Page 201 of Seduced by Two

‘Is that your little boyfriend now?’

I rolled my eyes and laughed out loud. Professor Moore was jealous! He had nerve! I decided to ignore him and put my phone back in my pocket. I went inside of the apartment building and headed up the flights of stairs to my apartment. When I got to our door, I put my ear against it and listened. I didn't hear anything. I took my key out and unlocked the door, letting myself inside. Sharon was gone. I could hear music playing and Gemma singing in the shower. I was still hungry after eating those fries so I decided to wait until Gemma got out of the shower so that we could go eat lunch in the dining hall.

I was about to lay out on the couch but thought better of it and instead sat in the armchair. Sprinkles came out of hiding and jumped on my lap. I pet her and she purred. With my free hand, I took my phone back out and scrolled through my contacts, stopping at Richard’s name. I text him:

‘Thanks for the fries and soda :)’

Moments later, he texts back:

‘You're welcome cutie ;)’

I bit my lip and thought about what to text back. I heard the shower and music stop and the bathroom door open. Gemma came out wrapped in a towel, wearing slippers, her wet hair dripping.

"I thought I heard you come in," she said.

"Where's Sharon?" I asked.

"She left," Gemma answered. There was a pause. Gemma was giving me this strange look.

"What?" I asked her.

"Did you put ecstasy in the tea?"

"What?!" I asked her incredulously.

She looked up at the ceili

ng and spoke slowly.

"Did you put ecstasy in the tea?"

"No!" I exclaimed. Gemma stared me down.

"Dahlia, I'm going to ask you one more time. Did you put ecstasy in the tea?!"

"Yes!" I blurted out, instantly regretting it after seeing Gemma's face turn red with anger.

"Why would you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She demanded. I bit my lip, trying to figure out what to say.

"I knew that you two would hit it off and I just wanted to give you a little push..." I said lamely.

"She's married!" Gemma screamed at me. "You made her cheat on her husband!" Woah, let's not give me too much credit.

"I didn't make her do anything. She wanted to do that. The ecstasy just made her less inhibited," I said. Gemma shook her head.

"I can't believe you," she said and turned around, stomping away.

"Do you want to get lunch with me in the dining hall?" I yelled at her back. Gemma answered by slamming her bedroom door and turning her music on with the volume all the way up.

"I guess not," I said to myself. I looked down at my phone at my last text from Richard and texted back:

‘Since I ate your food, do you want to meet me for lunch in the dining hall?’

He texted back:

‘Sure! :)’

I smiled and wrote back: