Page 90 of Seduced by Two

I got into my car. I found myself spinning my tires and sending up a cloud of black smoke behind me. I needed to find some way to vent and the only thing that came to mind was ripping off Marshall’s clothing and showing him that he wasn’t the only one that could use his considerable charm to get what he wanted.

I knew where he was at all times courtesy of hacking his phone and making it into a GPS. I tapped into that with one eye on the road and one eye on the phone. It was a little dangerous and I’m sure that was how accidents happen all the time. I saw that he was home and he was about to get a rude awakening. When I became like this, I could be a force that nobody could withstand. I had lost count of how many times I would be lying there afterward and the guy would be left speechless with my claw marks all over his body.

The only thing that I could think about was Marshall. I was driving at a dangerous speed; barely missing pedestrians and having them raise their fists in anger. It didn’t matter. The only thing that I wanted was Marshall naked and at the mercy of my insidious and naughty ways.

I had what most people would call tunnel vision. I got that way when my anger was too much for me to handle. The feeling of being used grew like bile in my throat. I would’ve loved to get into a knockdown kind of fight with Lillian. It would’ve been so satisfying to wipe that smug look off of her face once and for all.

I didn’t even realize that I had my hand up underneath my red leather skirt or that I had my panties to the side. I was priming myself for the big event.

It didn’t hurt that the vibration from the engine underneath me was doing some of the work. That anger was now turning into a desire that had gone off the charts. I would be there within a couple of minutes barring any complications like a police officer pulling me over for driving recklessly and endangering others.

My finger traced those slick lips down to where the sucking maw of my sex was waiting to take me knuckle deep. I hung precariously on the edge of an orgasm that would have blurred my vision and possibly caused a four-car pileup. I leaned on the brakes, skidding to a stop and coming within 1-inch of the bumper of the car in front of


There was little girl staring at me and not even her innocence was going to quell the hunger deep in my heart.

The light turned green. My car lurched forward and caused my finger to drive into me all the way until my whole body was gyrating in the seat. It wasn’t enough to take me all the way there, but it certainly did keep me motivated for attacking Marshall in his own home.

That finger moved back and forth steadily and I was close to pressing my thumb on my little friend, but I saw that my destination was coming up in front of me. His car was sitting there. I parked behind him and got out on shaky legs. A bit of my love juice slid down the inside of my thigh and I had to wipe it away before it would be noticed.

I unbuttoned my blouse, showing off more than a hint of cleavage and knowing that this was going to happen. I walked with determination across the street, not even bothering to look both ways and almost willing anybody that was driving by to run me down like road kill on the side of the road. It was the only way that I was going to be stopped.

I climbed the stairs, not even bothering to knock and finding the door unlocked. I walked right in. I saw him standing there by the stairs. I threw one leg around his waist and planted my lips on his before he could even get a word in edgewise.

I slithered my tongue into his mouth, grinding up against him and seeing the way that he was looking past me. I looked at him and I saw the awkward expression like I had interrupted something.

“Does somebody want to tell me what’s going on here?” I heard the feminine voice with authority behind it and I remembered how he had mentioned that his mother was coming over for dinner the other night. I had left my mark with my lipstick making him look like he had been attacked by a zealous fan at a concert that had gotten out of hand.

“Um, Marilyn…I mean Gillian, I would like you to meet my mother…Marilyn.” I had a feeling that I would meet her sooner than later, but I certainly wasn’t expecting to give her a bad impression of me.

“I’m waiting for an answer. Do you normally have strange women coming in here unannounced and kissing you out of the blue? What kind of son have I raised that would have women throwing themselves at him? I don’t even want to think about what would have happened had I not been here to witness this disgusting display.” I turned with my lipstick smeared and my skirt almost around my waist.

“Mother…it’s not what you think.” It was an interesting way for him to tap dance around it, but the evidence was right in her face. “I’m doing… I mean I’m dating her and I would think that would afford her some of your respect.” His mother had him by the short hairs and her tone was eerily similar to Lillian’s. I thought that I just had one overbearing bitch to deal with, but apparently, his mother was of that same way.

