Page 279 of Saving Her

“Well then, I better fill it back up,” I said. “If I’m going to be blind, I better do it with a whole lot of alcohol in my system.”

“I don’t understand,” John said, shaking his head. “You weren’t like this with your ex.”

“She wasn’t Amanda,” I said.

“She might as well have been,” he scoffed. “She roped you in just like this girl did, and the whole time was planning to use you for everything you had. You deserve better than that, man. I just can’t wrap my head around why you are so hung up on this girl.”

“Well, I am,” I said. “And I don’t know what to say to you to make you understand it any better. I’m sorry that you have never met a woman that did to you what she did to me, before the revelation. I wish that I could take what was in my head and give it to you. Trust me. I don’t want to feel like this, but I can’t help it. It hits me when I first wake up in the morning, all through the day, and stays with me until I fall asleep at night.”

“You mean pass out drunk at night.” John chuckled. “You are going to drink your liver away, man. You are rolling through this pile of shit that life has handed to you. You need to get up, shower off, and grab yourself by the balls. This is not like you at all, and if you want to keep going in life, you have to do something to fix yourself.”

“I loved her,” I said, turning to him. “Like really loved her. I loved her the first moment I saw her. I loved her hair, her smell, her laugh, the way she moved her hips, and everything else about her. I loved her flaws and thought they made her that more human. It was the one time I have ever felt completely comfortable being myself, finding someone that accepted everything about me without ever batting an eyelash.”

“Of course, she did,” he said. “She wanted your billions.”

“What’s so bad about using my money to open a clinic?”

“Are you kidding me?” he asked. “It’s bad because she was exchanging her pussy for money. She was no better than some Hollywood Boulevard hooker, only they are way cheaper, and they don’t lie to your motherfucking face.”

“She’s a lying, fucking gold digger like every other woman on this planet,” I mumbled. “I didn’t even see it coming, either. I am such a moron.”

“You are not the first man to have this happen to him,” John said, sipping his beer. “And you won’t be the last. The most important thing is that you get your mind straight and not let it happen to you ever again. Let some other poor schmuck get played. You focus on the prize, and get out there, play the game, and eventually, you will meet a woman that loves you for you and not because you have billion

s in the bank account.”

“Yeah, right,” I scoffed. “That will always be a selling point for women. The stability life brings when you marry someone for money. It’s like it’s fucking bred into these broads to find a man and check his account balance first. I just don’t fucking get it. What happened to the romance of it all? I’m done with women, the whole lot of them. They can go find some other asshole to schmooze. I’ll never trust another woman as long as I live.”

“You said that before, and look where you are now.” He chuckled. “What you need is a nice, sweet, little chick to suck your cock. You need to fuck some girl until you collapse, and then wake up the next day, hit the gym, and get back to normal. That first fuck after a break up is always the cure. You know that. There are a ton of women in this bar tonight that would take you home and ride you until the sun came up. This is why I brought you here, man. Take advantage of the plethora of ass that is constantly throwing itself at you. Don’t be a fucking pussy.”

“No, man,” I said, shaking my head and swaying in my chair. “I’m telling you, I don’t want anything to do with any of them ever again. They are nothing but trouble, and they are distractions that I don’t need in my life. Fucking look at me. I’m sitting here drunk as fuck, wallowing in self-pity, and all because of a fucking girl.”

“She really did have you hooked,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve wondered what kind of magic pussy she had this entire time.”

“A fucking super magical pussy,” I slurred. “It was so tight and so perfect. But fuck her. She ruined me for all the other women. I am throwing in the towel. I don’t want to live like this ever again, and the only way to ensure that is to stay the hell away from all of them.”

“You are being stupid.” John laughed. “You’re fucking thirty-one years old. You’re handsome, rich, and have a great personality. Well, at least when you aren’t balls deep in whiskey. You could get all the women you want with just a flash of the debonair smile of yours. You aren’t done with women forever. Just for now. Besides, what would you do to pass the time without hunting down a girl or two with me?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe read a book, take a trip, or do anything else than being posted up at this shithole, staring out over this sea of idiots.”

“Man, calm down,” John said, ducking his head slightly.

“No, fuck you,” I slurred, standing up from my chair and almost knocking it over. “You ruined everything with your fucking Sherlock Holmes complex. I don’t want any of these stupid bitches. I want Amanda. She broke my fucking heart, dude.”

“Alright,” John said, putting his hand on my chest. “Calm down, bro. Everyone is staring at you.”

“I don’t give a shit about them,” I said, looking up at the faces staring over at me. “Fuck you guys. I’m out of here.”

I threw a couple of hundreds down on the bar to make sure the bartender was taken care of and stuck my wallet back in my pocket. I shook my head at John as I slammed my last shot and wobbled toward the door, putting my hand up and catching myself on the doorframe. The bouncer caught me under the arm and helped me outside.

“You need a cab, Mr. Robertson?” he asked.

“No,” I said, patting the large man on the chest. “That’s my car right there.”

I got in the car, and the driver peered at me through the rearview mirror. I told him to take me home and pressed my forehead against the cool glass. The world was spinning around me, and all I could hear was Amanda’s voice giggling in the background. When we pulled up at the house, the driver helped me up on the curb, and I told him I could take it from there. I got to the front door and leaned over the railing, hurling the contents of my stomach into the bushes.

The house was quiet and empty, and I could barely put one foot in front of the other. I just needed to pass out and start over again the next day. I reached my bed and fell face first into the pillow, still wearing my clothes. I was done for.

Chapter 17