Page 310 of Saving Her

Her pussy was wet, and I stroked her as Veronica struggled to keep herself in control. She kept typing though I doubt any of it made sense, just playing the part. I knew that she was close by the way she moved just a bit, plunging a finger inside of her as everyone in the room laughed. That was the moment she burst, covering her face with her hand as she forced out a gruff laugh to hide it.

It was perfect timing. She got to enjoy herself without too much attention, and the meeting went on. Veronica sipped her water in slow sips, as I drew my finger out of her and rubbed her trembling thigh.

The meeting ended, and we had the next day and a half to tour the city. Veronica walked out of the room as I slipped into the restroom to taste her behind the door of the stall, washing my hands after to meet her and Brent. “You’re a son of a bitch,” she hissed at me as I stopped in front of them. “What was that?”

“You liked it,” I told her as she blushed and stared at Brent.


re right, but we were in a meeting. Save it for the room,” Veronica’s voice was low as Brent led the way to the rental car, pulling the keys out of his pocket.

“Where to?” Brent asked as he looked at us.

“Disneyland?” Veronica asked as I laughed. “Seriously. It’s not that far.”

“We would have a few hours to stay there,” Brent said thoughtfully as he looked at me.

“I can have my friends meet us for dinner. I’m so excited!” Veronica said as she slipped her bag over her body. She stepped closer to me and smiled into my eyes. “There’s a lot of dark rides there, you dirty boy.”

We jumped into the car and Brent headed to Anaheim, waiting in the line of cars to park and then the line for the tram. The park wasn’t too crowded, and we made our way around, getting on the rides in a timely manner as we laughed and talked. There was no open affection between us at all, just a comfortable relationship. Veronica insisted on going on everything and loved every moment of it. She let Brent have a turn at her in Hyperspace Mountain as we raced through the dark, her screams echoing through the room.

It was dark when we met her friends at a restaurant in a shopping area nearby. They were a lot like her, bubbly and loud and I looked on as I sipped the beer that I’d ordered. The place that she chose had animals set up around the room, fake ones that would come to life every so often. We were near the elephant, and it made me laugh as the kids around us went crazy over it.

Veronica sat with the two girls, laughing as they sipped drinks and chatted about the day. I saw the way that they were looking at Brent and me as he cast me a smirk as we ate our food and looked around. We weren’t as well-known here, which was nice. We could walk around without being recognized, and though we did catch a lot of eyes, it was just admiration. It was easy and fun.

We went back into the park to see the parades and fireworks, with the two girls joining us. Veronica dragged us on her favorite rides all over again, slipping her tongue between lips when her friends decided to sit out.

After we had been done at the park, Veronica hugged her friends goodbye, and we headed back to the hotel. She walked into my bathroom and eyed the tub as she slipped her dress off. “I need a soak. Anyone want to join me?” She looked over her shoulder as she started to run some hot water, looking back into the big tub.

“Why not?” I asked as I lifted my shirt over my head. Veronica dumped some lavender into the running water, giggling as bubbles rose to the surface. Brent got us each some water before the three of us slipped into the bath with Veronica between us. She twisted her hair up and draped her legs over us as we whispered about today, deciding what to do tomorrow.

It was a long night as we enjoyed the last time we’d spend the night together for a while, using her in every way possible as she begged us to go harder, deeper. Veronica was insatiable tonight, and we finally wore her out, watching her pass out naked before us. She was going to be sore tomorrow but had shown us in the past that she didn’t care. Every moment that she lived life the way that she wanted to was worth all the sacrifices.

We had breakfast on the beach in the morning, looking over the waves as we ate slowly. Our flight was at noon, and we made the drive to the airport after a walk, boarding together this time. Veronica passed out in her seat once we were in the air, with Brent following soon after. I sat back and looked out of the window, playing back everything that happened with a smile on my face.

We landed that evening and caught cabs to our homes, with Veronica looking longingly at us as she slipped into hers alone.

“That was a hot, fucking weekend,” I told Brent as he nodded in agreement. Mom and Ashley were waiting with dinner and asked us all about the trip, laughing when they found out that we went to Disneyland. We took our bags to our rooms, unpacking as we talked through our open doors about the tamer parts of the trip. It was back to work tomorrow, and I dropped into bed around midnight to get enough sleep.

I missed the hotel room. I missed having her warm skin against mine, making me wonder if Brent was currently thinking the same thing. I drifted off to sleep with the memories playing through my mind like a movie.



The alarm sounded in the morning, bringing me back to reality. I rolled over on my side to hit snooze as I thought back to the dream that I was having. I slept a bit longer before rising to shower, dressing in a suit before I went for coffee. Brandon was down there looking about as enthusiastic as I felt about it being the morning as he sipped from the travel cup with weary eyes. “Ready for this?” I asked as he shrugged. “A lot of it will be meetings with the managers about what we learned. Dad always used to grumble about that.” I chuckled at the memory, suddenly feeling like a little kid doing a grown-up job.

Dad would go to the conference to learn. Sure, he’d have dinner and a little fun along the way, but he never plowed a woman in the hotel room. I didn’t want to think about the times that Mom went with him, focusing on the fact that he was faithful. I wasn’t acting unfaithful towards anybody, and neither was Brandon, but it was a far cry from when Dad was alive.

We left for the office quietly, making the short drive and parking in the garage. Everyone asked about the meeting as we walked in, and I forced an enthusiastic smile on my face. We agreed to a meeting at nine, once I had the notes as well as the time to make sure that everything was logical. Veronica agreed to bring the tablet in, and I sipped coffee as I let the computer warm up and looked over the city.

“She’s not here yet,” Brandon spoke, and I looked up at him. “She has the tablet.”

I walked towards the computer with a frown on my face, seeing a text on my phone.

V: I am sick with some kind of stomach virus. I won’t be in, but I emailed you all my notes.

I thanked her and checked the business email, pulling up the document and reading through it. She did an excellent job, and I could actually make sense of the things that she was trying to say in the second meeting. I did have to fix a few things but it made sense, and I printed out copies for the meeting as Brandon read over her text. “Think she’s okay?”