Page 263 of Saving Her

“There has been some sort of security breach at the company,” I said. “I have to get over there and make sure it’s stopped. These things are pretty serious when it comes to the company and our projects.”

“I’m sure,” she said, looking up at the sound of my driver honking.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”

I leaned in and gave her a long, deep kiss before standing up and heading for the door. I turned back for just a minute and smiled at her before walking out and shutting the door behind me. Once I was outside, I sprinted for the car and jumped inside, instructing the driver to step on it. This was a serious thing, something that could completely take us off the market for an entire quarter. We had serious steps in place to avoid these types of things, so whoever hacked in was either lucky or really experienced. When I got there, John, Jordan, and half the IT department were standing around different computers, looking at the system.

“Hey, we think we have him stalled,” John said as I pulled a chair up to the main computer and began looking through the system.

We worked for several hours, finally picking up the hacker’s signal and running a trace. Turned out, it was some kid in Idaho playing around with hacking like it was a game. He got lucky and got into the mainframe, but once he was there, he had no idea what he was doing. He was doing little bullshit things like changing some names and highlighting certain things in accounting. He obviously had no idea what he was looking at, or what to do once he was inside. I handed the computer over to Jordan and his team to start cleaning up and went into my office to call the proper authorities. We worked closely with the FBI’s hacker unit, so I gave my contact a call and let them know what happened. Luckily, there was no customer or employee information available on the level the hacker broke into. He was just surfing the regular system like most of our employees could do in the mail room.

“That was close,” John said, shaking his head as he leaned back in the chair. “We need to find the weak spot that he got in through and make sure that never happens again. If he had known what he was doing, he could have crippled us.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you tomorrow at the party.”

“Right on, buddy,” he said.

By the time I got home, it was really early in the morning, and I was dragging ass. Luckily, I didn’t need to be at the party until that evening. I got ready for bed and pulled my phone out to hook it up to the charger. It was the first time I looked at it since I left Amanda’s house. I noticed a missed text, so I pulled it open and smiled. Amanda had sent me a message shortly after I left her house.

“I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Thanks for listening to me ramble,” it read.

I sat down on the bed and reread the message probably ten times. I shut the phone off and hooked it up, feeling those same butterflies dancing around in my chest. As I turned the light off and settled into bed, I realized something. Those butterflies weren’t just excitement. They were much more than that. They were all too familiar, and although I hadn’t felt that way in a long time, I knew what it was. I was falling in love with Amanda, and I didn’t want the feeling to end.

Chapter 7


I smoothed the hair back on the side of my head. I had pinned one side of my hair up and let the other fall over the edge of my face. The curls bounced around my shoulders, and the makeup on my eyes shimmered against the satin of my dress. I ran my hands down the cool material, happy that I had picked that dress for the event. It was a spaghetti-strapped, satin gown that flowed down over my curves to the floor. The back dipped down low until it reached just above my ass. I knew I was going to stun Nathan with the thing. It was a good thing that I was ready early, too, because as I slipped my earrings on, I could hear the sound of the doorbell.

I smiled and pulled on my heels, walking out to the door and peering through the peephole. He looked nervous, and I found it absolutely adorable. I opened the door and whistled, staring at him in his Dior tuxedo, perfectly pressed, and fitted just right around his tight body. I was a lucky girl to get to go to this party with such a handsome man. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, shaking his head.

“You look absolutely stunning,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I’m early, but I missed you.”

“Aww,” I said, looking at him with love. “I missed you, too.”

“I got us a little surprise,” he said, pulling me in and kissing my neck.

“Oh, yeah? Do we have time for that?”

“Not right now.” He chuckled. “But later we will. I booked the presidential suite at the hotel where the party is being held. Whenever we are ready, we can just slip out the back and go right up to the lap of luxury.”

“I like the sound of that.” I giggled as he kissed me hard on the neck.

“For now, though,” he said. “We have to get going. They’re going to want to see me there before the huge crowd descends. Are you ready?”

“Let me just grab my bag,” I said, walking into the kitchen and yelling back at him. “You said this is for your shareholders?”

“Well, not exactly,” he said, smiling as I walked back toward him.

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t want you to be nervous, so I just told you that.” He laughed. “It’s actually the company’s anniversary party. We have one every year to mark when I first started the company. Everyone thinks it’s silly, but I think it’s super important. Everyone comes to work every day in this empire, but they seldom think about the company I started from a small shop in West LA, with no employees but me, Jordan, and John.”

“Oh,” I said, looking nervous. “So, there will be press and stuff?”

“A little,” he said. “What is even more important than the press is the fact that this night is dedicated to everyone that works for me, from the mail room to the Vice President. We take this night and honor the hardest workers in the company, give them bonuses, and remind them just ho

w important they are to the inner workings of the company. Employee morale is everything in this world, and I want to make sure they know how important they are to me.”