Page 14 of Just For You

“Oh yeah,” I chuckle. “Of course, I keep forgetting that you want to work.”

She rolls her eyes and smirks at me. “Yeah, I bet you do. You have it too easy for you.”

I could get into an argument with her about this, but I don’t want to… maybe because she’s right.

“Alright, I know, I ruined your study session the other day. It won’t happen again, I promise you.”

Weirdly, I actually mean it as I say that, I will be more conscious of my behavior. Especially as it comes to her. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be in a room with her again and not be acutely aware of her.

“So, what is your plan for the night?” she asks me quietly, allowing her breath to tickle all over my face. I like the minty scent of her breath, it’s nice. “Are you taking me out for a midnight ride? Are there even horses here? I haven’t ever been to the stables here so I’m not sure at all. I can’t hear any…”

“The one behind us is definitely empty,” I reassure her. “I checked before. But there are horses here. I’ve actually been out for a ride. I went a few times when college first started, but I sucked so I gave up.”

“Oh wow, I would love to have seen that!” Lucie burst into laughter. “You have to take me one day.”

I thought about that, seeing it in my mind as a date and I didn’t totally hate the idea. God, what the hell was wrong with me? Why was I throwing myself into this thing with Lucie so whole heartedly? She’d made me do a total one eighty in all my thoughts. Deep down I wasn’t convinced that it would end well, but still…

“Do you want to come into the empty stable and have a look?” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at her. I’m not really suggesting anything I’m just trying to be flirty and fun. “It stinks of hay, but it’s okay…”

“Yeah, alright.” Her face breaks into a wide grin which causes a heat to spread across my chest. “That sounds fun. It might bring back all sorts of memories from when we were younger.”

She pushes herself upwards until she’s standing and as she does my eyes run down her body. She might not dress to show off every inch of her like some of the girls do here, but she looks damn good. I actually like it that she leaves a lot to the imagination, it makes her an enigma. A mystery that hopefully only I’ll be able to solve. I get a deep thrill up and down my spine as I stand too, joining her. And it isn’t just a sexual type of feeling, there’s much more to it. It’s the intense like that I feel for her, it’s off the scale.

Without thinking too much about it, I slide my hand through hers and I lead her inside the stables. She tiptoes behind me, bouncing on her feet as she goes. As we get inside, I inhale deeply, breathing in that real countryside scent. Lucie is right, it does bring back more memories now that she’s said it.

I turn to face her just as the door closes, I can still see her through the slither of moonlight that slides through the cracks in the slats. She looks beautiful in the glittering silvery color, it makes her irresistible. I bring her closer to me, taking her other hand in mine. She peers up at me through her eyelashes, making the butterflies in my stomach flap that much harder. They’re almost the size of birds.

“So, this is the stable,” I say with a soft murmur. “What do you think about it?”

I love the velvety feel of her skin as our hands hold on to one another. She makes my heart race like crazy.

“It’s very… nice,” she replies quietly. I’m sure I can hear desire in her voice which causes an intense stirring in my underwear. “I like it. I like it a lot. The smell brings back all sorts of memories. It stirs up everything from the past, don’t you think?”

I don’t know if she’s just being cute or if she’s trying to tell me that she’s always liked me, but I drag her had towards me because I can’t resist her for another second longer. I kiss her hard, there’s way more passion in this one, I’m sure she can feel just how hot and on fire I am. I snake my arms around her waist and I press myself against her. There’s no hiding how I feel, I hope she can tell because I really want to know if she feels the same way. I’m getting out of control now, if she doesn’t want me it’ll be very embarrassing.

“Oh, Kade,” she gasps against me, while rolling her hips against mine. At least she isn’t repulsed by my lust. It seems that she wants me too. Thank God. “Oh, my goodness, what are we doing here?”

“We’re doing whatever you want, baby.” I move my mouth down to her neck. “It’s entirely up to you.”

She pauses and steps back from me, running her eyes up and down me as she tries to make her decision. I can feel her undressing me, which makes me pant desperately. I don’t know which way this is going to go, and much as I hope she wants me too I get it if she doesn’t. I know that I’ll still like her, just as much as I do now. There’s something about Lucie that will keep me on the hook whatever.

Then she grabs me and she kisses me again, letting me know that it’s on.



Oh God, I can’t resist Kade any longer, there’s no point in trying to pretend that I really don’t want him when I do. This is sweet as well, a call back to our past together, in the stables, and the future too. This is the moment where things really kick into gear for me and Kade. This will be the beginning of our lives together.

Kade’s hands grip onto my hips and he slowly travels them upwards. His mouth is all over mine, all over my neck, all over my face, driving me insane. My eyes have fallen closed, I barely even know what’s going on anymore. All I can be sure of is that Kade is everywhere and I love the feelings so damn much.

“Oh, Kade,” I murmur as I toss my head back allowing my hair to fall down behind my back. I can feel it tickling my back and it makes me shudder violently. Luckily Kade has hold of me. “That feels so good.”

“That feels good?” he mutters, allowing his breath to tickle my neck. “How about this?”

Unexpectedly, his hand cups over my breast and he squeezes. That’s something I didn’t think I would like the sensation of but I do. It causes a tickling feeling in my underwear which I love. A warmth trickles up to my heart, heating my entire system up. I press my breast into him, wanting more of that, which thankfully he complies with. Then, with a cheeky smile spread across his face he hooks his fingers under my top and he grazes my hyper sensitive skin all the way to my bra. I can see his eyes all over me, trying to gauge my reaction, and I have to say I love it. Even as he reaches around my back and he unhooks my bra I feel good.

“Oh, my goodness, Lucie,” Kade groans as he finally gets a feel of my naked breasts. His thumb brushes over my nipples, making me gasp desperately with need. “What are you doing to me? It’s too much.”