Page 78 of Seduced by Two

“But I thought you two had done this before. You seemed so comfortable together. With me.” She said, still blushing, and now also a little confused.

“Yeah we have. Several times, with other girls.” Archer replied, and shrugged his shoulders again. He seemed as exhausted with his brother as Ivy was feeling.

“Then what was the problem now?” She asked him, standing up from her chair.

“Who knows? It’s not like Leon will ever talk about it. It’s difficult to know.” Archer said, stepping closer to her. Their bodies were inches apart now; she could smell the musky scent of him. He smelled great, like the outdoors. She had a sudden urge to feel his breath on her face. To have his lips on her neck, for his breath to blow her curls away.

She felt like she hadn’t enjoyed Archer fully. There was still so much about him yet to discover.

“What are we going to do about it then? He told me it’s never going to happen again.” Ivy had clasped her hands together. She could feel her distress rising, but she was thankful at the same time that Archer was there to talk it through with.

“Did he actually say that?” He asked, meeting her green eyes with his own soft blue ones. He looked concerned when she nodded her head.

“Do you think he means that he doesn’t want to share or none of us are…well…going to be with each other again?” She was fumbling with her words. Archer looked at her calmly, smiled and placed one of his hands on her shoulder affectionately.

“It doesn’t matter what he wants, Ivy. What do you want?” He asked, staring straight into her eyes.

She could barely meet his gaze, not without her cheeks flushing.

“I enjoyed last night. That’s what I want.” She managed to say, and Archer’s smile grew. He was pleased with her answer.

“Me too. Well, I want that because I want you.” He said and she felt the goosebumps on her flesh appear again. He had a tantalizing effect on her. Just his voice reminded her what he was able to do with his tongue. She felt like she was going to drown in his eyes, and that she needed support if she wasn’t going to buckle down.

“What are we going to do then? Leon said no.” She said, still fiddling with her fingers. She felt nervous, excited, afraid…all at the same time.

“Like I said, it doesn’t matter what he wants. He isn’t the boss of us. He’s only my brother.” Archer said and Ivy’s head jerked up to look at him. Where was, he going with this?

“Come away with me.” He said, suddenly, almost defiantly and she sucked in her belly. He couldn't be serious!

“I’m going back to Minnesota. I have to go back home in a few days. Just come with me. What are you going to do cooped up in this place with Leon anyway?” He continued, when she hadn’t replied to him. What he was proposing wasn’t a mad idea, but she hadn’t thought about it. She hadn’t thought about leaving Leon. She hadn’t realized that she could.

But the more that she thought about it now, the clearer it seemed to her. There was nothing holding her back. Especially now, after he had made it clear to her that he was displeased. That he wanted to make some changes. That things were going to work on his terms, and his terms alone.

“Ivy?” Archer asked, squeezing her shoulder as he tried to catch her gaze again. She wasn’t looking at him anymore. She was only thinking about how her life might change if she left this ranch. If she left Leon. What was he giving her anyway? Nothing that Archer couldn’t give her too.

Ivy peeped out of the living room, gently pulling the lace curtain aside. The brothers had taken their dinners separately and Ivy had eaten in her room. There was a chilly air of uncertain in the air, and it was evident to her that the relationships between the three of them had changed somehow.

Now Leon was sitting by himself, on a large wooden rocking chair on the porch, sipping on a glass of iced tea. The house was dark, as was the porch, but the full moon had cast a silvery glow on Leon, and Ivy admired him silently.

This was the man who had taken her virginity, the man she had so willingly given it to. He had asked her for nothing, but had not given her anything in return either. He made sure that she was well looked after, compensated for the hard work she put in to maintain the house, paid for her accountancy lessons…and most of all, he had been an incredibly good lover.

But now Ivy was beginning to wonder if she wanted more from him, from their relationship. After Archer, had arrived at the ranch, nothing had been the same. She had gotten a taste of what life could be like if someone was more attentive to her, if a man spent more time talking with her, and now she was convinced that she wanted to experience that life too.

Ivy cleared her throat when she stepped out on the porch. Leon would have heard her, but he made no move to acknowledge her presence. He remained sitting on the chair, rocking back and forth gently, staring ahead in the cool darkness of his estate.

“Leon.” She whispered his name, afraid that he would be ready to push her away again. After a few moments of silence, he stirred, moving in his chair to finally look at her with his sparkling dark brown eyes.

“Have you come to try and talk to me again, Ivy?” He asked he

r, and she had nothing more to say but remain silent.

“What is it?” He asked and turned away from her again. Now that he didn’t have his eyes on her, she felt like she could look at him better, she had found her voice again.

“I wanted to tell you that I’ve decided to leave.” Ivy said, clasping her hands together. She could feel her heart racing; she was afraid that he might be able to hear it too. Leaving this ranch, leaving Leon hadn’t crossed her mind seriously before this. And Archer had changed everything. She didn’t know if she could continue living like this, dancing around on tippy-toes, around Leon’s whims and fancies.

He breathed in deeply and trained his eyes on her again.

“I’m guessing it’s Archer. It’s Archer who has offered to take you away?” He said, in a low knowing voice. He didn’t sound angry and she was relieved. At least this might happen smoothly without another big fight.