Page 306 of Seduced by Two


Before I knew it, we were in a van headed for the airport early one morning. I was packed and ready on paper,

but nervous inside. He’d been acting strange since dinner, being gone a lot and working. Perry claimed that he needed everything to be settled at the office but would that include nights as well? I knew it had before, but he seemed to want to be home more in the evenings once I lived here.

I thought back to the morning following the dinner. I was covered up on the couch but highly turned on as I remembered someone sucking on my finger in a dream, a finger on the hand that I used on myself. Was it just a dream? There was no possible way that Perry would have done that while I was sleeping, though I liked the idea of it. So much so that I masturbated right then and there to start my day.

I wore jean shorts and sandals to the airport with a faded coral t-shirt. The central part of the flight was a few hours, and then the one to the actual resort would be about another twenty minutes. Perry sipped coffee on the way and looked out of the window as I took him in for a moment. He was quiet, but it was early. Everyone was mellow during an early flight, weren’t they? I hadn’t been on a lot since I was a kid. Since the crash, I was terrified of them but that was a big issue that my therapist talked me through right away. I just hadn't tested that until now. I was more nervous about Perry than anything else.

We checked our luggage in, and I held onto the backpack that contained my Kindle and laptop, just in case. We boarded into first class and got ourselves settled into the luxurious seats before I looked out of the window.

I read a book on my device, and he browsed through the paper while we were in the air. I enjoyed the breakfast that was much nicer than I expected and smiled at him as he sipped another cup of coffee. “Thank you again for this. I am so excited to get there.”

Perry gave me a tired smile as he nodded, making me catch the dark mark on his neck. Was that a hickey? “I am too. You’re welcome.”

Jealousy flooded me as I pushed the food away, wondering who he was sleeping with. Maybe I should just find a guy on the island and get it over with instead of relying on my own hand. Perry seemed to be busy, although I didn’t think he wanted me like I did him. Perhaps I was overreacting, and I leaned back and focused on the fact that we were going to a gorgeous island for a fun-filled vacation. I knew Perry well, and we’d have a great time, no matter what,

We had to.

I seemed to read the same words over and over on my screen as I would look out of the window, smiling when I saw the beautiful blue water. I looked over to nudge Perry and show him, but he was asleep. His head was leaned to the left, and I moved closer to take a look in the distinct bite mark on his skin. I wanted him so much, and he was sleeping with… God knows how many women. Perry had the right to do whatever he wanted, as did I. I turned back to look out of the window again, caught up in my own thoughts as we drew closer to the island.

I gave up on reading and stared at the clear blue water for a long time as we flew to the airport where we’d be landing, which was when Perry came to. He looked around, blinking as the wheels hit the ground. “We’re here?”

“We still have the second flight to take,” I replied as I tucked my hair behind my ears.

“Oh, okay.” He said as he moved to sit up and glance around. We left the plane and waited in a small room for the other one with just a few people. I looked around and tapped my feet against the floor as I smiled. “I am so anxious to get there!”

“I’m glad, Caroline. You deserve this,” he told me, giving me a long look for a moment.

“So do you. You have worked too hard for too long. You have the money, so use it to travel and have some fun,” I urged Perry as he smiled at me. “Do this more often.”

“Maybe I will. I’ll have to see if I will explode from being away from the office for so long,” he joked as I shook my head.

“I am going to make a point of always traveling, even if it is a drive for the day. I don’t want to get caught up in work and life so much that I forget to stop every now and then. If I have kids, I want them to know the same thing.” I looked at him. “Why didn’t you have kids?”

“I never got married, I guess,” he replied as I licked my lips.

“You don’t need marriage to have kids, Perry. You’re a good-looking man and clearly, you get a lot of action.” I watched his face go white as he looked at me. “Someone got a little aggressive with you recently.” I heard the bitterness in my own voice and hated myself for it.

“What do you mean?” He asked as I pointed to his neck with a cold gaze. Perry rubbed the spot, wincing slightly as he shot me what appeared to be a remorseful gaze. “You want kids?”

“I want to base it on what happens in the future. I’m young, so there’s no rush,” I shrugged and he stared at me intently.

“What if there’s an accident?” Perry asked as my face turned beet red. “A girl like you must be cautious, though, with the plans you have for your future.”

“Yeah,” I agreed vaguely as discomfort settled over me. “Something like that.” I had never discussed this with Perry before, and I didn’t like it on so many levels. He was the man that I wanted, but I couldn’t say that. I didn’t want him to know that I was still a virgin and holding out for him like a fool. I knew that had to stop, willing myself to open my mind to someone else.

I missed my mom at times like this. She was so open with me, and we’d discussed so much before she died, leaving me lost as far as talking with someone else. I let a silence fall between us until we boarded the small plane to head over to the resort, staring outside for the entire time.

The water was blue and clear, making me able to see the bottom everywhere I looked. There were three islands and from what I understood, our accommodations were on the biggest one since I could see buildings poking out in the trees that covered nearly everything. It was beautiful, and I lost myself in it before I felt someone move behind me, jumping as Perry slipped his arm around me. “Look at that. The water is so clear and pretty. This is going to be a very good time.”

I clenched my thighs together as I kept looking out of the window, feeling my nipples join the party as well. I’d recently started playing with them when I got myself off, pulling and pinching just to test how it felt. Right now, I wanted Perry to slide his hand under my shirt, over my skin until he pulled me free from the camisole that I was wearing. I sucked in my breath at the fantasy, arching my back as my eyes widened. I coughed to break the awkward silence that was happening, covering my mouth as I leaned forward and away from him. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I think I am choking on nothing again.” I had faked another few ones before I reached for the bottle of water, taking a few sips. The plane made a sudden turn, and I sat up to watch the landing. A few shuttles were waiting for us, and I could see a large building several feet away, assuming that was the lobby. I knew from research that it was beautiful and offered a few restaurants, a couple of bars, a full-service spa, and a coffee shop. The beaches were plentiful and beautiful, and I’d get my desired peace here.

I would also have to deal with my insane attraction to Perry that was going to be the end of me, but it looked like I could hide away in a lot of places here.

We checked in, and I looked outside as the exotic woman at the desk flirted with Perry, following him quietly when we walked down a pathway that was surrounded by lush plants and flowers. It ended all the way at the beach, where Perry unlocked the door of a cottage and smiled at me as he pushed it open. “Go check out your home for the next few weeks, Caroline.”