“I think by now that you could come up with a better excuse than that. I shouldn’t be surprised. They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I never thought that you would turn out like your father. He couldn’t keep it in his pants. It didn’t matter what I did to please him. I think that it’s time that we have a very frank discussion.” I tried to make a discreet exit, but she blocked my path. Her stern expression really did make me feel like I was being held accountable for something that I didn’t do.

“This is between you and your son. It has nothing to do with me and I would rather not get into the middle of a domestic dispute.” I stood my ground, but I could feel myself weakening underneath her mom stare. “Don’t say that I didn’t warn you. There’s no way that you can treat me the same way that you do your son.” She pointed towards the living room and I had no choice. I had to obey. It was almost like it was ingrained in me from the way that my mother could literally give me one look and have me at a loss for words.

Marshall leaned into me and whispered in private “I’m sorry that you have to be here for this. I was hoping that we were never going to have to have that talk. I do have to say that I’m quite surprised to see you here. Pleasantly so, but I still have to wonder what compelled you to come here.” It was an interesting question and one that I was hoping that we could get into it after I had him screaming obscenities and writhing on top of me.

She grabbed us both by the ear. I didn’t know how painful that could be until that very moment. “I will have no secrets when I’m standing right here. If you have something to say, then share it with the rest of the class.” It was obvious to me that her background was in teaching. She knew how to garner respect and when she didn’t get it, there was only one way that she could go to make her point abundantly clear.

“Mother, I’m a grown man and I don’t need you to police my life.” It was nice to see him stand up for himself, but it didn’t look like she was going to let him play the martyr. “I have every right to live the way that I see fit. I really don’t need your permission or acceptance. You might be right and maybe some of what dad did to you rubbed off on me. I never thought of it like that before.” I didn’t want to wait my whole life for a man that had mommy issues.

“I know that you’re old enough to know better. You’re definitely too old to put over my knee, but a good talking to never goes out of style. Maybe if you hear some harsh truths then you will finally realize that your actions have consequences.” She was only small in stature at 5 foot nothing. I could’ve easily taken her, but for some reason, her intimidation tactics were too much for me to bear.

“I watched my father play with your heart and each and every time you came back after he apologized profusely for his actions. I didn’t respect you for that. I understood that you were doing it because you wanted to make it work. I hated him and we’ve never been able to stay in the same room together for any length of time before angry words were spoken.” I sat down with them and the only thing that I could do was listen. I was still feeling this need to drape my leg over the top of him and take that necessary test drive.

There was that awkward silence. This was obviously building up for a very long time. “I didn’t stay with your father because I wanted to make it work. I stayed with your father because I saw some redeeming qualities that I thought we could build on. It took several hours with a therapist before I finally realized that he just didn’t have it in him to be monogamous. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt. I tried to meet him halfway by spicing things up in the bedroom.” I looked at Marshall and he had his hands over his ears like a little child and whistling loudly so that he didn’t have to be subjected to this.

I put my hands on his wrists and I pulled them away. “I think that it is a good idea that we listen to her. She has been keeping this in for a long time and it’s not healthy. I’m starting to understand where the way that you treat women comes from. You’re damaged goods. You may not think so, but there’s something wrong inside you that needs to be fixed. I’m just not sure that I’m the woman that can do that for you. I would like to give it a try. I would feel stupid if I didn’t and you found somebody else.” I wasn’t looking at his mother, but I could hear her breathing like she was doing it over my shoulder.

“I don’t know you and I was really not impressed by the way you manhandled my son. You’re the type of girl that I wouldn’t want him to bring home to dinner. I get this feeling that there is a long line of broken hearts in your wake. That might be something that you have in common with my son.” I didn’t want to hear about my own faults and shortcomings. It didn’t look like I was going to be able to stop drop and roll from a moving vehicle metaphorically speaking. She had me where she wanted me and this was her time to say her peace.

“It was hard seeing you and father at odds. I screamed into my pillow every time that I heard you both arguing loudly. You didn’t take into consideration what that was going to do for a little boy’s self-esteem. I drew in on myself and never was one to make friends. It was only after I got out of school that my resentment turned into something that I don’t even recognize anymore. I actually enjoyed sleeping with women and then never seeing them again. I don’t want to admit t

his, but I think in some small way it was to get back at you.” This was a huge step and one that made me see the weight coming off his shoulders.