Page 179 of Playboy Billionaire

Frank gave her a sad smile and sighed.

“Well if you go on a date with me at any point,” he said speculatively. “I’ll just have to buy you an even nicer dress.”

Veronica smiled up at him, knowing that he was quite capable of doing so. They were both quiet for a moment, feeling a bit awkward for the first time she could remember since they had met.

“Are you ready?” Frank asked her.

“I think so,” Veronica said, though she was having a hard time keeping her voice from shaking.

“It’s a little chilly out, you might need a coat,” Frank said.

“Oh, thank you,” Veronica nodded, and moved into her closet to find an overcoat. She had forgotten that the chill of autumn was creeping up on them and that the warmth of summer was disappearing. She couldn’t help but think that somewhat metaphoric for her life at the moment.

Veronica stepped out of her closet with the coat and began the process of putting it on.

“Here, let me,” Frank stepped forward, and held the coat so that she could more easily put her arms through it.

“Thank you,” she said when she was securely wrapped in the garment.

“Of course,” Frank nearly whispered. Veronica could feel tension building between them, and she could see Frank’s jaw working.

“You know,” he finally spoke after what seemed like ages. “All I want to do right now is take you and kiss you, so that when you kiss Calvin tonight, it won’t be your lips he’s tasting, but mine.”

Veronica wanted to tell him that her lips already were his, and that if he had not already physically claimed her at this point, then one more kiss wouldn’t magically do the trick. Besides, she knew what he was saying, and she didn’t want the moment between them to be ruined by useless logic.

“Anyway,” frank cleared his throat. “I came up to let you know that Thomas is outside with the car for you.”

Veronica was a little relieved that Thomas would be driving her. She had gotten to know him better and better during her time her, as he was a member of the staff. He was kind, and she knew he would not judge her for where she was going, and he wouldn’t badger her with questions about her situation.

“May I help you to the car?” Frank offered, extending his hand to her.

Veronica gave him a nod, and took his offered hand. A little more slowly than they might have normally walked, he led her down the grand staircase and out the front door. Veronica saw Thomas waiting by the rear door to help her in, but with a nod from Frank, he moved to get into the Driver’s seat.

Veronica felt her nerves mounting up inside of her as she approached the car, and when Frank opened the door for her, she hesitated to get in.

“Everything alright?” Frank raised an eyebrow at her, and Veronica could hardly find her voice to speak with him.

“I…” she trailed off for a moment, feeling vulnerable. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be scared,” Frank assured her softly. “Just try to go out and have a good time. Don’t think about right or wrong or making decisions. Just go out, and stay calm.”

Veronica nodded, and she took a deep breath. She had known Calvin for years. There was no reason to be getting so worked up over a simple date with him. Somehow, though, in such a short time, she felt like everything had changed.

Veronica lowered herself into the car, allowing Frank to help her as she did so. He bent over so he could smile in at her.

“You said you’d be back by midnight?” Frank asked.

“That’s right,” Veronica smiled up at him, taking comfort in the fact that no matter what happened on her date, she was still coming back to her life here afterward.

“Good,” frank said, and she heard a trace of humor in his voice. “That’s about when the spell wears off, or so they say.”

Veronica laughed aloud. She debated telling him that Calvin had also made a Cinderella joke, buts he decided the information was not quite welcome.

“I’ll miss you,” veronica said softly. She had not spent an afternoon away from him since she had known him, and this was more than a little strange to her.

/> “I’ll see you soon,” Franks aid comfortingly. “You should get going, you don’t want to be late.”

“Alright,” Veronica agreed, sounding very calm considering her heart had just leapt into her throat.