father’s lap as she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed.

“Woah, easy there, chipmunk,” I said. “He’s not fully recovered.”

“Oh, shut up and let the girl welcome her grandfather back home,” Samuel laughed, hugging her back and trying to hide his pain.

I looked up just as Jenni walked out, all smiles and eyes glowing. It had been a week since the kidnapping, and I wasn’t about to let her out of my sight, insisting that she stay with us as long as she needed. As long as I needed. I had gotten so used to her being around, I couldn’t even imagine her going back to her apartment. It was as if she belonged, and even Kelly could attest to how much brighter our lives had become with Jenni around.

“Can I roll the old man inside, or are we going to spend the rest of the afternoon out here?” I asked.

“Is the chair too much for you to handle?” Kelly asked. She shot me a look that made me hold up my hands in mock surrender, and she quickly pushed me aside, grabbing the handles of the wheelchair and taking control. “I got this. You can go back to growing old.”

Samuel laughed as she rolled him away, looking at me over his shoulder. “She takes after her grandfather,” he said, winking at me.