Page 133 of Saving Her

Carrie wondered if she had done this on purpose, but she decided it didn’t really matter, since it was time for the couples to go their separate ways anyway.

“I can’t believe we actually did it!” Carrie expressed, placing her menu down on the table. “This is the first time I’ve lived with a boyfriend, since…Well, you know.”

Johnathan snickered, “Carrie, we’ve lived together for almost six months now.”

“Yes,” Carrie insisted, but continued with insinuation in her voice, “We’ve lived together, but it’s different living…alone, together.”

“I know,” he admitted, “I’m just teasing you.”

“Plus, with your promotion, things are really starting to turn in our favor,” she exclaimed, her shoulders rising with excitement.

Johnathan, watched her carefully, as he tried to hide the fact that his leg was bouncing up and down with nervousness.

He truly couldn’t believe how lucky he was and how happy he had become.

Ever since returning to civilization, he had completely transformed his life. His existence was never this easy, or this much fun, even when he and his ex were at their best.

He grinned as his heart swelled with excitement.

He had thought about this a lot in the past few months and although he was ready to take the next step, his heart was beating ferociously in his chest.

He knew he had to wait until the right moment, but he was bursting at the seams.

Part of him wanted to ensure everything was perfect while part of him couldn’t wait to get it over with.

“And with a paralegal in the family, you’re going to be able to help people and help us react our own goals.”

Carrie blushed, “Graduation is still some ways off…”

“It’s only a few months and besides, you killed it last semester. You’re going to be amazing this semester too,” Johnathan grinned with encouragement. “I know you would be the only one I would trust with my case if I ever needed it.”

“I’m kind of the only person you trust period, so is that really a compliment?” Carrie retorted playfully.

Johnathan scoffed playfully, “Of course it is! And besides, I’ve gotten a lot better. I kind of like Kasandra…She’s growing on me…”

Carrie laughed at Johnathan’s face of confusion.

“Kind of,” he reiterated.

“Yeah, she has that effect on everyone. Don’t judge the whole world by her or you won’t really fully like anyone.”

Johnathan chuckled, “I guess there is such a thing as being too honest?”

“Yes, yes there is, and Kasandra doesn’t care who you are, she has no filter…But her heart is in the right place.”

“Do you think her, and her boyfriend are going to be together for long?”

“No,” Carrie replied, almost immediately, “Honestly, I think she did this so that we would find a place of our own.”

“She’s tired of us already?”

Carrie shook her head, “I don’t think that’s it. She wants us to have our own experience and she is not an enabler.”

“So, she decided it was time for us to take the plunge?” Johnathan insisted, “I’m so glad that Kassandra plays such an active role in our life.” He rolled his eyes, playfully aggravated at the thought.

“Actually, she wanted me to do it. Remember how I told you the only love Kassandra knows is tough love? Well, this is a great example of it. She knows how I feel about living alone with you…And so, she forced my hand.”

Despite his complaining, Johnathan was pleased by her friend’s urging, since they were both shy when it came to such decisions.