Page 296 of Saving Her

“I like Ava,” he said. “That’s nice, and Nicole is great, too. I’ve always liked Brant, Preston, or Nicolas for boys’ names. They always seemed to be really nice guys with their heads on their shoulders.”

“I really like Nicolas,” I said. “That was my great grandfather’s name.”

“How about Elva?”

“Oh, God, no.” I laughed, thinking about that guy that Lindsey set me up with. “That is a disaster waiting to happen. You might as well name him Brock if it’s a boy. He will be a jock with a big head.”

He laughed and choked on his coffee. “My dad wanted to name me Brock, but my mom wouldn’t have it.”

“That is because she is apparently a very smart lady,” I said. “I don’t think I could have taken you seriously if Brock was your name.”

“That’s because I would probably drool on myself.” He laughed.

“I really think that Ava or Nicolas could be our winners,” I said, smiling. “I thought it would be really hard to pick out names, but it seems that we are on the same page as usual. Well, except for the whole Elva thing, but I’ll pretend that you never said that.”

“I appreciate it.” He laughed. “And I agree. Ava if it is a girl, and Nicolas if it is a boy.”

“Well, now that that’s settled,” I said, laughing. “God, I am starving. I want to eat everything on their menu.”

“You are the most adorable pregnant person,” he said, smiling.

“You can’t even tell I’m pregnant yet,” I said, pouting.

“They can’t, but I know, and I think it is so adorable,” he said. “I might have to just keep you pregnant.”

“Oh, God, please don’t,” I said, swallowing a gulp of water. “So, have you thought about whether you want a boy or a girl?”

“A boy, of course,” he scoffed. “I want to teach him all about life, show him how to make things, and do whatever normal little boys do. Of course, I want him to make his own choices, too. I don’t expect him to take over the company, but he can if he wants to.”

“What if it’s a girl? Can she take over the company?”

“Of course,” he said. “But it’ll be a boy. What about you? Do you want a boy or a girl?”

I sat there imagining my life in both scenarios, both as a mother to a little girl and the mother to a little boy. It was the first time I had really thought about it. I wasn’t sure what I was hoping for, and then, I imagined brushing my daughter’s hair, watching her snuggle up to her daddy, and making a life with her.

“I think I am hoping for a little girl,” I said. “You can have daddy/daughter tea parties, and I can braid her hair.”

“But I don’t know anything about girls,” he said, pouting. “I know a little about women, but what I know won’t be any help when raising one. On top of that, I know how guys think, and I’m likely to push her into being a nun.”

“That’s so silly.” I laughed. “If she is anything like me, she would never survive as a nun. She would be way too defiant and mouthy.”

“This is very true,” he said with wide eyes. “We should just have two. One of each.”

“With your luck, it would be two daughters.” I laughed, watching the waiter set our food down in front of us.

“You are more than right about that,” he said, shaking his head. “I would be surrounded by women all day long.”

“In reality, I don’t really care whether it’s a boy or girl, as long as it is healthy and happy,” I said, smiling before shoving a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

“I agree, but I hope it inherits my eating manners.” He laughed, making fun of me.

“I’m very mannerly,” I said with a full mouth.

“I see this,” he said, laughing. “I just want us to be a happy family, and I would be super blessed if I had a little girl that was as amazing as her mom. My life will be complete either way.”

“And I feel the same about you,” I said. “This baby, if it is anything like you, will be one of the best men I know. I feel so lucky that you are part of my life and that I can count on you being an amazing father.”

“I’m going to do my best,” he said, smiling.