Page 281 of Saving Her

“I have this guy that with a little convincing—you know what I mean—I got to create me a fake marriage document.” she laughed. “Jake Johnson was playing in the background when I fucked him, so I made the groom’s name Jake Johnston. Cute, isn’t it? Then, I just simply hand-delivered it to John, putting on my most concerned face and explaining to him what I found. The idiot took the bait right away.”

My mouth flew open, and I froze, unable to speak or move. The anger coursing through me turned to rage, and tears began to fall down my cheeks. I stared over at Sarah, who was standing there, laughing to herself, still going on about how easy it was to completely sabotage my entire life. She was the reason Nathan wouldn’t talk to me. She was the reason I was facing a life as a single mother. She was the reason my child would never know its father. I couldn’t even believe that someone could be that evil in their intentions.

“What did I ever do to you?” I screamed at her. “I don’t deserve this.”

“You are a smug bitch who stole my sister away from me,” she said. “You don’t deserve a man like Nathan because you are nothing but a disgusting bitch.”

“Sarah,” Lindsey gasped, walking up to her and grabbing her by the shoulders. “How could you do something like this? You weren’t raised to be this way. I can’t believe you. Amanda is an amazing woman with a big heart, and you have gone out of your way to ruin her life.”

“This is the problem,” Sarah said. “You always take her side. You don’t deserve the life you have, either, but I won’t touch you. I do have some sort of morals. Just know you are disgusting as she is.”

I stood there staring at Lindsey, looking her sister in the face. Before I could even speak, she had balled her fist up, reached back, and punched Sarah right in the face. I covered my mouth and looked over as the ladies in the front gasped.

“You are no longer welcome at my wedding,” Lindsey said. “Now get out, you bitch.”

“Ladies,” the sales clerk yelled. “You are all going to have to leave.”

“Of course,” Lindsey said, straightening up. “My apologies. Let me get dressed, and I’ll pay you for the gown.”

Sarah watched Lindsey storm off to the back to get dressed as the other women scurried around, collecting her dress and staring at us. When Lindsey had disappeared around the corner, Sarah wiped the blood from the edge of her lip and looked over at me angrily. I crossed my arms over my chest and held my ground firmly.

“You are going to pay for this,” she said angrily before storming out.

Lindsey came back and took my hand, pulling me, stunned, over to the counter. She paid for her dress and alterations, adding twenty percent for the disturbance she had caused. She took the dress and pulled me out of the store. I couldn’t even say a word. I was just too stunned to speak.

We waited on the side of the street until her driver pulled up, taking the dress and helping us both into the car. As soon as the doors shut, I burst into tears, not knowing what else to do. Lindsey grabbed the box of tissues and passed them to me, letting out a deep breath and shaking her head.

“I’m so sorry for this, Amanda,” she said. “You don’t deserve any of this.”

“I’m so sorry for ruining your wedding,” I said, sobbing. “You had to kick your own sister out of it.”

“Don’t you apologize for that,” she said, scooting over next to me. “That is her fault. She is the one who got herself kicked out of the wedding.”

“You punched her in the face,” I cried.

“Yes, I did,” she said proudly. “And it felt damn good.”

“Really?” I sniffled and looked up at her. “It was pretty bad ass, and I’m jealous that I didn’t get to do it.”

I giggled slightly, taking in a deep breath and leaning my head back against the seat. Lindsey laughed too and sat there until the car fell silent again. Everything that Nathan had said to me now made so much sense. If he hadn’t gotten that fake marriage document, it wouldn’t have looked strange at all that I was researching my clinic. Nothing would have looked out of the ordinary if it weren’t for Sarah and her big mouth. Of all the people in the world for John to be screwing, he had to pick the craziest bitch in LA.

“I’m going to fix this,” Lindsey said. “We know the truth now. We know why he would think all of these things. I am going to talk to him and explain what happened.”

“I don’t know if he will listen at this point,” I said.

“He will have to listen to me,” she said proudly. “I will not let my best friend’s life, and the life of her child, be completely ruined because of some evil bitch. Trust me. It will all get taken care of.”

I really hoped that she was right.

Chapter 18


Fridays no longer held the appeal to me that they used to. It was no longer a day that I felt relaxed and ready to start the weekend. It was no longer a day that gave me excitement because I was going to get to spend the weekend with the woman that I loved. It was just another day, one that meant the liquor stores would be restocked, and I could pick up my favorite whiskey before going home and drowning myself in my living room.

After the whole thing at the pub, I figured it was better if I just stayed inside, alone, drinking in peace and quiet. I was tired of hearing John’s voice trying to pull me out of the funk that I was perfectly happy being in. He didn’t get it. I was done with women, and the marks that Amanda left would stay there forever. I leaned back in my chair for a moment and then shot forward, startled as the door flew open. My secretary was chasing Lindsey into the room.

“Mr. Robertson, I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer,” my secretary said.