Page 133 of Playboy Billionaire

“No,” Suzie said moving away from Jared. “I am not comfortable. I want to go home.”

“This is your home now,” Jared said.

“Thanks. There is just a lot going on right now. It might take me a while,” Suzie sighed.

“Take all the time you need,” Jared said and then started the next movie and held her tight.

Later in the afternoon the phone rang. It was work and Jared got up and talked quietly in the kitchen. Coming back into the room, his face was solemn.

“I have to go into work for a few hours, do you want to come?” he asked her hopefully.

"No I will be fine," she said.

"Okay I will try to be quick. Call if you need anything and I will bring home supper." Jared tucked a blanket around her and got ready to go.

"Thanks, I think I will have a nap. Hope it goes well," she said to him.

"Bye, love you.”

“Yeah, you too bye.”

Jared closed the door and she squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath. Then she settled back and tried to quiet her mind. Dozing on and off, Susie felt locked at a stalemate.

A while later her ears perked at the sound of the door opening. It was Jared home with supper she hoped. Nope it was Jeff. He looked at her and then looked away. Straight to the bathroom without a word, Jeff focused his full attention on everything except Suzie. She heard the shower run for a while. After it shut off, Jeff headed into the kitchen wrapped in a towel. Frozen in place Suzie listened to pots banging and water running in the kitchen. It was her turn to pretend to be watching TV.

Why was he not getting dressed? Suzie wondered and felt herself flush. She was feeling antsy. This was not her house and she felt caged in at times. She did not know what to do. Jared wanted her to live with him but they were not ready for that. Well, if he found out about her lie he would want nothing to do with her. He could never find out and she could never do it again. Feeling frustrated she went into Jared’s room. This man loved her and he was sweet. She just couldn’t see living with him, not yet. But she had nowhere else to go. Jeff wasn’t the answer no matter how much her body desired him. Even still with walls separating them she could feel his presence and was drawn to him. She walked into the kitchen. Jeff was cooking something that smelled amazing. Her stomach growled. He looked up at her, still in a towel, bare chested and cooking and he gave her a look of aggression and arousal.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hey,” he replied and looked down at the stove; he adjusted the knobs and walked out of the room.

Suzie let out the breath she was holding and slowly made her way over to the fridge. She opened it and poured a glass of juice. When she saw an open bottle of rye on the counter, she splashed some in. Taking a taste, she decided to add another splash. When she looked up, Jeff was in the doorway, still shirtless but now wearing jeans. Suzie froze in place staring at his chest, rye bottle still in hand.

“What are you doing?” he asked as he walked over to his meal cooking on the stove. He mixed and added as she replied.

“Oh. Can I please have some of your rye?” Suzie asked and then pressed her lips together.

“Have whatever you want,” he replied, not looking up from his cooking.

Suzie stood and watched him, unsure what to do or say. After setting the rye down, she leaned back against the counter and watched him cook. She loved watching him move, how his bulky muscled body moved so gracefully. As he cooked she was reminded of seeing him paint and her breathing deepened.

“Is there something else you want?” he asked her, his dark eyes searching her face and body.

“I don’t know,” she said quietly.

Setting down his cooking tools he walked over to her. His eyes did not leave her eyes and seemed to pierce her. Slowly he pressed closer and closer into her until he bent down and pressed his lips to her, tasting her. She opened her mouth in a gasp and he pushed inside it with his tongue and lavished her with his hands. Then quickly he pulled away and turned around.

“You might want to figure it out,” he said and he focused his attention again on the fragrant food he was preparing.

“This isn’t…this is.” Suzie took a breath.

“Taste this,” Jeff said and put a spoonful of something in her mouth. It was hot and flavorful and Suzie closed her eyes and moaned.

“Mmm. What is that?” she asked.

“Supper. Where’s Jared?” Jeff looked at her. She didn’t speak. “Don’t look at me like that when I say his name. He is my brother. My TWIN brother and this is his home, his kitchen, his woman.”

He slammed down the spoon he was mixing and turned to her in anger. Breathing in long gasps he opened his mouth to speak multiple times but said nothing. Instead he shook his head.