Page 346 of Playboy Billionaire

“You made

all the blood from my head rush to another part of my body. Now that I’m thinking straight, I would like to know what you meant when you said that you had potentially good news. There is definitely a change in your attitude. I know that some of that is courtesy of what I was wearing, but I don’t think that was the extent of it.” I touched his depleted member and the head was extra sensitive after going off that many times.

“The research advisor that I was telling you about came up with something that we might be able to use in our favor. Intellectual property is not the same as patents pending. I had the foresight before I went into this business to patent all of my designs. They can have us, but they can’t have our designs without both of us signing off on it. I know that they’re not going to like that, but that’s hard cheese.” He was smug, but if he had thought about this, then it was likely that their lawyers had already found a way to circumvent that very thing.

“We have one more day and then we will have to meet with Michael and his father to discuss things further. We can’t go off half-cocked. It does us no good to show how desperate we are. I’m glad that we waited and it made it that much more special. I don’t have any frame of mind, but I think that we might have broken the sound barrier. I know that I screamed until I was hoarse and you couldn’t stop moaning my name over and over again. I don’t think that there’s a better sound than hearing my name coming from your lips.” I moved my fingers over his sweaty skin and I knew that we were in major need of a shower for two.

“I’m ready for them this time and they won’t catch me with my pants down again. Fool me once shame on them, fool me twice and shame on me. The one thing that I do know from all of this is that we both need each other. I listened to you breathing last night and I could almost hear the things that you were dreaming about. When you opened up your eyes the truth came out about how much you love me. You tell me that you want me and that you need me more than the air that you breathe and I believe you.” August held me tightly and I think that he had the same sentiment that there was no better place than being in each other’s arms.

“When I hold you in my arms like this it’s like I’m home. You put me in the spotlight and made me perform for an audience of one. You can’t hide your emotions from me. You can from others, but I can see through the bravado.” I was quite content to lie in his arms forever, but that was only a pipe dream. Sooner or later, we were going to have to face our problems head on. We were together and nothing was going to conquer us.

“I’ve never felt more connected to anyone in my life. The dreams that I had were the most satisfying. They had to be about you. When I wake up with a smile, I know that it’s because you are with me, Amanda. There’s something about you that keeps me wide awake. I had a resurgence of energy last night that came over me like nothing that I have felt before. Usually, I’m good for one or maybe two, but last night I went beyond my wildest imagination.” Whenever I looked at him, I believed that I could do just about anything.

“August, you say the sweetest things and yet I don’t believe that they are lines. Men might say the damnedest things to get a woman into bed, but you are not like that. You might have been in the past, but you learned that there is a give and take to any relationship. That we need to continually work to better ourselves. We will have arguments and fight like cats and dogs, but we will never go to bed angry.” That was a promise that I was intending to keep.

“I am a little older than you, but I certainly didn’t expect you to be able to bend like that. Only contortionists can do some of those maneuvers. You’re very flexible and you always keep me guessing. Every time that I look at you, I feel like my heart is going to explode.” We finally had to go and take a shower and that was making it very hard on us not to have a repeat performance. It wouldn’t be long until we were throwing caution to the wind and there was still a whole lot of this penthouse suite that we had not taken advantage of.

He helped me to towel dry and I could feel his fingers lingering a little longer than necessary. When he bit one of my cheeks, I jumped out of my skin, but also laughed at the way that he couldn’t help himself. We were not conventional and the love that we shared was something that was written in the stars.

“You keep doing that and you know what’s going to happen. We haven’t even had a moment to step outside of his room for over 12-hours. We need to nourish our body. We need to get dressed and go someplace to have breakfast. Don’t worry; I plan to take full advantage of that body of yours. I don’t think last night was a fluke, but there’s only one way to find out. We need to practice and I’m not opposed to pushing the envelope.” I’d always wanted some man to use my breasts for their pleasure. Seeing him thrusting that last time straddling my chest was an awe-inspiring moment. The heat of his discharge was still on my skin.

“I keep thinking that what I have against them is not enough. That somehow they will turn the tables and have us looking like fools all over again. I’ve gone over what that researcher found and it is very well hidden. They would need somebody that is meticulous and won’t just gloss over the details. They think they have us over a barrel and they won’t even entertain the idea that we could be in the driver’s seat.” I saw him putting on his pants and I wanted to reach out and pull it back down to where he was accessible to my eager and hungry eyes.

“August, the one thing that we can’t do is accept everything on face value. We go in there armed to the teeth and ready to blow their world apart. We don’t let them get a word in edgewise and we hit them with this from the moment that we enter into the office. That will draw them into an offensive position. Be ready for them to play dirty. We’ve already witnessed that for ourselves and it’s not like they were very subtle about it. Michael got us here under false pretenses and they can’t be allowed to play with people’s lives like that. They need to know that there are consequences to their actions.” I put on a pair of jeans feeling like today was a day to go casual. I slipped a sweater over my head, but it didn’t exactly hide my otherwise endowment.

