Page 15 of Saving Her

I nodded, thinking that a close relative would be the first place I’d look if my wife ever skipped town all of a sudden. Bobby was right. Chances were, Dennis was already on his way.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I said.

“Take your time, no rush,” Bobby said. “I’m heading out in a bit, so you’ll probably miss me. I’ll let Andrea know to let you in when you get here.”

“I think she’d recognize me if she saw me,” I smiled.

“The last time she’s seen you was ten years ago,” Bobby said. “I wouldn’t recognize you.”

He hung up, and I tossed my phone onto the bed, stretching as I made my way to the bathroom.


Bobby really was gone by the time I arrived at his house. The Ford in the driveway was foreign to me, and I assumed it belonged to Andrea. I made a mental note to later park it in the garage where no one could see it. If Dennis really did pass by while I was here, I wanted to be able to lie to him and send him on his way. I didn’t need that car telling the world that someone else was here.

I parked the Nissan in front of the house, got out and made my way up the walkway. Bobby’s childhood house had pretty much remained the same since our childhood, the only difference a fresh coat of paint I had helped him add a few months back. Other than that, I was brought back to our middle school days when I’d ditch my bike in the exact same place my car now stood, and race around the house to where he would be waiting. Usually with some new gadget his father had bought him. The Canfield’s had always been a fun bunch to be around.

I rang the doorbell and took a few steps back, trying to stay in sight of the twin windows on either side so that Andrea could see me. I waited for a few seconds, and when she didn’t appear, rang the doorbell again. I tried to look in through the blinds, but I could barely make out the hallway, let alone judge if anyone was coming to answer me. I stepped down from the porch and looked up at the second-floor windows, hoping that Andrea was probably trying to judge who was outside from upstairs. Still, nothing.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Bobby.


“She’s not answer –”

The front door opened, and my words caught in my throat.

Andrea looked nothing like what I remembered. I was never a curious guy, and I had never taken notice of any of the family pictures lying around Bobby’s house. The last I remembered of Andrea, she was in Junior High and looked a lot like a thirteen-year-old who had just discovered that she needed braces and glasses at the same time. To me, she was always Bobby’s kid sister, and I rarely saw her as anything else.

The woman who opened the door for me now was nothing like that memory. Andrea was braces and glasses free, her chestnut hair tied back in a high ponytail that made her eyes pop out like twin emeralds, and her smile as dashing as the face that it sat on. She was wearing a t-shirt that did little to hide the fact that somewhere along the years, her breasts had decided to grow two sizes bigger than when I had last seen her. Her shorts gave me a gracious view of her long legs, and I could tell from the way her hips curved that, once she’d turn around, I’d see one hell of an ass.

That’s your best friend’s sister, asshole.

The way I was staring, you coul

d never tell.


Bobby’s voice across the line snapped me back from the perverted part of my mind I had wandered into. One I usually felt very comfortable in, if it weren’t for the fact that this was Bobby Canfield’s sister.

“Never mind,” I said, my eyes locked on Andrea. “She’s opened.”

“Okay, cool,” Bobby replied. “If that jackass actually does pass by, call me first, then beat the fuck out of him.”

“Gotcha,” I said, hanging up.

“Andy?” Andrea asked, smiling as she squinted at me, obviously trying to find anything remotely recognizable to latch onto. “Andy Stetson?”

“The one and only,” I smiled, walking back up the porch.

Her smile widened, and she rushed towards me, her arms wrapping around my neck and her breasts pushing up against my chest.

Think of your grandmother naked. For fuck’s sake, don’t you dare get a boner!

“Oh my God!” she said, letting me go. “You changed!”

“So, did you,” I said. “What happened to the braces and glasses?”