Page 284 of Playboy Billionaire

Jesse looked at her apologetically.

“I ate already. Chinese takeout. Sorry, I was really hungry,” he said and Belle rolled her eyes again.

“You couldn’t even wait for me to come home!” she said and stood up with a jerk. Jesse stood up too and started following her to the kitchen area.

“I’m sorry, babe. I really am. I wasn’t sure how long you’d be. I figured since it’s your first day, you might be delayed,” he was saying, and Belle just shook her head. The frustration was rising in her chest. This was not the kind of relationship she had imagined for them. It was supposed to be an adventure, a romantic adventure in New York.

She started rummaging in their mini fridge for leftovers, when she felt Jesse’s hands on her waist from behind. She straightened herself up and whipped around. He was smiling at her apologetically and pulled her closer to him.

Belle bit down on her lip, aware of the feelings of arousal she had in Devon Rymer’s office that morning. Perhaps sex with Jesse would help quench those needs, she thought. She decided to forgive him and brought her face closer to him now. Jesse leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was gentle and slow and Belle moaned softly.

He pulled away after a few seconds and she was blushing, looking up at him from under her heavy eyelids.

“Should we just go to bed?” she asked him and Jesse suddenly let go of her waist.

“I’m not sleepy yet, babe,” he said and the smile on Belle’s face drooped.

“No, I meant…” she began to say, but Jesse had already started walking away from her towards the couch. She couldn’t understand why they hadn’t had sex yet. Weren’t boys his age supposed to want sex more than girls? Wouldn’t he be excited that they were living together and now he had his opportunity to have sex with her as much as he wanted?

It seemed like she wanted it more than he did.

“I know what you meant, Belle,” Jesse said, sitting back down on the couch again. Belle grabbed the open door of the fridge tightly, she could feel her teeth grinding against each other. She was beginning to feel humiliated now. This constant rejection from her own boyfriend was taking its toll on her.

“What is the problem, Jesse?” she asked him, afraid of what the answer might be.

“I just think we should wait,” he said bluntly, without looking at her. He had settled the bowl of popcorn on his lap again.

“Wait for what? We’re in a relationship and we’re living together!” she said, her voice rising in anger now. Jesse looked at her, only for a second and turned his gaze to the TV screen again.

“Don’t you want to save yourself for the right moment? Like when we decide to take our relationship to the next stage? Isn’t that the right thing to do?” Jesse said and Belle whipped around from him.

She had never thought like that. Her own virginity was because she hadn’t found the right guy yet, not because she was saving herself for the right moment, or marriage. Up until now, she had no idea that was the reason why Jesse was holding out. He was a friendly, intelligent, good looking guy who dated several girls in college before herself…Belle hadn’t doubted that he was a sexually active guy.

She bit down on her lip as she tried to keep herself from looking at Jesse. She couldn’t believe what she had gotten herself into.

“I love you babe, I just think we should wait,” she heard him say and she pressed her eyes close to try and shut out his voice.


Alisha was sprawled on his bed, when Devon woke up the next morning at seven. He looked over and found her sleeping, with her face turned away from him. The events of the previous night came flooding back into his brain and Devon ran his hands through his hair and shook it out.

The night was going smoothly. He had taken her to a cocktail bar, they had several drinks together and as per plan, he brought her to his apartment. When she started taking her clothes off however, Devon stopped her in her tracks. Alisha looked confused. Wasn’t that what he wanted? Wasn’t that why he had called her? Devon pushed her away. He insisted that he didn’t want to have sex. When Alisha asked him why, he couldn’t giv

e her an answer.

They got into bed nevertheless, because it was too late for her to go home and they had slept together several times for it to become comfortable. Alisha tried to seduce him again, she had even managed to peel off his pants, but Devon didn’t allow her to get any further than that. He was tired, was his excuse; and Alisha didn’t look like she believed him.

She went to sleep, pissed off at him for wasting her night, and Devon remained awake almost the entire time, wondering what was wrong with him.

Having sex with Alisha, or any woman; had never been a problem for him before. But for some reason, this night, he wasn’t even turned on by her. The only thought in his mind was that he wanted to be with Belle. He had called Alisha for that very reason, to rid himself of thoughts about Belle. But she hadn’t been successful at that. He still wanted Belle. Hers was the only face that floated up in his mind every time he closed his eyes, and he had spent the whole night dreaming about her.

Alisha moved and stretched her arms, as Devon stood up and started putting his shirt on.

“Going to the gym?” she asked him, raising her head slightly.

“Yeah,” he replied and walked over to his walk-in closet.

Alisha had propped herself on her elbows and was watching him walking around the room. When Devon looked over at her, he couldn’t help but admire her chocolate brown nipples and her small perfectly shaped breasts. Breasts he had enjoyed sucking on many occasions before. Today, however, Alisha’s naked body had no effect on him.