Page 63 of Seduced by Two

“You have to stop creeping up on me like this.” Ivy said, holding her face up, being forced to hold her face up rather, by Leon’s strong grip. She saw from the corner of her eyes that he had smiled.

“I just realized that I hadn’t seen you around for a while.” He said, dropping his hands from her face and gripping her waist now. He had pulled her close to him, and she was crushed by the weight of his heavy arms, with her cheeks pressed against his chest.

That was when the realization of what she had done suddenly hit her. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but Leon was holding her tightly to himself.

“I’ve been here, around the place. But I have to go now and get dinner ready.” She said, trying to avoid his glitteringly intense stare. Leon never smiled, but now he didn’t look displeased either.

“I missed you last night, but I didn’t want to wake you.” He said, in his deep throaty voice and soon enough, his thin lips were searching hers. She tasted his breath in her mouth, the roughness of his chin, and Ivy couldn’t control herself much longer. She had given in to his kiss very soon, kissing him back with fervor. The last thing on her mind was that she had been kissing his brother merely an hour ago, with the same intensity. While she was kissing Leon, she had forgotten about Archer.

“Why do you have hay stuck to your hair?” Leon asked suddenly, pulling himself away from Ivy. She felt her cheeks instantly blush. Archer had told her that Leon wouldn’t mind, that he probably even wanted them to do it, and Leon himself had confessed that the two brothers shared everything, but a nagging feeling was creeping up on Ivy that Leon wouldn’t be too pleased to learn that she had slept with his twin.

She tried to wriggle out of his grip again, and gave a short laugh.

“Have you been rolling around in the hay?” Leon asked and delicately dusted it out of her hair, the hay that she had managed to get stuck in her hair when she fell out of Archer’s naked arms.

She hadn’t answered his question, but only continued to blush.

“Anyway, you’re right. I should let you set up dinner. We can spend some time alone tonight.” He said, pulling himself away from her, and before he went he gave Ivy a loud slap on her butt. She bit down on her lip, to stop herself from wincing, realizing at the same time that even in those few moments, Leon had managed to turn her on. So quickly after his brother had made her come!

“And I hope Archer and you have made up now.” He said, turning suddenly to her. Ivy couldn’t say anything to that either, and she felt her cheeks flush to a bright red. Leon turned and walked away from her, back towards the stables and Ivy was immediately filled with a rush of guilt.

Did he know what had happened with Archer? Had his brother told him already? Ivy could feel her heart beating and stopping and then beating out of her chest again. She was filled with anxiety and dread from not knowing what was going on. How Leon was going to react. He was her first, the man she relied on, the man who could make her wet between her legs by just looking at her. Had she ruined it all by being foolish? Had she been too quick to assume that Leon had meant sharing her too, when he said he shared everything with his brother?

She rushed back to the house to cook their meal, but her heart was just not in it this time.

Ivy knocked on Archer’s door at half past seven, after both the brothers had returned to the mansion and parted ways to get ready for dinner.

A few moments after knocking, Archer opened the door of his bedroom wide. He was standing with his dark hair glistening wet and ruffled, and with a towel wrapped around his hips, way down his groin so that she could see the ridges that led to his dick. Ivy jerked her head up to look at his face again. It was this kind of foolishness that had led her to what had happened between them!

“I didn’t expect you here, so soon. It’s only been a couple of hours.” Archer was grinning at her, those dimples making an appearance on his cheeks again. He still hadn’t shaved, and the stubble had started to take on the appearance of a scruffy beard around his jaws. Setting him apart from his brother even more now.

Ivy cleared her throat.

“I’m not here for that.” She said, which made Archer smile more.

“You mean you’re not here for an orgasm?” He said, knotting his brows in mock-confusion. Ivy licked her lips and tried to remind herself that she had to be strong and resist all temptation. At least for now.

“Can I come in?” She asked, dropping her voice to a whisper. Even though Leon’s room was way down the hall and there was no chance of him overhearing, she didn’t want to take the chance.

Archer stepped aside, making room for Ivy to step into his gorgeously decorated room. She had been in there before, to do the cleaning and dusting, but now the French-window paned gloriously lit bedroom was filled with Archer’s masculine musky scent, and for a second it made Ivy dizzy. She whipped around to look at him again and now he was standing behind her, the towel still achingly low on his groin and he a grin on his face.

“I’m here because I wanted to talk about Leon.” She said, and even with the mention of his brother’s name, Archer’s expression didn’t change.

“My brother? What about him?” He said casually, and it made Ivy shake her head in surprise. How did this not matter to him? How was he not concerned how it might affect his twin, to know that he had just fucked the girl that Leon was sleeping with?

“Well, you said that he would be amused.” She said flatly, dropping her arms to her side. She could feel the rage building up inside her. It was going to be very hard for her to keep her voice down if Archer continued to play dumb this way.

“Yes, he probably would. He’s never been concerned about who I sleep with.” He added, looking at Ivy with amusement.

“Ok, and what about the fact that I work for him?” Ivy raged, speaking to him through gritted teeth.

“You’re over reacting, dear girl.” Archer said, stepping towards her. Ivy stepped back, she didn’t want to be tempted again, not this soon. And with the sharp as saws jaws that Archer sported, and the biceps bulging on his arms; it would be very easy for Ivy to be tempted. “You only work for him. He doesn’t possess you. Who you sleep with is none of his concern either.”

When he said that, Ivy knew immediately the horror of the mistake that they had committed. She had been wrong in assuming that the brothers shared absolutely everything, that Leon had told Archer everything. He had most definitely not told his brother, that he was sleeping with his housekeeper.

“What’s wrong? You look a little pale.” Archer said, the smile finally flickering on his face. He had at last started figuring out that there m

ight something seriously wrong here.