Page 155 of Playboy Billionaire

Veronica nodded, awe still written across her face as she took in the beauty of the large home. As they approached the door, Thomas moved to the side and pressed a small button, and Veronica could hear the sound of the doorbell ringing through the large home.

Promptly, the door swung outward, and a woman, apparently in her thirties, appeared to greet them.

“Mrs. Martinez,” Thomas spoke up. “This is Miss Lawrence, our new nanny.”

“Of course, and you can call me Maria,” the woman gave her an easy smile. “We were hoping you would accept the offer. Mr. Davenport made it very clear that you were his first choice.”

Veronica felt her stomach flip at that information.

“Mr. Davenport is, of course, at work,” Maria went on, and Veronica couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. “But he will be returning this afternoon, as is his usual. Until then, I’ll be introducing you to the girls and showing you around the house, letting you know what you’ll be responsible. Oh, and of course showing you your living space.”

Veronica nodded.

“Alright, well I’ll leave you ladies to it,” Thomas said, moving to excuse himself. “Miss Lawrence, here is your suitcase. It was a pleasure to meet you, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around a lot more in the very near future.”

“I’m sure,” Veronica smiled up at him. “It was very nice to meet you too.”

With a smile, Thomas went back down the staircase and moved back over to the car, driving it away.

“Here, let’s get you inside,” Maria smiled, and gestured to the inside of the home.

Veronica took up her suitcase and followed Maria. Veronica barely kept her jaw from dropping as she took in the splendor of the foyer. It was like something someone would see in a movie. There were marble floors and even a staircase leading up to the second floor.

“Yeah,” Maria chuckled at her. “It’s a lot to adjust to, but trust me, you will.”

Veronica gave a soft laugh, and she followed Maria as she led her further into the house.

Maria gave her a brief tour of the living room and the kitchen as they passed through. Both the rooms were outfitted with obviously extravagant and expensive furniture and appliances, and Veronica wondered where in the world he would even get any of these things from.

She was a little surprised when Maria led her out of the house, and to the pool. It was large and plain square, and off in one corner there was a small gazebo, and under its shelter was a hot tub.

“The girls love to swim,” Maria explained. “So you’ll have plenty of opportunities to come out and enjoy the weather.”

Veronica nodded.

“So do you live here at the estate as well?” Veronica asked as they made their way around the pool.

“No, I’m just one of the daytime staffers,” Maria explained. “We do all the work in the day so the property is empty when Mr. Davenport comes home for the evening. Except for his security team, of course.”

“And the nanny,” Veronica assumed.

“And the nanny,” Maria verified with a smile.

They finally made it to the door of the pool house. Maria withdrew a key from her pocket and opened the door.

“This is the pool house,” Maria explained. “There is a shower just out here so you can all get clean after a swim.”

Veronica nodded.

“Whenever guests come to stay, this is where they generally take up lodging,” Maria explained.

Veronica nodded, taking in all the information.

With that, Maria locked the door again and led Veronica back to the house through another of its doors. This door opened up into what appeared to be a more informal version of a living room.

“This is the den,” Maria explained. “This is where the girls like to play and Mr. Davenport will watch football or movies or whatever.”

Veronica nodded more as they walked, and they approached another staircase, this one far less grand than the first. Veronica soon discovered, though, that they led the same place, as she could see the main one from down a hallway.