Page 129 of Playboy Billionaire

Suzie woke up when Jared came to bed. He wrapped his arms around her and they talked about their day. Jared was exhausted, and holding her tight fell fast asleep. Suzie, on the other hand, could not sleep. She was full of disappointment in herself; so unsure what to do or what was really happening.

It was the other lie that was eating away at Suzie. It was true that she had lied to Jared about what happened that day. There was another lie though. The lie she had been telling herself. The other lie was that she didn’t like it and it was completely untrue because she liked it a lot and wanted more of it. Since seeing Jeff paint, having him touch her, kiss her; she wanted more of it. Rubbing herself gently she moaned in pleasure remembering her interaction with Jeff and imagining it had gone a bit further. As she wiggled and touched herself, she aroused Jared and he began to use his hands, all over her. Suzie kissed Jared, trying to emulate the kiss she had with Jeff, and then giving in to panicked desire she cried out. Whispering quietly to her afterwards, Jared thanked her for staying with him. Finally, they both fell asleep.

In the morning, Suzie was up early and felt refreshed. She got up and made breakfast and coffee. Jared joined her and set the table, made them a bagged-lunch and worked alongside Suzie, both smiling happily. Jeff woke up surly and disengaged. He ate nothing but toast and drank black coffee, complaining there was no newspaper to read. Eventually he muttered something about lovebirds and took his coffee to the couch by himself.

At work Suzie was faced with completing a report for her first committee meeting which was later in the week. She was allowed to choose an associate to partner with on the project and had chosen Laura because she thought it would give her someone to talk to, make the project more fun. But of course all she wanted to do was talk about Jeff.

“Is he seeing anyone, do you know?” she asked. When Suzie replied that he was not, Laura continued with a giddy voice. “I totally got the vibe like he was interested yesterday but he didn’t try anything. He said he might text me but nothing yet. Was he sending signals? He is so gorgeous!”

“Signals seem to be a common problem,” Suzie said, feeling lightheaded.

“What?” Laura asked.

“I think that’s a song,” Suzie added, saying the first thing that came to her mind. Eager to get back to work, Suzie changed the subject; she did not like Laura with Jeff at all. Her jealousy made her even more impatient with herself. A few minutes later, Jared came in and asked Suzie to come to his office. They left the door open and sat across from each other at his desk.

“This is way too formal, move your chair over to me,” Jared said.

“No I have to get back to work right away anyway. I am sure this is better from a policy standpoint,” Suzie replied.

“You are so cute when you quote policy. I wanted to steal you away a minute because I have to go away for a few days. Just till the weekend and then we will have some fun,” Jared explained.

“Why do you have to go? Never mind I know why, I just feel safer when you are around,” Suzie said.

“Nothing to be worried about, it will go by fast. It came up quite suddenly and I will try to get back sooner. Will you stay in my bedroom while I am gone?” Jared asked.

Quiet for a moment, Suzie finally said, “Why would I stay at your house with your brother while you are gone?”

“I like you in my bed. Never mind. I forget you guys don’t know each other as well as I know you. Will you spend some time with him while I am gone? He does not know anyone here and I know he came partly to spend some time with me. I kind of

feel bad.”

“Quit trying to fix everyone. He will be fine,” Suzie said to reassure Jared.

“You’re right. He will probably bring home a different girl each night I am gone,” Jared said with a laugh. “Jeff is never alone for long.”

“Yeah he seems to have his sights on Laura,” Suzie said and she let herself relax.

“He told me,” Jared said. “I would prefer not though because we work with Laura. Jeff always leaves things messy.”

“Why?” Suzie asked.

“He doesn’t do long term and women can’t seem to get enough of him,” Jared replied with a laugh.

“Typical guy can’t handle commitment. Maybe you have been around him too much lately, you are always off somewhere. Starting to crave a similar life?” Suzie asked. Yawning she shook her head. “That came out wrong. Go get going, call me when you get there.”

“Yeah ok. Keep an eye on Jeff for me, please. And I will call you later,” Jared said. “Love you.”

Suzie agreed and said goodbye before getting back to work. If she avoided Jeff it would be an easy few days but Jared wanted them together. So after work, she picked Jeff up from work and they went out to eat. Afterwards, she went home expecting to shower and spend the evening watching re-run television. She had to meet with the committee in two days to give an update to the project and unwinding in a hot shower was exactly what she planned.

Letting the hot water drip all over her body, Suzie was relishing the long shower with no obligations. The water dulled the Jared/Jeff battle going on within her and she simply stood under the hot steamy water for what seemed a long while. When she finally got out, the bathroom was full of fog. She must have been in there for longer than she thought. She wrapped herself in a towel and opened the door. Strangely it seemed like the fog had leaked out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Upon taking a breath though, Suzie realized it was smoke, not fog. She choked. The thick smoke was coming from her kitchen. Choking, she felt with her hands until she could find the fire extinguisher. She began spraying down the flames in the kitchen. (She hadn’t remembered turning on the tea kettle and had no idea how that dish cloth had gotten there. She was never this confused.) The smoke first increased and then decreased substantially. Suzie opened a window and slumped down onto the floor.

Sitting in her towel, unsure what to do, Suzie answered the phone when it rang. It was Jared and she absentmindedly spoke of her accident and the fire. Immediately he called Jeff and sent him over. He begged Jeff to take care of Suzie for him until he could get there. Jared reassured Suzie and she encouraged him to stay where he was and get the job done. Of course she did not remember any of it, she was still in a daze. Jeff arrived to a smoky apartment and Suzie wrapped in a towel, in a daze on the floor.

He walked over to her, touching her bare shoulders. “Are you okay?”

No response.

“Let’s get you out of here then,” Jeff said. “What the hell happened?” he asked as he picked her up in his arms.