Page 13 of Seduced by Two

I smiled. “Thanks,” I replied. “But you mean it? Lingerie? Really?”

Megan raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Why not?”

Megan led me to the lingerie section. Just looking at the array of silk and lace made me blush. She loaded up my arms with bra and panty sets, chemises, teddies, and bodysuits. When I went into the fitting room, I took off my clothes and stared down at my naked body.

Even though I felt different, I looked exactly the same. I still had the same small, perky breasts as before. My belly looked the same, too – small with just a tiny little hint of roundness. And my hips were still narrow, girlish. I blushed.

“This is going to look so stupid on me,” I whispered through the curtain. “Megan, I feel ridiculous!”

“Well, stop complaining and try something on,” Megan whispered back. “You won’t know until you try!”

I pulled on a pair of silk panties. The material slid smoothly along my skin, and I felt a trace of arousal spark through my body. The panties snugly fit my pussy and I moved my hips from side to side, feeling sexy and sleek. I paired them with a silk bra that only pushed my breasts up high and showed my nipples. With a soft sigh, I ran my hands over my body.

I did feel different, I realized. I felt sexy and more powerful than ever before.

When I left the store an hour later, I was wearing the new silk panties and revealing bra under a new sweater and jeans. Even Megan commented on the way I couldn’t stop smirking.

“Now you look like a real woman,” Megan said. We hugged at the bus stop. “Call me and tell me how things are going?”

I nodded.

“Are you coming home?”

I shrugged. “Not for a while,” I said. “At least, not tonight.”

I went back to Andrew’s, expecting him and Victor to pounce on me immediately. But instead, they both kept their distance. And when we sat down for dinner, I could sense that something wrong and awkward was hanging in the air.

“This is delicious,” I said, breaking the silence between the three of us. Andrew had made pasta with angel hair and red sauce and it was del

icious. I slurped up a big bite, wiping the messy sauce from my cheeks and blushing.

“Kristin, what do you think about going with me to a concert on Friday?” Victor raised an eyebrow and took a sip of wine. “You might enjoy it.”

“I was going to take Kristin out on Friday,” Andrew said, glaring at Victor. “You didn’t even give me a chance to ask her.”

“Well, I asked her first,” Victor said hotly. “So what do you think, Kristin? How about it?”

I glanced from Victor to Andrew, feeling confused. I didn’t know how to explain it, but there was something very odd about feeling like the two men were competing for my attention.

“Um, I don’t know,” I said timidly. “We’ll have to see how I’m feeling, I guess.”

“Whatever,” Victor mumbled. “Just thought I’d ask.”

Now I felt guilty. I didn’t know how to explain it, but somehow the idea of being alone with Victor made me feel slightly uncomfortable. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust him, but I didn’t exactly know him very well, either. After all, Andrew was my stepbrother. He was the one who’d spent more time with me, making sure that I felt comfortable and that I was getting along in Boston, without my parents. With Victor, I wasn’t even sure what we’d talk about if it came to that.

“So, Kristin, how was the rest of your day?” Andrew took a bite of pasta. “It was fine, I went shopping with Megan,” I told him. Reaching into the back pocket of my pants, I pulled out my wallet and plucked the credit card free. Handing it back to Andrew, I blushed.

“What did you buy?” Victor asked.

I swallowed nervously and pushed back from the table, lifting my sweater high and showing off the sexy bra. My nipples were already stiff and swollen from having rubbed against the material of my sweater all day, and I was aching for attention.

Victor and Andrew looked at me, their faces covered in lust. Victor got up and started to move towards me, but Andrew stayed put.

“Can we finish dinner?” Andrew asked pointedly. “Very nice, Kristin.”

I sat down, somehow feeling like I’d screwed up.

After dinner, I went upstairs and started putting my new clothes away in the dresser drawer that Andrew had cleared for me. I was just about done when I heard the bedroom door open. Heavy footsteps sounded behind me, and strong muscular hands wrapped around my waist, gripping me tightly.