Page 361 of Playboy Billionaire

“Sounds like fun,” she said. “I mean, if you like cocks.”

“I don’t have a problem with cocks,” I said, trying to sound much hipper than I really was. “Then he asked me to go back to his place to have sex. I mean, I’d known the guy ten minutes, Dru. There was no way I was going to go home with him. I mean, do women really do that? Meet a celebrity and have sex with him an hour later.”

I felt a little hypocritical for even asking the question, but in my mind Katie Holmes was the skank that blew a gasket on the dancefloor with Sean Donovan, not me, not good girl Kate Asher, upstanding citizen and retroactive virgin (my twat was growing back together due to lack of use).

“A lot of girls would have fucked him right there on the dancefloor,” Dru said. “If I was hanging out with Jennifer Lawrence and she wanted me to go down on her in the middle of Times Square during rush hour on live TV, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

“You also fingerfuck strangers in bars,” I said with a grin.

“True,” she said with a sigh. “So, what happened?”

“I freaked out and ran away,” I said, throwing my hands in the air. “The good little girl from Utah came out of me and I just got the hell out of there.” I tapped my forehead with a fist. “Dammit, Dru, I should have gone home with him and got him to commit to an interview.”

Dru’s eyes widened over the coffee cup. “If you had gone home with him, would you have fucked him?”

“What? No, I mean, I don’t think so.” I rubbed my eyes and growled at myself. “Jesus, Dru, what’s wrong with me? Why am I such a prude?”

“You were there to do a job, Kate,” she said, giving me a look of consolation that didn’t make me feel any better. “And not the kind of job he had in mind.”

“I guess.”

She sipped her coffee and let me stew in silence for a moment. She bit off corner of the Bear Claw, then chewed as she said, “So, what’s your next move, Katie Holmes?”

“There isn’t one,” I said sadly. “Katie Holmes goes back in the box and Kate Asher goes back to writing fluff pieces about women’s sports that no one cares to read.”

“So you’re just going to give up on the idea?”

I took deep breath and pushed it out slowly. “I guess so. Walter wants a story on the difference in compensation between the women and men’s US soccer teams by next week. I’m trying to line up a call with Carli Lloyd for later today. I’m waiting on a call back from her PR rep now.”

“Oh well,” Dru said sadly. “It was fun while it lasted. I had a good time being Katie Holmes’ wing-man. Wing-girl. Whatever.” She glanced at the heavy men’s watch she wore on her right wrist. “Speaking of work, guess I’d better get to it.”

“See you later,” I said, nodding sadly as she pushed herself off the door and walked down the hall toward her office.

My cellphone buzzed on the desk. I didn’t recognize the number, but figured it was Carli Lloyd’s rep calling me back. The Bluetooth headset was already attached to my ear. I tapped the button to answer the call.

“This is Kate,” I said.

The caller hesitated for a moment, then said, “Is this Playboy Magazine? Is this Katie Holmes?”

I recognized Sean’s voice immediately. I could feel his lips at my ear. His breath on my neck. His cock against my clit. My nipples tingled. Damn, the effect this guy had on me.

I cleared my throat and said, “Yes, this is Katie.”

“Hi Katie, it’s Sean Donovan.”

“Sean, hi. How are you?”

“I’m good. A little hungover, but that’s normal for me. Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to come watch the team practice today, then join me for a late lunch, early dinner kind of thing. Nothing fancy. Just a burger or pizza, something simple. We can talk about the interview you want to do.”

My lips moved for a second, but my brain was slow in sending out words. I nervously cleared my throat again and tried not to sound too eager.

I said, “Hang on, Sean, let me look at my schedule…”

I muted the earpiece and counted down from ten as I took a few deep breaths and tried not to hyperventilate. When I was sure that I could speak coherently, I tapped the earpiece to unmute the call.

“Sean? Hi. I’ll have to move some things around on my schedule, but I think I can make that work. What time should I be there?”

“Awesome. I’ll leave a pass for you at the security gate outside the practice field. Say around one o’clock?”