Page 53 of Love at First Sight

“I need to get to him,” I rasp out, trying to stop the yelling. “Please, take me there now.”



“Look, guys, I honestly don’t need to be here.” I try to leap down off the bed but the doctors won’t let me move. “I’m fine, honestly. I don’t need to stay. I have to find my friend because he’s waiting for me.”

“You came in here with memory issues. That’s something we take very seriously.”

I almost laugh at the irony of this. “Trust me, I know about memory issues and this isn’t that. My fiancée has suffered from amnesia and I know this isn’t that. I think I was just disoriented that’s all. Please, let me go.”

“No, you’re going to have to be examined by a neurologist before we let you anyway.”

I throw my hands up in despair. This is not how I wanted my bachelor party to go. One minute I was playing laser tag, the next I’m out the back with someone who I assumed was an employee of the place, but now I’m not so sure, telling me that I’d fallen badly, bumped my head and needed to go to hospital. Because I was so out of it at the time I just went along with it, but now I regret it because I’m stuck here in hell.

“Well, can I have my cell phone so I can at least call someone to come and get me? I was with my friend and he’ll be looking for me. Probably panicking because he doesn’t know where I am…”

“I will get the doctor to come and speak to you soon, then we start calling people and sorting it out.”

“Urgh.” I huff with frustration. This is so freaking annoying. This isn’t helping me at all. “For goodness sake!”

I roll my eyes wishing that me and Al had been on the same team for laser tag. This never would have happened then. He wouldn’t have been somewhere else across that giant hall, he probably would have been the one to find me when I fell. Now I don’t even know where my cell is to call him. They are taking this much too seriously.

The doctor slides out of the room and leaves me in a bitter and twisted puddle. I’m going to have to make a break for it, this is pointless. I know that I’m okay, I’m perfectly aware that I’m fine, I just need to get out. Even if that means leaving my phone behind, I don’t care. I want to get back to Al, to my party, I want to get back to celebrating my upcoming marriage. Soon, I’m going to have everything that I want.

I practically tiptoe towards the door and I open it slowly. This is crazy, it’s like being in the middle of an action movie where I’m trying to find the cure to some virus unleashed or something equally wild. My heart thumps as I lean out and dart my eyes down the hallway. There isn’t anyone in sight so I take the next step and leave.

I’m like a criminal wandering down towards the reception area, I feel like all eyes are on me and someone could jump out at me to pin me down at any time. I stuff my hands awkwardly into my pockets and keep my eyes fixed on my feet. The typical bleeping and whirring of a hospital surrounds me everywhere.

“He is here.” I hear a familiar shrill voice echoing through the hallway. “He has to be. That’s his cell phone.”

“Katherine?” I don’t want to get my hopes too high, I suppose it could just be someone who sounds like her, but I feel my spirits lift regardless. I pick up speed until I bolt around the corner. “Oh my God, it is you!”

Tamara breaks out from behind Katherine and she tearfully flings her arms around me. “Are you okay?” she mumbles into my chest. “I’ve been so worried about you. Al said he lost you and I freaked.”

I laugh mirthlessly at the thought of them all racing around to find me. “Ironically, I was brought here because I had a bump on the head and because I was disoriented they think I might have memory issues.”

“What?” I should have planned for her to freak out about that. Tamara yanks backwards and she grips onto my face, staring at my eyes as if she’s looking for something there. “Are you sure that you don’t? I didn’t really realize it for a while, I just thought my brain was a bit fuzzy, it wasn’t until afterwards…”

“It isn’t that,” I reassure her. “You fell down a big load of stairs. I just had a bump. It’s fine. Trust me, I shouldn’t have even come to the hospital. I wouldn’t have if someone hadn’t advised it…”

“Someone who?” I shrug. “Well they must’ve been worried about you.”

“Will you relax? I’m fine. All I want to do is get out of here now, I’m sick of hospitals.”

“Do you want to get back to your bachelor party?” Al gives me a guilty look. “I feel like I’ve ruined it now.”

“You haven’t ruined it. Not at all. It was awesome… but I don’t know if I can hack going for drinks. My head is hurt.” I look around at the people surrounding me. “Shall we do something the four of us instead?”

“Yeah.” He looks surprisingly relieved. “That sounds great, actually. Let’s do that.”

“I want to keep an eye on you any

way,” Tamara shoots back firmly. “I’m not convinced…”

Oh God, the last thing I wanted to do was cause Tamara any stress before the wedding, I’ve been trying to keep the hell away from anything that will upset her, and now I’ve done something terrible to cause her endless anxiety. This is a bloody nightmare. How the hell am I going to fix it?

“Right, well let me retrieve my cell phone then we can escape.”