Page 130 of Seduced by Two

I jumped several times in a spastic fit with my whole body shaking and trembling underneath her touch. She finally extracted those needles one at a time. I felt more in touch with nature and with my sexual self. There was a sense of anticipation in the air. The euphoria of having those needles penetrate my body was not even near enough. I wanted something quite imposing. He had that something that I wanted and this time I was not going to allow anybody to get in the way.

“If I thought that I had a chance with August, I would take it. He has only eyes for you and I don’t think that he even gave me the once over or undressed me with his eyes. I know that you did and maybe that’s something that you should explore with August. Being with him has opened up a whole new you. You’ve broken free of the only obstacle that was in your way the entire time. You have been your own worst enemy. What I did here today is a temporary fix. I request that you come back once a week for a repeat treatment. Couples break up because they can’t communicate or show the kind of affection that will keep them coming back for more.” Lily got my body humming a different tune.

“This has been very enlightening. It would probably be a good idea that August return here with me. He needs this more than I do. I don’t really know what we’re going to do about Michael and his father. I probably shouldn’t have said anything and I don’t want it to get out by some kind of gossip between you and your friends and colleagues. I’m asking for your discretion and I hope that you will abide by my wishes. There’s a big tip in it for you for your silence.” I showed her $100 bill and her eyes went wide like she hadn’t seen that kind of cash before.

“Behind these doors is a safe haven for you to talk openly without judgment or condemnation. What happens here stays here. You’re not the first one to ask for my silence and you won’t be the last. August would make a great candidate for acupuncture. I think that you’ll find that he’ll be more receptive if you were to mention it beforehand.” I got up feeling a little lightheaded, but that was to be expected from having my inner being aligned. I felt like I was connected to everything. Sex was going to take on a whole new meaning.

I hadn’t even thought that the Chinese had special techniques when it came to sexual pleasure. This trip was interesting and getting more so by the minute. Westerners didn’t have a patent on sexual discovery.

“I’m glad that you said that. I made some interesting noises and I doubt that it was anything that you haven’t heard before. I had to let it out. There was no way that I could keep something like that to myself. You hijacked my body. I’m surprised that I was able to let things go so easily. I think that is the influence of having August as a role model and mentor. He’s more than that. He’s my friend, partner in business and soon to be wild lover in bed.” Lily had to be there for me with a cold glass of water after feeling dehydrated.

I had the fortune to sit in a sauna that was infra-red and it made me sweat through my pores. It left me docile and her suggestion about acupuncture didn’t make me afraid like it should have. I was feeling ready to charge ahead and do what was needed to make this work. August said that he had gotten a very odd message from the researcher in his law firm. I had to hope that it was good news.

“You came in here as tight as a drum and you are leaving relaxed and sexually open. I learned my English from television shows and movies. This thing that you have with August is something that you need to do something about. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Everything else will fall into place one way or the other. It’s a matter of timing and there are no words that can express the way that you feel. Words are empty without actions. Do yourself a favor and take the bull by the horns. He might treat you like a fragile doll that is going to break, but you are stronger than that. Don’t let him handle you with kid gloves. Throw your misconceptions into the fireplace with those broken glasses and do what they do on the discovery channel. We don’t get that here, but I’ve heard others speak of it from your neck of the woods.” She was kneeling in front of me, holding the glass and letting me drink from the cup.

“I sometimes get the impression that we’re going against the natural order of things. Every time that we are close to being together something comes around to tear us apart. Old boyfriends and girlfriends aside, there has to be a payoff after everything that we have been through. I just hope that we are not stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m going to tell everybody that you are the best and that they should come here before they go anywhere else. Word of mouth is what is good for business.” I felt that hunger for my man and it came from those open pathways that she had amazingly worked wonders with.

“Everything happens in its own time. You may veer from your path from time to time, but you always find a way to get back on track. It’s obvious that you were meant to be together. You can’t let business be the focus for the reason why you’re here in China. The payoff that you are looking for is in your hands. It has been there this whole time. You already know that, but you have decided to hide from it” Lily held my hand and I could feel tingles of excitement running up and down my lower extremities.

“We should’ve done something about this attraction between the two of us a long time ago. We let our fears dictate our lives. I’m through doing that.” I held her hand and there was real strength coming from those little fingers. It was as if she was touched by an angel and given a profound gift to give pleasure to others. I’m sure that if I had asked for it that a happy ending might’ve been negotiated. I could see myself experimenting. I couldn’t say that before I met August. He was letting me play in the sandbox. I didn’t have to believe that sex was one sided in the male’s favor. I deserved more than that and I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.

“Our culture was born from marriages of convenience. Our fathers were the ones that made the decision on which family to marry us into. I broke from that and they have never looked at me the same way again. I send them money and they send it back without even a note. We can’t live for others. The only person that we have to be better than is ourselves.” Lily helped me to get dressed. She was very caring and compassionate and she made me feel at ease in your presence. It was a spiritual awakening.

