Page 21 of Just For You

“Lucie, I wasn’t going to tell you this, mostly because I don’t ever want to bring up his name again.” I bolt upright in bed, knowing that she means Kade. I half expect her to tell me that he’s found the love of his life and that I’m going to have to face them together eventually unless I leave college… not that I think that’s an option or I would have done it already. I can’t go now. “But Kade Roberts has left college.”

Huh? I wasn’t expecting that at all. “Left? What do you mean, left? Like, gone home?”

“I don’t know.” Cindy shrugs at me. “But it isn’t temporary. He’s gone completely.”

“No way.” I shake my head rapidly. “There’s just no way. His father wouldn’t let him go.”

“Well, he has. He must have. Kade has gone. Apparently, his room is empty now. Well, aside from his roommate. He’s just gone and no one really knows why. It’s all anyone can talk about.”

It must be, he’s such a popular guy. Everyone must be totally shocked. I rack my brains, trying to work out what could have done this to him, but I don’t know what. He’s led the good life, he hasn’t had to study much because he’s one of those guys who just flies through life without trying, and I’m pretty sure his dad gives money to the college as well. I’m sure he hasn’t had a bad experience because he’s too loved… maybe it’s a family emergency. I know how I can find out as well. I can call my mom! Even if me and Kade haven’t been friends for a very long time, our parents are so I’ll be able to discover the truth.

Without even waiting for Cindy to say anymore, I rudely grab my cell phone and call my mom. I find myself in such a state of panic that something so big has happened in Kade’s life without me knowing that I feel red raw. Maybe that’s why he was a bit of a dick to me the other day, because he had bad news. No one ever reacts well when they’ve found out something terrible, I certainly can’t blame him!

“Mom!” I almost yell as soon as she answers. “What the hell is going on?”

“Lucie?” She sounds shocked to even hear from me, she sure doesn’t seem to know why. That worried me, but doesn’t bring me down. “What’s going on? Is everything okay? Has something happened?”

I stare up at Cindy who’s giving me a look like I’m a crazy person. Maybe I am, I don’t know anymore. It’s been such a long time since I did anything to act like a normal human being, maybe I’ve forgotten how. I tug my fingers through my matted hair and try to calm down the thumping in my head.

“Oh, I just…” I cough awkwardly. “I heard that Kade left college because of some family emergency.”

“Oh no, everything is fine. I saw his mom yesterday. It must be a mistake. College gossip.”

Her tone is too calm, it’s almost as if she’s trying to hide something from me. What can it possibly be that she doesn’t want me to know? Unless… unless Kade left because of me. Maybe he regrets sleeping with me and I freaked him out by going to his room. Maybe he thought I was going to end up as some kind of bunny boiler, stalker type. He’s the sort of lad who has bound to have been through that before. Maybe he didn’t want to hurt me so much because of our friendship in the past so much that he actually left to escape me.

It’s far fetched, maybe, but I can’t think of anything else that my mom would want to keep from me. And now I’ve just made it a million times worse by calling her in a fit of hysteria. Maybe she’ll go and tell Kade that he did the right thing by getting away from me. I’ve become a crazy person.

“Oh, right, you must be right.” I force out a weak giggle. “Sorry, I just heard something and I panicked. Not that it matters, it isn’t like we’re friends anymore or anything. I just worried.”

“Kade and the Roberts family will be just fine. Don’t you worry about that, okay?”

I say goodbye and hang up the phone slowly. Cindy is right, I’ve let this change me and in the worst way possible. Kade has gone, he’s possibly left because of me. He will be off doing his own thing and I need to make myself do mine. I’ve pined for too long over the boy who will never want me. How much of my life will I be willing to give him before I fall apart completely? No, I need to find some strength. If he’s going to take on the family business and probably sleep with a string of beautiful women, the least I can do is work.

“Okay, Cindy. I’m going to be strong now. I’m going to start going to classes.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” My best friend sounds very relieved. “I’ll help you in whatever way I can. I know that none of this is going to be easy for you, especially considering how much you cared for him, but just try to see this as a good thing. Whatever has happened, at least you don’t have to see him anymore.”

“That’s true.” Whatever he’s doing, I won’t have to witness it here. College can finally become the safe haven that I always wanted it to be. As long as I avoid the stables and anywhere else that we created memories. Luckily, what we had was so short that we didn’t have too much time. “Yeah, this will be okay.”

“First, shower.” She points me towards the bathroom. “Then, class. After that we’ll go shopping and get you a hair cut. Do all the things that girls do to regain their confidence after a break up. I’ll get Rhiannon to come with us too, that girl has been all kinds of worried about you. She’s the one who tol

d me to tell you.”

Much as it wasn’t a break up since we weren’t actually together, it’s certainly a heart break, so that sounds amazing. I hope that changing my look will help to bring me back up, then I can get back to being me. I might not usually be the shopping, girly type, but right now I want to be anything other than the person I am.

“Sounds good, and I guess I’ll have to thank Rhiannon. I think it’s better that I know.”

“Well, if the idea that you won’t have to see him again gets you out of bed then I’m all for it.”

I’m grateful to have such good friends, it’s good that I don’t have to go through this alone. I don’t think I’d be able to make it out the other side if I did. It’s definitely time for me to start focusing on the positives, because although I’m sad, there are some. Not everyone has that. I’m going to be some version of Lucie Smith again, and not this pitiful version lying in bed wishing I could have him back. For me, it was always love, it has been for as long as I can remember, for him I was just another in the long list of one night stands. Not even important. I’m someone that he didn’t even care enough about to say goodbye to when he left.

Well, even if I don’t think that I’m good enough for him, I deserve to be treated better than that! Maybe I’ve always had him on a pedestal and he hasn’t been that great after all. Hopefully time will tell.

* * *

My front is a good one. The choppy, shorter hair cut is good, the way I do my make up these days is nice, my dress sense has improved a lot. I’ve become a much sexier, more confident version of myself in the last two weeks, one that even got asked out on a date the other day, but I don’t feel good. Inside, I’m still a mess. I’m heart broken, sickly, and crumbling to bits. Still, as long as I hold it together, I’ll be fine.

“It’s been a while since we’ve had a study group,” Rhiannon says while darting looks at me. I can tell that she’s still concerned about me, she must be able to see through the façade anyway. “It’s fun and I’m glad we changed to location to the library. It’s much easier to get some work done here.”