Page 67 of Saving Her

What made it even worse, was that as I observed the sleeping woman, I felt a twinge of something that I hadn’t thought I was capable of.

I felt, attracted to her. She had beautiful blond hair, clear skin and a gorgeous physique, so the thought that she was beautiful, didn’t bother me all that much.

What bothered me, was from the moment I saw her in the light, after I had done all I could to make sure she was going to be okay, I wanted her.

I didn’t even know this woman’s name, but I already felt a connection to her.

I tried to think of a million reasons why; perhaps I knew her or maybe she looked like an ex-girlfriend, but for as much as I wracked my brain, I couldn’t figure it out.

Oh well, I thought, I guess I’m just going to have to wait until she wakes up…

Chapter 3:


Upon waking up, the first thing I noticed was that my head ached. The second thing I noticed was that my ankle was pulsing with sharp, annoying pain. It felt as though it was inflamed and when I tried to move it, something stopped it.

I panicked.

I had no idea why I was afraid, or what had happened to put me in this position, but I knew that the last thing I remembered was being terrified.

Don’t open your eyes… I thought to myself as I tried to clarify the reason. My heart was thumping h

ard in my chest and my head was aching.

Carefully, trying to act as though I was still asleep, I tried to move my arms. There didn’t seem to be anything inhibiting them. I tried to move my other leg. It too wasn’t barred in any way.

I took a deep breath and opened one eye. I braved a look at myself, to find that I was in a bed.

With a bout of fear overcoming me, I quickly shut my eyes again, though I still couldn’t figure out what it was that was making me so scared.

It was obvious that something wasn’t right. I knew that there was a reason I should be cautious, but I still couldn’t pinpoint what it was. I couldn’t remember what happened, but I was certain that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be.

Yet, something told me that was probably a good thing.

I tried to remember what had happened the night, or even a few days before waking up here but thinking hurt my head more, so I gave up.

I was still so tired…

I yawned and settled deeper into what I presumed was a pillow, clearing my mind so that I could settle back into slumber.

While I didn’t particularly want to sleep, since part of me continued to warn that I was in danger, I was still so tired that I convinced myself that if I was in danger, I should probably pretend to be asleep anyway. My current position didn’t seem to be drawing any danger too me, and at least while I as sleeping, I wasn’t in pain.

I must have drifted off again eventually, because I went through a similar experience when I woke up again.

While I still couldn’t remember anything about what had happened or why I was here, my headache had receded slightly and the throbbing in my ankle had settled.

For the first time, I chanced a look around at my actual surroundings. Immediately, I noticed that there was a fire crackling in an old stone fireplace, which was the only source of heat and light.

I continued to glance around and quickly determined that I was in a one-room fishing cabin. It looked old but secure and strangely comforting.

However, I felt my heart skip a beat when my eyes focused on a rocking chair, sitting in the corner, facing the fire, with a silhouette of a man clearly visible.

“Who are you? What do you want?” I demanded, without thinking it through all that much, which seemed to stir the man, who was previously paying little attention to me.

“Oh,” he answered quickly, his head turning and his eyes settling on me, “You’re awake. Good.”

I couldn’t see his face, but his voice was completely unfamiliar.