Page 191 of Seduced by Two

Inside, I practically sprained my neck from looking around so much. The inside of the hotel was decorated splendidly – ropes and garlands of shiny tinsel hung from the ceilings, and everything was a bright, shiny silver. The people were all gorgeous, too – those slender New York City types, all dressed in black with bright red lips and smoky eyes.

I tugged at the hem of my Vera Wang, feeling more self-conscious than ever.

“I don’t know about this,” I said slowly. “Are you sure?”

Jackson nodded impatiently. “Of course I’m sure,” he growled. “Why the hell would I bring you if I weren’t?”

I could tell something was bothering him the whole night. He wasn’t the way he’d been the other day – if anything, he was back to his old, snide self. Every remark that came out of his mouth was a sarcastic jab. Finally, I decided to abandon Jackson and stay by the cocktail table. At least this way I can drink, I thought miserably.

The night dragged on and on. Jackson flitted throughout the room, laughing too loudly. I cringed whenever I heard his booming voice sailing through the air. It was like he was trying too hard to impress someone, but I had no idea who Jackson would even bother trying to impress.

“Hey there,” an unfamiliar voice said. “You new here?”

I turned around to see a handsome guy leaning against the wall by the bar. He had a friendly smile, dark hair, and brown eyes. He wasn’t as gorgeous as Jackson, but he must have been rich – his tailored suit and shiny shoes spoke of wealth.

“I’m actually here with Jackson Rhodes,” I said. “He’s…um, my boss. I’m his temporary assistant.”

The guy threw his head back and laughed. He handed me a glass of champagne. “You’d better drink, then, I bet you need it,” he said. “I’m Dustin. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Belle,” I said. “Pleased.” I extended my fingers, expecting a handshake. Instead, Dustin lifted my fingers to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. A pleasurable shiver crawled down my spine, mingled with guilt. I should find Jackson, I thought. He’s probably not going to like this.

“Nice to meet you, Belle,” Dustin said. “That’s a pretty name.” When he dropped my hand, I rubbed it against my dress as if to rid myself of his kiss.


“So, how long have you worked for Jackson?”

I frowned. Just as Dustin spoke Jackson’s name, I spotted him across the room. Jackson was talking to a group of women – they were all laughing, like he’d said something hysterical. Jackson turned and I watched his eyes search the room. When he found me and Dustin, his gaze hardened.

I frowned. “Why?”

Dustin shrugged. “Oh, just wondering,” he said. As he talked, I kept glancing over at Jackson. He’d stared angrily at Dustin for a minute, then turned away. My heart dropped in my chest as I watched Jackson reach over to one of the women and pull her close, kissing her on the lips.

“Oh!” I cried out. “Oh my god!”

Dustin frowned. “What’s going on?”

Tears welled up in my eyes. I can’t believe it, I thought. He brought me here just to flirt with other women in front of me! He brought me here to make me think that I’m nothing special!

I shook my head and broke into a run. Running across the marble floor of the Waldorf Astoria wasn’t easy, but I somehow made it. Tears blinded my vision and I started sniffling and gasping for air before I’d even reached the doors. I hate Jackson Rhodes, I thought angrily as I ran. I hate him so much! I wish he were dead!

Stumbling over my own feet, I almost fell right on my face but I managed to grab the door and jerk myself to my feet. Outside, the cold air assaulted me through my thin dress but I didn’t care. I knew that I had to get back to the apartment, get my stuff, and go home.

This whole plan had been stupid – it had been a ridiculous idea! Why the hell had I fallen for something like that? Why the hell had I listened to Jackson?

A sharp hand on my elbow made me whirl around.

“Belle!” Jackson yelled. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“I hate you!” I screamed. “I hate you so much!”

Jackson was staring at me with his lips open. His grey eyes clung to my body and I shivered under his gaze.

“Why did you run away, Belle?” Jackson crossed his arms over his chest. “Just tell me why, and I’ll let you go.”

I bit my lip. “I was jealous,” I said through sobs. “You only brought me there to make me miserable! You brought me there to show off in front of me with other women!”

Jackson pulled me close and crushed me savagely against his chest before I could move. I tried to push myself away from his body but he was stronger. For a moment, we tussled on the street. The wind whipped around us, obscuring my vision as strands of hair covered my eyes.