Page 134 of Saving Her

Although, Johnathan was concerned about the true motive behind the decision. If he was going to go through with what he had planned for the night, he needed to make sure that Carrie was in the same headspace as he was. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

“Carrie, you are okay with all of this, right?” Johnathan insisted, putting his hand over hers and catching her eye meaningfully.

“Yes, of course!” She exclaimed, immediately, “Just because I think Kas had alternative motives to moving her flavor of the week into the apartment, doesn’t mean I’m not grateful.” Carrie grinned, moving close to Johnathan, keeping an even continuous stare, to prove she was serious. “Johnathan, I love you and I cannot wait to start our life, without anyone else. I promise. I don’t want to live anywhere, but with you and I am excited to be moving in with you…and only you. I have no doubt this is the right move for us.”

Johnathan held her gaze for a little while longer before nodding in agreement.

“Okay. Good. I’m glad to hear it,” he grinned and sat back, feeling relieved that the plan was still on. If he had to wait a second longer, he thought he might burst.

He didn’t remember feeling this way the first time. Although, it was more presumed by that point in the relationship. So maybe that had something to do with it.

Or you knew more than you thought… Johnathan thought to himself but shook the idea out of hi

s mind.

Tonight, especially, wasn’t about old flames, or past failures. Tonight, was about future successes and taking the necessary steps toward building a life with the woman he loved.

The waiter came interrupting Johnathan’s thoughts. He was thankful, because the more he thought about what he was planning, the more noticeable he felt the tiny box in his pocket was.

He had hidden it well from Carrie, with Kassandra’s help. Now, all he had to do was keep it a secret for a little longer.

After they ordered, Carrie looked around, taking in the sights of the restaurant.

“The apartment is closer to this place too,” she added.

“I’m just going to be happy to have a real couch instead of that dead horse that Kassandra refuses to get rid of,” Johnathan insisted with a grin.

“I know, right? I’m starting to think there’s like…evidence in there or something. She’s normally not sentimental but she will not part with that damn couch,” Carrie made a face and proceeded to ask more questions about the apartment.

“Carrie, I’m excited,” Johnathan insisted, “But you realize I’m still getting used to having reliable running water and a toilet that flushes consistently. When it comes to colors and couches, I am good with whatever you want.”

Carrie’s eyes were alight at this, which caused Johnathan to worry that he had said something he would later regret.

“Within reason, Carrie…” he warned.

“Oh no!” Carrie insisted with a sneer, “You’ve done it, now. Normal men know that telling a woman they can do whatever they want is like writing a blank check…”

“Good luck with that,” he retorted lightheartedly, “You know damn well that my blank check won’t get you very far. It’s more likely to bounce than to buy a damn ice cream cone.”

“Yeah, but still, you don’t say things like that to me. When you come home to an apartment that is a replica of Versailles, you cannot say a word.”

“Why would you want that?” he teased.

“Gold…Everywhere!” Carrie responded, her eyes growing large as though she was imagining the sight.

“Ewww,” Johnathan replied, not the least bit impressed.

Carrie burst out laughing, “My point, exactly, love. Be careful what you say, even to me.”

Johnathan rolled his eyes, “Great! Now I have to be active in the decorations…”

“Yay!” Carrie insisted, genuinely enthusiastic, and returned to asking random questions about the décor options throughout dinner.

After ordering desert, something that Johnathan had missed a lot while he was on sabbatical from reality, he decided that this was a good time to change the subject.

“Carrie,” Johnathan finally insisted, reaching across the table, and grabbing her hand.

Midsentence, about lighting, or a bedframe, or something, Johnathan had far too much on his mind to genuinely be paying attention, she stopped short and stared at him.