Page 125 of Saving Her

Eventually, that fear subsided though, and I was able to go out and have a good time without looking over my shoulder every minute.

So, I knew that I needed to give Johnathan time. That was the only way he was ever going to make any progress.

I decided to adopt the idea of, it was meant to be, it would be, when it was meant to be; not a second sooner.

Destiny was another thing I knew, mostly because of Kasandra, that you couldn’t force, or run from.

However, when we finally reached the station, I thought it was strange that no one was there.

The building looked more like a lodge than a ranger station, with the attributes of the outside reminding me of the cabin.

I hoped that was a sign that it was another safe space.

Although, the way that it was looking, there wasn’t anyone else around out here. The chimney was unlit and there were no lights on inside the building.

Johnathan and I looked around for a vehicle and knocked on the door, to no avail.

“Hmmmm,” I offered, looking back at Johnathan as he peered inside a window, “Well, I’m here and I’ll be safe. I can handle myself…You don’t have to stay, if you don’t want to.”

“Are you kidding? There’s no one here…” he snickered, “You know Jake won’t let me leave.

“Are you sure? I’ll be okay.”

“Positive…” he answered, knocking on the door one last time before entering.

At the sight of benches, I realized how exhausted I was and imped over to one where I could sit down and prop my leg up. The lights were on and it looked like someone was here at some point, recently, judging by the half-drank coffee on the desk, which was scattered with papers.

Across from the desk, there was a radio, which Johnathan used to call the rangers.

There was static at first, after his initial call, but eventually, a man’s voice comes over the radio, informing Johnathan that they are perfectly safe in the station, but it would be a few hours before they can get a vehicle up to them. Apparently, there was a mud slide that affected an area a little further down the mountain and they were having trouble getting trucks across even to clear it.

Johnathan thanked them and told them that we would be here whenever they could get there.

Afterward, he started to look through the shelves, grabbing snacks and water bottles. He tossed two bottles and a couple of bags of chips in my direction. I downed the first bottle before he even had a chance to speak.

“I know this isn’t the best first meal, but it’ll keep you alive until help arrives.”

“This is fine!” I exclaimed, digging into the first bag of chips. “At this point, this bench is starting to look appetizing,” I joked, as Johnathan poured some water into a bowl for Jake and gave him some of the chips, before sitting next to me.

The closeness I felt as his arm brushed against me was strangely comforting. I grinned at him and scooted closer.

We enjoyed our chips and water, ravenously, as though it was the best food we had ever tasted.

After barely eating the past few days, though, anything would’ve been a godsend.

Once we had our fill of the junk food, Jonathan asked, “Do you want me to look at your ankle? I’m sure we can find a First Aid Kit around here somewhere. I can splint it properly.”

I shook my head in agreement and offered my leg to him.

Carefully, Johnathan peeled my pant leg back, to reveal a swollen ankle.

“Damn,” he admitted, “I’m glad you were able to make it here.”

“Is it that bad?” I demanded raising my head up to get a better look.

“I’m not sure exactly how bad it was, but the trek we took certainly didn’t help it,” he pressed against it with a small amount of pressure.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed, when it started to hurt.