Page 203 of Seduced by Two

"Who's Richard?" She asked me.

"This guy from my Figure Drawing class," I answered her as I got dressed. Gemma nodded thoughtfully. Once I was dressed, I rushed past her, then doubled back and hugged her. "Thank you!" I said and then let her go and preparing to leave.

"For what?" She called after me but I didn't answer. It had stopped raining but the ground was still wet as I hurried down the hill to campus, hoping that I hadn't kept Richard waiting too long. On my way to the dining hall, a deep voice called my name. It was Professor Moore. I ignored him and tried to keep walking but he caught up with me and grabbed me by the arm, steering me into one of the academic buildings. He didn't let me go until we were inside an empty classroom with the door closed.

"We need to talk," he told me.

"You need to be talking to your wife, not me," I said.

"How did you get those pictures?" He demanded.

"Does it matter?! Will it change the fact that she cheated on you?" I snapped. Professor Moore looked pained and I felt guilty for hurting him like this, but now that my guard was up, it was going to be hard for it to go back down.

"We've already talked about divorce. I'm going to see my lawyer this week," he said it like it was supposed to make me feel better. "Dahlia please, look at me." I looked him in the eyes and saw his sincerity. "I love you," he said. Those three words were like a wrecking ball to my defenses.

"Don't say it if you don't mean it," I told him.

"I do mean it," he said. "And to show you that I'm serious, I got you something." He pulled a little black box out of his jacket pocket. When he opened it, there was a ring inside. It was rose gold with a cluster of pink diamonds arranged into a flower. The ring was beautiful, but I didn't understand what it meant.

"If you're not going to propose to me, please do not get down on one knee," I told him. He smiled and removed the ring from the box.

"This is a promise ring," he told me. He took my hand in his and slid the ring onto my finger. I loved how it looked, although I didn't want him to know it.

"A promise of what?" I asked him.

"A promise of forever. A promise that you are the only one to ever make my heart feel like this and that you are the only one who ever will. A promise that one day soon, you will be my wife," he told me. I fought a smile. This was all very convincing but I wasn't sure if I could trust him. Lots of married men make empty promises of divorces that never happen. I just didn't want to be naive.

"I don't know," I said. He took my other hand, holding them both. The ring looked beautiful on my hand.

"You don't have to. Not until I prove it to you and I will prove it to you," he said. Professor Moore pulled me to him and wrapped me in his embrace. I allowed myself to be held and eventually held him back, feeling the tension melt from within me.

"Don't let me down," I whispered through tears.

"I won't," he assured me as he stroked my hair. I could feel his dick hardening against me and I suppressed a smile. I liked how much I turned him on. Professor Moore's hands slid down my body as he moaned into my hair. I nuzzled his neck and then licked it.

"Not here. Someone might see us," he said, but his hands were under my skirt and panties, caressing my ass.

"Then where?" I asked. I wanted so badly to resist him but I couldn't. He was still married, I kept trying to remind myself, but to no avail. I needed him too desperately. I slowly dropped down myself to my knees, looking up at him as I unbuckled his belt and pulled his hard dick out of his pants.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a daze. I didn't answer him. Instead, I licked the tip of his dick. He shuddered and moaned. "We

shouldn't." I begged to differ, and clearly, so did his dick. I wrapped my lips around his head, tasting the pre-cum on my tongue. Slowly, I slid more and more of him into my wet mouth until my nose was pushed up against his pelvis. Professor Moore was holding handfuls of my hair as he guided me back and forth. I stuffed him into my mouth until I gagged and he begged me to stop. A trail of drool connected my wet mouth to his dick as I pulled it all the way out only to shove it all the way back in. Professor Moore could barely stand and had to hold onto a desk to keep his balance.

"Oh my God," he moaned. I grabbed hold of his shaft with both my hands, loving the way my new ring looked as I stroked. "Fuck!" He exclaimed, as he lost control. His body shook and he closed his hands, raising his head to heaven as he came in my mouth. I didn't release his dick until he was finished, making sure that I swallowed every drop. When he had regained control of his body, he pulled me up to him and kissed me passionately. His dick was still hard and sucking it had made me wet. "I need to fuck you," he told me. I wanted to bring him back to my place, but it was too risky. What if Gemma was there? What if he recognized it from the pictures? I bit my lip as I thought. There was nowhere else to go.

"Let's go to my place," I finally suggested.

"Ok, I'll meet you there. Text me the address," he told me.

"Ok," I agreed. I turned to go, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into a kiss that made my heart beat quicken. All I could think about was him inside of me. "I love you," I told him before I could stop myself.

"I love you too," he told me.

I exited the classroom and then the building. What the fuck was I doing? This was crazy! I knew that this had the potential to backfire, but I didn't care. I took out my phone and text Professor Moore my address. After I pressed send, I heard someone call my name. It was Richard! He was leaving the dining hall and jogged over to catch up with me.

"Hey, what happened to us meeting up for lunch?" He asked me. I suddenly felt terrible for dragging him into my bullshit.

"Um sorry about that," I began trying to quickly think up an excuse. "I had to meet with my professor." Richard nodded understandingly.