“I agree with you. We need to make sure that we have all of our bases covered. After breakfast, I suggest that we go into the office using our newly acquired key cards and do a little bit of reconnaissance. We can poke around and do some digging on our own. Let’s see if there are any skeletons in their closet that we can use against them. The kind of business that they do must’ve made them a fair supply of enemies. What I have is damning enough, but we want them to be in a position where they will have to work with us than against us. The only way that we’re going to be able to do that is to fight fire with fire.” It was a good idea, but Michael and his father didn’t get to where they were by being careless.

“Gossip might be normal for other offices, but I doubt that there are going to be any loose lips to be found. We will be lucky if we find anybody that is even remotely talkative.” I had my back towards him and then he was behind me with the abundance between his legs pressed up against me. I could feel it nestled between my cheeks and I was this close to unbuttoning and bending over for the occasion.

“We are both as bad as each other. Let’s get out of here and find someplace that is out of the way. I’m sure that the driver waiting to take us to wherever we want to go will have some ideas. I even have this place that is not known to the tourists.” I told him about my adventure with Lily. He was apprehensive, but he was at least willing to come with me the next time.

“I do like the way that you think. You make me feel like I’m a fish out of water. I don’t necessary like that feeling, but having a woman like you makes it palatable.” We closed the door and went downstairs to retrieve our jackets by the front door.

I looked at him and I still couldn’t believe that I had landed a big fish like him. He seemed so unattainable. Girls were flocking to him. He had found a reason to be close to me instead of pushing me away. Even when I didn’t respond to his overtures, he still kept me around because he knew that I was a value to his company.

“The way that you are thinking has rubbed off on me. I look at things differently than I did before. Guys like you were a dime a dozen, but you were that hidden gem that I had to uncover. I think in some small way that you were hiding from your feelings. Rejection is never easy and you never let anybody close enough to break your heart. I’m glad that you were willing to open up to me. It wasn’t easy and it was like pulling teeth.” I opened the door and Michael was standing there with a tray and a smile on his face. It appeared that their business trip had been cut short and he decided to stop in on his newest acquisition.

“My father is downstairs and he will be up here shortly. I know that this is shorter notice that I had given you previously, but I can’t help that. I can only hope that you have come to your senses. Fall in line and you’ll be fed like fat pigs. Don’t and you’ll find yourself under litigation for breach of contract.” It was obvious that Michael had been sent ahead to smooth the troubled waters.

I was about to say something, but August interjected before I could get a word out. I was about to tell him that we were willing to work with him under certain conditions. It was his smug attitude that made me want to wipe that look off of his face.

“I think that it might be a little premature for us to talk about these things without your father present. I see that you brought us breakfast. We are famished and we appreciate the way that you have bent over backward to please us.” August was playing the game, but I could see the suspicion in Michael’s eyes like he was afraid that he was not seeing something that he should.

“Why is it that I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach? You are being way too kind and I expected more resistance than this. Tell me what has changed from the time that I saw you the other day to now. You must feel pretty damn cocky to stand in front of me not shaking in your boots. I don’t like being blindsided. My father’s not going to be very happy and you really don’t want to see his bad side.” August looked at Michael and didn’t give him the courtesy of saying anything more.

“I would say that you have gone above and beyond.

This all looks very delicious. If I don’t miss my guess, I believe that you got this from the place across the street. I can never remember its name, but the owner is very rigid and his wife caters to those that enter.” Michael was fuming and August was enjoying playing with that Damocles sword over his head.

“I don’t like being ignored. I hope that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Trust me; my father is not one to be made a fool of.” Michael was pacing, wringing his hands and looking like a bit of the bluster had been blown out of him.

“You’re right, August and everything looks absolutely sumptuous.” I sat down and we both talked to each other leaving him out of the conversation altogether.

“I do like the way that they treat us. I’m not sure that I enjoy the way that they think that they have the upper hand. It’s interesting about what happens when you push an animal too far. They don’t just sit in the corner and lick their wounds. They find a way to fight back and use whatever is at their disposal to give their enemy something to think about. You would think that somebody with that kind of business acumen would know that there are several ways to skin a cat.” He was alluding to the information that we had that was going to change everything.

“I don’t know what you’re getting at. Stop this before it goes any further. I’m pleading with you not to get into this with my father.” It was too late for that and Michael was now backpedaling like his life depended on it.

“That is more than enough groveling, Michael.” We were under the impression that his father didn’t speak English, but that was just another one of his lies. “Let these people eat their breakfast in peace. We can always discuss business afterward. It’s not like they’re going anywhere.” He had this self-important attitude that really did grate on my last nerve.