“It is a beautiful city with riches and wonders that have yet to be discovered by myself or August. If you could suggest a couple of places that we should visit, then that would go a long way to helping him to realize that he made the right decision by coming here.” She put up a finger. She grabbed a pen and paper and began to scribble madly like a woman possessed.

“I wrote down a few places that most tourists will never see. I also mentioned in that same note a few supplements. They will give you a virility that you didn’t know that you had. Get him to take it at the same time and the physical connection that you have together will be stronger than ever. The one that I would suggest and worked wonders for me is the deer antler.” The supplements that she was talking about was those things that you could find in nature.

I found myself hugging her and then rushing back to the penthouse with only one thing on my mind. It had nothing to do with business and everything to do with getting him out of his pants and his underwear at the same time. I was going to kick this into high gear and it didn’t matter what he did to prevent me from attacking him.

I waited for 2 hours and then I heard the door open and the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I got up and I lay back against the bed in a compromising position with legs spread and my intention quite obvious from the way that I was dressed in that same lingerie.

The door opened and I saw him staring at me and then dropping whatever papers he had in his hands. “I think that you might be a little underdressed. Dinner is served downstairs.” I tried to reach for a robe by the door, but he snatched it from my hands and made me stand there. “On second thought, there’s no reason for you to get dressed up. What you’re wearing will suffice nicely. I also have some potentially good news, but I think that can wait until later.” August took my han

d and made me walk ahead of him. I could feel him staring at me and the way that my panties were wedged up into the crack of my ass.

He wanted to enjoy the view from the back. There was definitely a new skip in his step. The weight on his shoulders was gone and in place was the man that I had professed my love for.

“I took the liberty of ordering off menu.” The glint in his eye told me that he was up to something. “Please, take a seat and you’ll find that most of these dishes incorporate a certain magic mushroom that is known to the locals. I don’t know the pronunciation, but it’s said to be a very potent part of their sex life.” I put the deer antler in jerky form in front of him. I told him of the significance of it. We were both thinking the same thing.

“The one thing that we don’t need any help with is getting in the mood. I can already see that you are happy about something.” He looked down and the bulge that was trying to escape his trousers was not average by any means.

The food was delicious and the mushrooms and deer antler did complement the dish precisely as advertised. I was a little nervous and being this vulnerable and exposed left me with chills running up and down my spine. He dropped his napkin and then he disappeared under the table. I knew exactly what he was up to and I didn’t dare look. I continued to eat when I felt a pair of hands spreading my legs. Those fingers crept up along the garters, snapping them once to garner a yelp of surprise from my mouth.

I could feel his hot breath on the thin fabric of my blood red panties. I felt the touch of his wet and agile tongue. It wasn’t direct contact, but it was certainly a tease for better things to come. His hands were lightly touching the inside of my thighs igniting that ember into a full-blown blaze.

“I hope that you know what you are…DOING.” I lost my speech as his fingers delicately moved away the only obstacle that was preventing him from seeing me. I felt his one finger draw a straight line down until he penetrated. I pushed against him to see how far that finger would go until it was past the second knuckle. The grip in which I held him in my embrace must’ve given him an idea of what he was in for.

“Put yourself into my hands and I promise that you won’t regret it.” The tip of his tongue moved ever slowly from my knee all the way up to the inside of my thighs. I didn’t need to see what he was doing to know what roadmap he was using to get there. I had this feeling that he had a very profound conversation with Lily before he left. “You taste delicious and I haven’t even sampled the best part. I just hope that you don’t suffocate me.” That was a promise that I couldn’t make because I didn’t know that I would be able to keep it.

“Oh, my…that does leave me a little heated and it has nothing to do with the temperature in the room.” I held the table, willing myself to be in the moment and feeling like the acupuncture had lessened the control that Michael had over what was going to happen.

That tongue came in direct contact with my clit for a brief moment before taking it away. I made an audible gasp that I was sure was music to his ears. He drove the point of his tongue like a spear until I was slamming my hands down on the table with more than an encouraging word. The explicit language would’ve made a grown sailor blush.

He was darting his tongue in and out of my body with a precision that had me feeling like he was some kind of serpent. He was showing that he was in control. This was a man that had a lot to offer. His experience was doing wonders for my libido.

I had to push away from the table, panting like an animal in heat and placing my foot in those high heels up on his forehead to prevent him from touching me like that anymore. He looked a little disappointed, but I didn’t want to reach the end of my rope that quickly.

“Your patience will be rewarded. There’s no point in getting too hot to handle. I want this night to live in infamy in both of our minds. Our first time will be a long drawn out affair with the both of us having the chance to explore each other’s bodies. I believe that you are in a position to carry me up those stairs and into the bedroom where the action will take place.” Most men wouldn’t be up to that task and my weight was a major issue back in the day. Those guys that had come before were toxins that had to be excised from my body like demons. He was the answer to all of my dreams coming true. I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.