Page 69 of Seduced by Two

Leon, in his usual silent brooding style, had revealed nothing more. She had slept with them both. Leon, consistently over the past seven weeks and Archer only once. After she slept with Archer, she was prepared to leave, ashamed at herself for betraying Leon’s trust, for sleeping with his brother, but Leon had stopped her. He insisted that he shared everything with his brother, that he wanted to share her with him in fact, and that was his plan all along.

Now, it had been three days and neither brothers had made a single move. She had been sleeping alone in her bed all the nights since, still wondering when Leon might come to her. When he might explain the terms and conditions of their little arrangement. For now, she was continuing with the housework, with her gardening and trying to work on the online accounting classes she was taking part time.

But at night, when she was surrounded by the privacy of her own room; Ivy couldn’t keep herself from dreaming, yearning for Leon. For Archer. For them both. Both the brothers were equally delicious, equally good lovers. And now finally, she didn’t have to choose.

Ivy swung her legs off the bed, her feet touching the warmth of the carpeted floor. She needed to get some fresh air. The window in her room was shut for now but Ivy walked over to it, opening it wide so that she could finally fill her lungs with some much-needed oxygen.

The breeze blew into the room, blowing her thick golden curls behind her. The slip she was sleeping in had turned damp from the feverish dreams she had been having, and now as it started cooling, it sent goosebumps down her flesh. What had she gotten herself into? What had she agreed to? Both brothers? How was she going to handle them both? What if there were complications?

But her worry was quickly overridden by her excitement at having them both. The Cooper brothers were twins and an amazing example of male perfection. Both tall, muscular, with hard worked natural washboard abs. They were both cowboys, grounded and masculine, and of course, rich as Hell. Leon had bought this ranch worth millions and she was their housekeeper, the person responsible for its maintenance, the food on their table and also for feeding their sexual desires it seemed.

Ivy smiled to

herself as she thought about it. She was far away from prying eyes on this ranch, in this private little world with two brothers who fulfilled all her sexual needs. Could life look any better? The only problem was that neither of them had made a move yet, and in the light of day, Ivy was too embarrassed, too shy to say anything. She even wondered now if all of that had been a joke, if Leon had changed his mind. After all, why would he want to share her with someone else? Even if that someone else was his twin.

She shut the window and eventually climbed back into bed. She was growing impatient now. How many more days would she have to wait? How long before she could have Leon again? Could have Archer again? Would it be too bold to make the first move?

She felt the coolness of her soft pillow as it grazed her cheek. She needed to come up with a plan. She had to find some way to break the ice, otherwise she wasn’t sure how long she could still stay sane in anticipation of what was to come.

When she shut her eyes, all Ivy could see was the two brothers, in their cowboy hats, riding their horses together, riding them towards her. Their smiling hardy faces, their biceps flexed, their long strong legs bouncing off the sides of their horses. She could have them both, she could have them whenever she wanted…could she?

Ivy jerked up in bed with a start again. What if it wasn’t her choice? What if part of the deal of having both the brothers was that it was entirely up to them? Was she a prisoner in this ranch? Ivy tried to remind herself of Leon’s actions. How he was always kind to her, how he had always treated her with respect. He had never forced himself on her. He left her alone all day, and only came to her bedroom at night if she agreed to it. But he hadn’t visited her in over a week now. Neither had Archer made a move. What did all of this mean?

Ivy looked at the clock on the wall. It was only four. Four more hours before she was expected to serve them breakfast. She decided she would speak to Leon then. She had to put her foot down and ask him to clarify what he had meant by all that he had said. There was no point talking to Archer, even though they were twins it was easy to see who was the more authoritative of the two brothers. Besides, this house and this ranch was Leon’s not Archer’s, which meant that everything that was done had to be done with his permission.

Ivy tried to lull herself back to sleep, as difficult as it was, she needed to rest so that she could have a fresh start to the new day. It was going to be a big day, and had the possibility of changing her life forever, if she played her cards right.

As she slept, she dreamt about them both, even in her sleep she couldn’t choose between them. They were both too good to be true.

Ivy was ready and in the kitchen by half past seven. She knew their schedules well by now. Leon was the first to wake, be ready and down for breakfast at eight, sharp. Archer was usually not in the kitchen before nine, sometimes even half past. This would give her just the chance she needed to talk to Leon privately.

She had dressed carefully this morning, making sure that her golden tight ringlets fell like a curtain around her shoulders, her green eyes were bright and sharp. She had chosen a green dress to match her eyes, a thin cotton one that reached her knees in a wide frill. She knew Leon liked her to dress up. She knew he watched her walking around the house, following the way her wide hips swayed, how the curves of her butt swung with every step she took. This dress had a deep plunge in the front, so that her cleavage was revealed in full form, enticing with its juicy fullness.

When Ivy heard Leon’s footsteps on the stairs, she positioned herself in front of the table, making sure her curls fell over her shoulders, accentuating the rise and fall of her breasts. She stood with her hands on her hips so that he could appreciate her full form. Her cheeks flushed the moment Leon walked into the room, because she was aware of the set up. She was setting him up for seduction. She wanted him to be the weaker one in the room so that he would be forced to talk to her.

Leon entered, tall and heavy, his sandy blonde hair brushed messily to the back. He was in his usual plaid work shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. His jeans were several days old, covered in dust and caked mud. He didn’t care how he looked, but just the sight of him made Ivy immediately excited. She could feel herself beginning to grow wet between her legs. In his hands, Leon was clutching his cowboy hat, but his deep brown eyes settled on her and she saw the look of surprise. He was surprised to see her dressed up this early in the morning. And he had definitely made a mental note of her bursting cleavage.

“Morning.” Ivy chimed, smiling coyly at him.

“Morning.” He said in his deep thick voice. Did she detect a stutter? She had taken him by surprise. He hadn’t planned on being aroused this early in the morning. She could see that he was trying to settle himself. He hadn’t even made a move towards the table or the food, even though Ivy had his breakfast neatly laid out.

“Off to work?” She asked him, still keeping her voice cheerful.

“The usual.” He said, and grumpily pushed past her to pull a chair out for himself. Ivy smiled because she could see how turned on he was, and how angry he was with himself for that.

“Here let me butter your toast.” She added, and over his shoulder she reached for one of his toasts. She noticed the way his eyes went directly to her breasts, that were hovering over one of his shoulders. He gulped and then looked up at her face.

“Are you going somewhere?” He asked, after a few moments of silence. Ivy’s breasts shook softly as she buttered his toasts and then placed them back on his plate. She turned to him with a wide smile on her face and her brows crossed.

“Of course, not. Why do you ask?” She said and straightened herself, being sure to keep her breasts jutted out towards him, her back straight. He was looking at her with his brown eyes narrowed, his focus on her face. He was making a mighty attempt to not stare at her breasts again.

“Because you look irresistible and I have to work.” He said it flatly, like he was reading something out from a piece of paper. Ivy took in a deep breath and bit down on her lip. She had been waiting to hear him say this for so long. She had been waiting so long for him. She was ready to rip his clothes off.

“Good, because I’m tired of you staying away from me.” She said, in all seriousness, returning her hand to her hip. Leon’s brows furrowed.

“Staying away from you?” He asked and she nodded her head gently.

“You haven’t come to me for over a week. You said I could have you. Have you both.” She said and a soft smile appeared on Leon’s face. His gaze dropped to his lap and she saw what he was looking at. There was a tent in his jeans, he was aroused beyond belief, just by looking at her. And it made Ivy smile.