Page 13 of Just For You

“Sorry, I should have come to meet you.” He frowns thoughtfully. “I guess I wasn’t thinking what it would be like for you to cross the field on your own in the dark, are you okay?”

I smile serenely to myself, too blissed out to worry about how I was feeling only moments before. I move over to him and take my place on the blanket next to him. It’s small, so we have to sit close enough for me to feel the heat coming from him. There’s a tantalizing sizzling there as well, clinging to the air.

“Oh, it’s fine. I knew you were here so I wasn’t freaked out at all.” That’s only a sort of lie… “This is nice. What an awesome idea. What made you want to enjoy the night sky?”

He grabs the plastic glasses and pours us both a drink. “I just wanted to see you, and I couldn’t think of a better way for us to hang out. We both have roommates, so it’s hard to get some privacy.”

Privacy… that can only mean one thing! I want it, I know I do. The question is am I ready for it?

The pulsing in my underwear and the need in my chest certainly feels like I am, but my brain isn’t too sure. I guess I’ll have to keep hanging out with him and work out my definite answer as time passes us by, and while we’re out here, it truly does feel like we have all the time in the world.



I feel the heat of Lucie’s body as she takes a seat next to me. She feels good next to me, this is where I need to be. Being anywhere else with anyone else doesn’t feel anything like this, she is different in every way.

“Do you remember when we used to go riding as kids?” I ask her with a smirk. Lucie takes a swig of her wine and nods. “If I remember rightly, you sucked and I was amazing. Almost professional level.”

“What?” she squeals before shoving me playfully. As she does this, it reminds me of all the play fights we had as kids too. She was always much stronger than the other kids, which made her hard to beat. “What are you on about? You were the one who fell off Snowflake about eight damn times. Pro, my ass!”

I laugh loudly as a happiness swells in my chest. There’s something so easy about being with Lucie. I can’t help but wonder if I’ve always had a thing for her and I haven’t ever realized. Maybe I have subconsciously which is why she freaked me out when the hormones came in because I knew I would like her more than any of the other girls. They were all the practice women before I got to her. Maybe… although wouldn’t I have known if I felt that way? Wouldn’t I be able to tell? It would be pretty cool to think I’ve always wanted Lucie, but to be perfectly honest I think all these feelings might be very new. It’s certainly all fresh.

“Yeah okay, maybe riding was the one thing you beat me at. I was better at everything else.”

“Maybe football, but that’s about it. I have always been the most kick ass person in your life.”

I smile to myself, knowing that in a way she’s right. I’m still a freaking idiot of letting her go. If I could go back and do things all over again, I wouldn’t. I’d make sure we’re always friends. But I can’t ever do that, but I can make up for it now. Even if we aren’t just friends and other things are sizzling between us.

“So, it’s a nice night, isn’t it?” I ask her casually while lying down across the blanket. “The stars look awesome. I’m usually so busy that I don’t get to see the night sky. Lie down with me.”

Lucie does as I ask and she rests her head near to my hands. I decide to go with it and I wrap my arm around her, bringing her closer to me. As she rests her head on my chest I really like the sensation. My heart beats so hard against my chest, so I’m sure she can hear it, but Lucie doesn’t seem to mind at all. If anything, she intertwines herself around me closer and she snuggles against me. It’s actually pretty romantic.

“We’ve done this before, haven’t we?” Lucie muses quietly. “Do you remember? We used to camp in your back garden and stay up until really late at night just screwing around and having a laugh.”

The memories come flooding back and they make me chuckle. “I’d forgotten all about that. I can’t believe it! That was so much fun, wasn’t it? Not that we ever stayed out in the tent all night long.”

We always ended up in my bedroom, ironically that’s what I want now too. Except maybe not my bedroom since my roommate, Hector, is always there. I always end up hanging out in the chick’s room because they get more privacy than I do. I don’t know if Lucie will be the same though, her roommate might be like mine. Still, if that’s the case we have all the privacy we want out here. Not that I’m expectin

g anything to happen, Lucie is a good girl who might not want it. I can hope, but not expect with her. I’ll leave the choice to her.

“Did you ever think that we would end up here?” Lucie chuckles. “It’s all so crazy, isn’t it?”

“I don’t think I ever really believed that we would grow up, I thought we’d be kids forever.”

“Well, you better get used to it. Soon you’ll be running the family company, won’t you?”

I sigh loudly when I think about that. It’s good to have that option, I wouldn’t want to seem ungrateful especially when I know that others don’t have the same choices as I do, but sometimes I wish I could create some of the paths of my own life myself. Maybe I could, if I bothered to try, but maybe not. Dad is so keen for the family to keep full control of the company, which I suppose I must respect.

“What about you?” For now, I’d prefer to keep focus on Lucie. “What are your plans for after?”

“I want to travel,” she surprises me by saying. “I have always wanted to go to England, to London, oh and maybe some other areas of Europe too. I haven’t ever left America and I really want to.” She muses thoughtfully for a moment. “But after that I might write and tutor at the same time. That’s the dream anyway, but I guess I’ll have to see how it pans out. I don’t want to raise my expectations too high.”

I nod slowly, wishing I could say something reassuring. I can’t tell her that I know she’ll make it as a writer because that would be fake and she knows it. I haven’t ever read anything that she’s written. She’s determined, as far as I remember, I could say something in that area, but still I think it’ll sound lame.

“Well, I’m just glad we still have some time left at college so we can enjoy our lives for a little while longer.” I turn onto my side, kind of forcing her to do the same thing. “Don’t you think?”

“Hmm, maybe, although in case you’ve forgotten I haven’t spent my time at college just enjoying myself. I’ve worked my ass off to get my qualification. It might be a rest when I’m done here.”