Page 49 of Just For You

“No, but getting stables out in the back garden might be,” she replies with a flirty wink. “So, I suppose before we even think about that, there’s something that we need to do first.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” I glance playfully towards the bed, secretly hoping…

“I think it’s time that we tell Logan about who you are.” Her words make my heart flutter. “He’s always known that his father was away on business, which was the truth, and I always told him that there was a chance he would come back, so in a way he’s been waiting for the moment forever.”

So, he always knew about my existence. Lucie was always going to give me a chance. Now I feel even worse about my behavior. But at least now I have all the time in the world to make up for it. I take her hand and let Lucie lead me down the stairs towards the moment where everything will become that much more real. I truly cannot wait.



Heading down the stairs to finally tell Logan the truth petrifies me. I don’t know how he’s going to react, which makes me want to run for the hills. I’ve always known that this moment would come, but I didn’t expect it to be today. After last night, I thought it would be a very long time, but my life has a way of surprising me when I least expect it. And this whole house business… well that is insane! I knew my dream home was for sale but I never thought that I would be the one to own it, or to live there or whatever.

My breaths are a little ragged, my heart bouncing in my chest, but with Kade’s hand in mine I feel like I can actually tackle this without completely falling apart. I find Logan with Mom in the kitchen, making cupcakes. They’re having the best time together, I hate to interrupt it, but I do need to do this now.

“Oh!” Mom looks surprised as she sees us together. “Lucie, Kade. Is everything okay?”

“All is good, Mom,” I reassure her with a smile. “We just need to have a word with Logan.”

I give her a meaningful look so that she knows what I intend to do. Mom nods, wipes her hands on her apron and exits the room, leaving us all alone to finally get the truth out. She might have gotten the hint, but Logan hasn’t. He remains where he is, dipping his fingers into the cake mix like that’s the only thing he’s ever been given to eat. Now that Nanny isn’t around to watch him, he’s taking full advantage!

“Logey, sweetheart,” I say in a soft tone of voice. “Do you mind if we have a little chat?”

“Hmm?” He turns and hops off his stool then stands in front of me giving me an expectant look.

“Logan.” I don’t know where to start with this, maybe I should have come up with some sort of plan. “Erm, well, you know how I always told you that your dad was away travelling?” He nods, his little face falling. I don’t think he ever expects this story to end with good news, which is so sad considering his young age. “Well, he’s back now. He’s been away working very hard to provide a good life for you and now he’s here.”

“He is?” Logan looks at Kade. “Do you know who he is?”

I can’t help but laugh at this comment. “Oh sweetie, it is Kade. I know that you’ve met him before and I didn’t tell you then, which maybe was wrong of me, but I wanted to make sure that you two would like each other first. I didn’t want to tell you if you didn’t get along with him…”

My words trail off, because Logan leaps into Kade’s arms. He looks happier than I have ever seen him before which just warms up my heart. I know that I haven’t always done everything right, I’m very far from perfect, but witnessing this moment confirms that at least I haven’t screwed things up irrevocably. There’s still hope for all of u

s. We’re a long way off that perfect family picture, but closer than we have been in a very long time, and that’s enough for me. Father and son, holding onto each other is just wonderful.

“Can we play football again?” Logan asks while bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like an excitable bunny. “I love playing with you. I always win!”

“Of course we can! I would love that. Come on, let’s hope over the bushes to my parent’s home now. Maybe we can even go in and say hello?” I nod, confirming that I don’t mind that at all. Logan knows Kade’s parents anyway, it’ll be a change to know who they really are, but I have hope that we’ll get there. “Let’s go.”

I watch then leave, my heart swelling with pride and joy, this is everything…

* * *

This day has been incredible, my head has been spinning all the time. After the game of football, Kade’s parents came over to our house and we all had an awesome family day. Luckily, because no one knows that my mom knew – which is a secret that I take to my grave, just because I think it’ll be hurtful to say – no one had any issues with one another. The amount of times that I assumed all this would explode, I was wrong. It’s been beautiful, I’m very lucky. It isn’t everyone who can let out a secret and have it go so well.

“So, now that our body is in bed…” Kade says to me playfully. “Do you want to go and see the house?”

He dangles the keys in the air and I snatch them from him. Of course I do, I’ve been looking forward to it all day. I keep thinking about what our lives will be like when we end up there and it awesome.

“Come on, I’ll race you…” I start running towards the house with Kade no far behind me. We end up giggling like idiotic kids all the way there, not stopping until I step foot inside. “Oh wow, Kade, this is…”

My heart skips about ten beats. This place is mine, it’s going to be ours. One day, we’re all going to be here, like a real family. And it’s all down to me. Basically, Kade said it’s whenever I’m ready…

“You like it?” He spins in the kitchen, laughing once more. “I’m so glad that you do. We can show Logan too whenever you think he might be ready.” Oh, Logan is going to love this. “It can be ours.”

I can’t hold back any longer. Something has been building up inside of me all day long and now we’re finally alone, so I practically leap on him. I wrap my arms around him and I crash my mouth into his. I kiss him with all the passion that I’ve had locked away, just needing to be set free.

“Oh, Lucie,” he moans in excitement, loving the surprise I’ve just given him. He grips tightly onto me and grins. “Time to christen our new home? Already?”