Page 267 of Saving Her

“Oh, look, she found a new boyfriend for me to fuck,” she said, throwing her head back and laughing. “Good luck with this one.”

I gripped tightly to Nathan’s hand, and he cringed. I looked up at him with angry tears in my eyes, not knowing what to say. He had heard what she said, but she had no idea who she was. Nathan turned toward me and looked down into my eyes.

“I don’t know what is going on, but let’s find another place, okay?”

I nodded my head, totally not wanting to fight him on this. Either I left, or I would explode on her, and I didn’t want to lose my cool, especially in front of Nathan. I didn’t care about my ex, but I cared that Sarah was such a bitch. How dare she make a snide comment like that to me? She was the whore in this situation.

I let Nathan pull me out of the restaurant, turning away as we passed Sarah. Once out on the sidewalk, he kept walking, taking me down the block and to a park down the street. I sat down on the bench and took in a deep breath. Nathan sat across from me, patiently waiting for me to talk to him. I felt like an asshole, allowing myself to get so irritated and upset over Sarah. It was a good thing I saw her for the first time again tonight, and not at the wedding. I would have had an issue getting away from her there, and I didn’t want to make a scene in front of everyone at Lindsey’s wedding.

“That’s one of the women that my ex cheated with,” I said, trying to get through the emotions. “That’s Sarah, the one I told you about. She knew I was in a relationship with him and slept with him anyway, just to spite me. She has always had it out for me for years. I don’t understand what I ever did to her, but she just doesn’t like me.”

“Oh,” Nathan said, shaking his head. “I figured it was something like that. I heard what she said, and I want you to know, I am not a cheater. I would never in a million years’ cheat on you, no matter what, and definitely not with a nasty woman like her. I could tell just by looking at her that she had no self-respect whatsoever. I don’t want that to be a worry in your mind. I know that’s easier said than done after having your last boyfriend betray you like that, but I want you to know that I won’t hurt you like that.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I was just thinking about how I trust you already. I don’t have any fears with you.”

“Good,” he said, scooting around to my side and wrapping his arms around me. “That girl looked really familiar. Tell me who she is again.”

“She probably looks familiar because she is Lindsey’s little sister,” I said. “They are like twins, only Sarah is a bit younger than Lindsey. If you know Lindsey, then Sarah will definitely look familiar.”

“I’m sure that’s it,” he said. “And now I get it. She is Lindsey’s little sister, the one you told me slept with you ex. Okay. And she’s going to be at the wedding?”

“Yeah,” I said. “And she will probably try to be the center of attention. She will most definitely hit on you, too, now that she knows we are together.”

“She might not want to try me,” he said. “You may want to keep the peace, but I will embarrass the hell out of her in front of everyone. I give no shits.”

“You’re silly,” I said, hugging him. “But I appreciate your support. It really means a lot to me to have you there and understanding that this is something that is really sensitive to me. It’s not about my ex. I don’t give a shit about him. It’s about her and what she did.”

“I don’t blame you at all,” he said. “She has known you her whole life. It is really messed up that she would go and do something like that to you. I don’t know anyone in my l

ife that would betray me like that. There is something wrong with her if she thinks that kind of behavior is acceptable. Are you going to tell Lindsey what she said?

“Maybe after the wedding,” I said. “I don’t want to upset her or cause any turmoil before her big day. I want her to have an amazing wedding and be happy and joyful, not worry about whether a cat fight is going to break out on the dance floor.”

“You’d win if it did,” he said, chuckling. “Just go for the hair and then straddle her and smack her around a bit. I’ll bring the camera and get it on tape. I’m sure we could make some serious dough off of that.”

“Shut up,” I said, laughing and slapping him on the chest. “Besides, that would only work if we were naked. Nobody will buy a regular cat fight.”

“Just let a nip slip or something,” he said, laughing.

I dried my eyes and laughed hard, feeling the stress rise up off my shoulders. I felt better just being next to Nathan, but having him there to talk to was even more comforting. I was leaning on him, and I had never done that with any man in my life. He was there for me, and I was okay with that, feeling like I could give him my problems and let him help me sort them out. There was a connection there that went beyond sex or love, and it was pretty intense. I knew that seeing Sarah had made me emotional, but this was something different. I breathed deeply, not wanting to think too much about it.

“Why don’t we try this again and go get some food somewhere?”

“I like that idea,” he said. “I was starting to think about eating out of the park trashcan, I’m so hungry.”

“You are gross,” I said, standing up and shaking my head.

“Oh yeah?”

He stood up and started chasing after me, growling as I ran away. I giggled loudly, shrieking as he caught me in his arms and turned me toward him. I looked deep in his eyes and smiled, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. He was exactly what I needed.

Chapter 10


It was only Tuesday, but I felt like I was going insane not having Amanda by my side. I had just seen her on Sunday, and now, I was sitting at work with her running through my mind. I had texted her several times that day, sending cute messages back and forth, but it just wasn’t enough for me. I had never been this wrapped up in a girl before, and I was starting to feel the repercussions from it. Even when I was with my ex, I didn’t crave to be with her, to see her, to touch her, but with Amanda, I did all the damn time. I wondered if this was how Jordan felt about Lindsey because if it was, I needed some pointers on how to function in day to day life.

Spending time with Amanda had become my favorite thing to do. I was always thinking about ways to see her sooner. It was an interesting feeling to be that close to someone, that attached to someone, even though I’d only known her a short while. It felt like we had forever to get to know one another, and instead of that being a daunting thought, I was excited about the prospect. I didn’t give a shit about giving up my dating life or spending my free time with her instead of out with the boys. I wanted to plan my days around our meetings. Lying in bed, talking all night long, and making love whenever we wanted to. You would think as the owner of a major corporation, I would be able to do those things, but instead, I was sitting in a meeting at work, not listening to anything they had to say.