Page 115 of Saving Her

“I get that,” I answered, but didn’t elaborate. There were things about this very mountain that made me feel similar to the situation Johnathan was describing. However, at least he was talking about a dog. Still, I didn’t elaborate, and Johnathan didn’t ask. I was thankful.

For as open as I was about my life and as willing as I felt to allow Johnathan to get to know me, there was something about that conversation that was still off limits in my mind.

We were quiet for a long while. I placed my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of him.

Soon, though, I felt eyes, staring at me.

At first, I tried to ignore the gaze, knowing that it was Johnathan, but eventually, the feeling was too substantial, and I was forced to open my eyes.

When I did, I saw that Johnathan was close to my face, grinning in a strange manner. It was a sad smile, that accompanied dark eyes. The light in his gaze was completely lost to his memory, but there was still a slightly hopeful vibe coming from somewhere deep inside his expression.

“Thank you,” he insisted, and I returned a beam of acknowledgement.

“For what?” I asked, turning my head in an effort to be consoling and attentive.

“For putting up with me. If I were you, I would’ve killed me by now. I can be a real pain in the ass,” he answered in a slightly humored way.

“I still owe you my life,” I responded, half teasing, “So, that buys you some time.”

“You’re beautiful,” he insisted, catching me off guard, “And I am such a fucking fool.”

With that, he pressed his lips against mine, as his arms wound around me, bringing him close to me.

Immediately, I reciprocated the kiss, weaving my hands through his hair and pulling him close to me.

The taste of him was refreshing and despite my fatigue, his kiss was inspiring and renewing.

All I wanted at that moment was to be closer to him, to feel him and to have a similar experience here, in the woods, that we had in the cabin.

I didn’t worry about being seen by anyone and I wasn’t even thinking about the threat that the psycho guide might still pose.

Within the moment we kissed, all my worries melted away. I was no longer concerned with the state of my injuries or, anything about the world that did not have to do with Johnathan and I, sharing this moment.

His tongue was naughty and easily thrust into my mouth, winding its way around in a caressing, yet seductive manner; as though it promised what the rest of him intended to do to me. This caused my heart to race and the sensitivity of my nerves to escalate with anticipation.

If this was going to morph into an experience I would never forget, I didn’t want to miss a second of it.

Unsure of how days, or even moments would go, considering our mutual baggage and the looming threat of parting ways, potentially forever, I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity to make a memory with him.

I had learned a long time ago to hold onto the good things and learn from the challenges.

While Johnathan’s fickle ideas about us being together were frustrating, when he was aligned with my ideals, there was no point in sabotaging the moment. I would rather simply enjoy it.

After all, the pain was going to come, if it was meant to be anyway, so I figured there was no sense in dwelling on it.

If Johnathan wanted to be romantic, I wasn’t going to stop him.

I even held out hope that something inside would finally click, and he would start to see things the way I did. I wanted him badly, so any continuing affection kept me hoping that it might last.

“God, I am so sorry for being such a jackass,” he muttered through panting breaths, breaking away for only the moment it took for him to speak.

“Shut up,” I responded, reclaiming his mouth again.

I heard him chuckle behind my lips as his fingertips ran gently through my hair, taking care to avoid the bandage that still wrapped around my head.

I felt overwhelmed with emotion as my body began to buzz with fervor.

Between Johnathan’s natural, alluring scent and the freeing, fresh air that was inherent in the mountains, flowing all around us in the wilderness, I felt spritely.