Page 313 of Saving Her

“Yeah, sure. I’m starving.”



The days started to run into the nights as we ate at the office, going home to sleep. Mom always kept some dinner in the fridge in case we were hungry when we got home, just like she did for Dad. I still took her out to dinner on Sundays, making a point of leaving early to do so. Brandon joined me, and we made a good night of it, seeing that she needed us to be around. It also gave us a break.

I had Brandon take Mom home, getting away to see Nina. We’d met a few months ago, at a bar with friends and hit it off, spending the night together. I was at home every night for I don’t know how long and I needed some release.

I thought about Cecile and Veronica as I parked on the curb. I missed having a woman around the office, and I got out of the car, and I mulled over Brandon’s suggestion. Another assistant. We could use the help, and I could use the sex since I was twenty-two and not fifty. It was slammed right now, and we could use another warm body, but there was no time for an interview.

I knocked on the door and grinned as the pretty raven-haired woman opened it. “Brent, I’m so glad that you came.”

“Hello, beautiful,” I greeted her, stepping inside, and closing the door behind me. The brownstone was lit up by strings of Christmas lights and I glanced around as she pressed her body against mine. “Miss me?”

Her lips against mine were my answer, and I pulled her closer. We had a great thing going as little as we saw each other, and I lifted her up to carry her back to the bedroom. I suppose we were getting right to the point. I dropped her onto her bed and moved to kiss her, slipping a hand up her thigh. Nina was gorgeous and willing as she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped if from my body.

We were naked within moments after several deep, long kisses and I moved down to her hard nipples to suck one into my mouth. My cock was straining towards her as she arched her back and spread her legs for me. “Fuck me, Brent.”

I cocked my head at her as she reached for the box on the nightstand. I sheathed my cock and slid inside of her, groaning at the tight feel of her body around me. Her green eyes shimmered as she looked at me, inviting me to go harder as I dropped over her mouth and kissed her. The release felt fucking fantastic as I jerked inside of her with it as she flooded me with her warmth. “I needed that.”

“You’re working too hard, baby. Why don’t you just pay someone to run the place?” She asked as I frowned.

“I have managers that could run it, but it’s my Dad’s business. He wanted it to stay in the family.” Nadine watched as I rolled beside her and propped myself up on one arm. “I like working there.”

“You used to party, Brent.” I saw the look in her eyes, seeing the woman that didn’t work or earn a dime of her money. She was hot as hell and easy to get along with, but she didn’t understand who I was. She didn’t know me.

“I did, but I was forced to grow up.” Most of the families in my social circle weren’t close to one another, so a lot of the people that I hung out with didn’t know my father the way that I did. Some of their parents did, but my close friends are the ones that spent valuable time with us. They knew the man that I missed and worked hard for, but most of the women didn’t.

I stayed until the early morning pleasing her since she was beautiful and I was a man, a young man. I needed to take care of my needs, but I knew that I wouldn’t end up with Nina. I wouldn’t end up staying with her or anybody like her, but I could fuck her. I left and went home, finding the house dark as I walked up to my room. It looked like everyone was home and I took in the feel of the place for a moment as I started up the stairs, pausing for a moment.

I thought about Cecile and Veronica, who were beautiful women that were involved with my job. They understood the office, and we managed to mix it up, and I wondered what the chances are we would have of getting another good worker. Hell, I wondered if I’d find a woman that could handle my work schedule, assuming I ever wanted a woman.

It would have to wait, whatever the case. I had a lot of work to do. I looked around the house, remembering how hard Dad worked for all of this. He was lucky that he had Mom, who understood his schedule and worked with it.

In the morning, on the way to work, I felt Brandon’s eyes on me. “So, how’s Nina?” He asked as I stopped at a light and sipped my coffee.

“She’s fine. Hot as always, but I realized something.” I took off, and he leaned back in the seat.

“What’s that?” Brandon sounded amused as he pressed me for more information.

“She doesn’t get it. None of those girls do.” I looked at him as I stopped at another light. “They don’t work and never have.”

“We were that way once, Brent. We partied the day away as well as the nights. No responsibilities at all.” He shrugged. “This is a new thing to us, as much as it is our…friends.”

“Yeah, I just saw it a different way last night. Maybe all of these hours are making me crazy or something.” I pulled into the garage and parked, stepping out of the car as he opened his door.

“I think we’ll both be in a padded room come January,” Brandon clapped me on the shoulder, making me laugh.

We had another long day, but it was good. I was growing to enjoy working over the empty life that we were living before, finding it interesting that he built this from nothing. I got a close look at his work over the years through paperwork and the computer. I got a look at the steps that failed and the ones that worked, hearing stories about Dad from everybody. We had Mom taking care of the party and only had to show up, finding the bar ready and the restaurant looking great. I grinned and looked at the staff that was gathering around the bar, laughing, and talking as I glanced at Brandon. We walked in to join them, smiling at Mom as she came in from the kitchen in a bright green dress. She was always at these events, and I was happy to see her since I wa

sn’t sure that she’d come.

The buffet was soon ready for all of us, and we lined up to fill our plates with the Mediterranean and American food before taking seats at the tables set up around the room. I joined Mom, seeing the blush to her cheeks as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “They’re all so kind. They gave me presents and told me how sorry they were…they did that at the church already.”

“Mom, this is your company as much as it was his. You worked hard back in the beginning too, with the books and taking care of these parties. They all love you.” She smiled and nodded, wiping her cheeks.

“Remember when they used to call you Mom and then their kids called you Grandma, making us jealous?” Brandon laughed as she nodded. “Then Ash became that to them. It’s a circle, Mom. We’re going to keep this extended family just that, a family.”