Page 117 of Saving Her

Surprised by my own display of excitement, I was encouraged to continue.

When I reached myself back up and returned to the hasty movement, I felt Johnathan grab one of my breasts, trapping my already hyper-sensitive nipple between his finger and thumb.

Looking at him, he was sure to make eye-contact with me, before he smirked and rolled the bead lightly between his fingers.

I screamed out, trying to pull back, as a surprising sensation coursed through me.

However, between the hold Jonathan had on me and the connection we shared, I was unable to get away.

Pulling me closer to his level, Johnathan took the breast into his mouth and suckled on it, while his tongue flicked and prodded, it, before he started to tease the other.

I yelled out again and started to thrash back and forth. I felt him, vibrating inside of me each time I moved, which caused me to catapult toward ultimate invigoration.

Going back and forth with such fervor eventually caused Johnathan to simply grasp my breasts and play with them as his member started to thrust with excitement as well.

Once the mutual ambrosia entranced us, we were focusing more on our rising pinnacle of success, far more than teasing foreplay.

We moved back and forth with ease, thrashing our bodies around in the dirt, without a care as to what was happening.

At that point, between our intense need, our heightened heartrates, and our heavy breathing, we didn’t focus on anything other than keeping one another satisfied.

Finally, an explosion erupted inside of me at the same time I felt Johnathan insert his love into me.

Climaxing together, we were both completely enraptured in the moment.

This was the most freeing feeling I ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

My only hope now was that it wasn’t all going to come to an abrupt end, once we hit the ranger’s station.

However, as my consciousness disembarked from the trip of pure ambrosia-fueled euphoria, I refused to focus on that.

Instead, I chose to focus on the moment I was living in; the excitement I was privy to and the freedom that I was awarded.

I wasn’t sure if I would ever get the chance to feel this way again, so I was going to enjoy every second of it for as long as it lasted.

Chapter 18:


Afterwards, I found myself in a similar position to the first day that we had made love. While I was even more content by the outcome, I was unsure of how all of it had transpired. I was confused and somewhat disappointed in myself.

I felt vulnerable, now that she knew the shitstorm that is my life, I wasn’t sure how I should react.

Some of me was happier than I had felt in a long time, but most of what I was feeling was anger.

I wasn’t guilty anymore, but I did feel as though I betrayed my own convictions. I was enraged by the idea that I had allowed myself to get emotionally involved.

After what we had talked about and everything that had happened, I had tried to be positive, but once the excitement stopped and I was left alone with my thoughts, the darkness of my past life was able to creep back in.

She doesn’t really want you. I told myself. She’s stuck with you right now. That’s the only reason she is trying to be nice to you. She is going to end up just like Sarah, if you aren’t careful. You need to end this, now, before it kills you.

Although, there was still a sense of trust in Carrie, that I had, though I wasn’t sure where it came from. I figured it had something to do with her honesty toward me and her willingness to call me out on my mistakes, instead of feigning happiness, when she was really planning to leave me, tear my heart out and stomp on it.

Yet, even with her apparent honesty, there was no absolute way that I could be sure she wasn’t going to destroy me.

All you have left is Jake and Jake likes Carrie. If she takes him away from you, what purpose will you have to live? I thought, knowing that was the only thing of value she could take from me now. She could put me in jail, I supposed, but what would hurt most about that was leaving my dog behind.

Therefore, I decided that he was the only reason I still had any care for keeping my freedom and my sanity. However, I did still want to keep it, and so I decided that if I didn’t want to risk the little that I was able to salvage from my first catastrophic relationship, I needed to get away from this relationship before it swallowed me too.