Page 255 of Saving Her

We sat down and ordered some salads and coffee, and I pulled out my notebook. We were finally getting to talk about all the details that I had been chasing her down about for months. We went through each page, laughing and checking off the choices that she had finally made. We were cutting everything close, but while I was extremely anxious about it, she seemed cool as a cucumber.

“We should have just b

rought everyone to Tahiti and eloped.” She sighed.

“Yes, you should have.” I laughed. “I could use a tan.”

“Me too,” she said, swallowing her bite of salad. “Did you decide whether you are going to bring a date or not?”

“No, probably not,” I said. “I’ll have too much to deal with as your Maid of Honor to watch over a date, too.”

“You make your title sound like you’re my nanny.” She giggled.

“Am I not?” I asked. “No, I just want to make sure everything is perfect and that you don’t have to worry about a thing. That is my job as your Maid of Honor.”

She went on gushing about the dresses that had come in a couple of weeks before, thanking me profusely for talking her out of floral print. My mind wandered as she spoke, going back to the conversation Nathan and I had over breakfast. He really was an awesome person to be around, and I hadn’t been able to get him off my mind since we parted ways on Saturday morning.

“Uh, hello? Amanda, are you in there?”


“What’s up?” she asked. “You seem slightly distracted.”


“Duh.” She rolled her eyes.

“I met someone,” I said, realizing I had to get it out.

“Oh, my God, tell me everything,” she said, leaning forward.

“Well, after you canceled dinner, I moved to the bar and met this really hot guy,” I said. “We ate dinner, drank, talked a lot, and then we went back to my place.”

“Saucy,” she said, jiggling her eyebrows. “Who is he?”

“His name is Nathan Roberts, and he owns—”

“iTech,” she blurted out. “Holy cow. You had sex with Nathan Roberts? That is crazy. Jordan works for him in the IT department.”

“That’s who Jordan works for?”

“I told you that,” she said excitedly.

“No, you told me he was VP of technology for some big company,” I said, astounded. “That’s so crazy.”

“Are you going to see him again?”

“I don’t know,” I said, shrugging. “I mean, I think I want to.”

“You think?”

“Okay, I know I want to, but I gave him my number, and I have to wait for him to call,” I said, looking down at my phone.

“Ugh, guys always wait forever to call back,” she said. “Jordan didn’t call me for a second date for like a week. It is so exhausting.”

“We both know they live in their own little world, thinking these crazy things about chasing a girl,” I said. “It’s like they think if they call the same day or the next, they will come off as needy. Personally, if you call me within a couple of days, I know you are really interested and not leaving me as back up because you have something better on the books.”
