Page 126 of Playboy Billionaire

Jared laughed. “Okay, miss policy. No work talk.” And he tickled her. And it tickled. Suzie shrieked with laughter begging him to stop but he kept going until she grabbed him by the belt buckle and pulled him into her. She kissed him sucking his tongue and changing his focus.

“Stay here tonight,” she whispered.

“Oh,” Jared started, mentally arguing with himself.

“Don’t say no to me. I need you to myself tonight. I need to fall asleep in your arms like I did last night.” Suzie felt like if she let him go, she would never see him again. Slightly hysterical she wanted to shout at him to stay with her, let his brother stay by himself at Jared’s house and far away from them.

“You know I can’t say no to you,” he said and kissed her nose. “Means I will be busy tomorrow but I finally have you to myself.”

Suzie ran her hands through his hair and kissed him again. Slowly she led him to the bedroom where she undressed in front of him. He took his clothes off and joined her in bed. Sliding between the sheets, their skin was prickly from the cold. Jared gently rubbed her body with his hands, warming her up. She pressed her lips to his chest and nibbled on his shoulders. Suzie rolled on top of Jared as she warmed up. She leaned over him, holding him tight and smelling his clean aroma. Reaching between his legs she grabbed him and thrust herself upon him. Urgently possessing him she moved with increasing speed, building up rhythm as she grasped his hair. Moaning into his ear and then kissing him full on the mouth, she let the waves of passion wash away all the tension and leave her completely satisfied.

Jared lo

oked at her with wide eyes. “Wow.”

Snuggling up against him with contentment Suzie sighed, “I needed that.”

Neither of them expected to fall asleep that way, both had left their phones/alarms in the other room and eight hours later they awoke to simultaneous ringing from multiple devices. Sticky and tangled, they removed their arms from each other. The beeping, buzzing and ringing continued. Jared got up and got dressed while Suzie immediately sauntered into the living room to silence the offending racket. She looked at the clock and shrieked. They were both very late. A quick kiss and Jared took off. Suzie sent a quick message to her manager that she was running late and would be there soon. Not arriving late with Jared would be essential. They did not need the attention.

Arriving breathless to work, Suzie plunked down at her desk and opened her inbox. Laura walked over and handed her a cup of coffee.

“Trouble this morning?” she asked.

“Yeah…long story. What did I miss here?” Suzie changed the subject.

“I know that look,” Laura laughed. “Fortunately, it has been a quiet day. So, give me some gossip. Heather broke up with her boyfriend, did you hear?”

“No, that is too bad he seemed like a nice guy,” Suzie replied, multi-tasking her to do list while catching up with Laura.

“Nice! Not even. He was sleeping with her sister on the side,” Laura whispered, aghast. “Yeah she was pretty pissed when she found out.”

“No doubt. I wonder why he did it,” Suzie said absentmindedly.

“What do you mean you wonder why, come on, he is a guy. Guys think with their dick. It is her sister who should know better,” said Laura. Then, her tone changing, she asked, “What is Jared’s brother like? Is he as hot as Jared?”

“What brother?” Suzie replied defensively.

“I don’t know, Jared told me his brother was coming to town and wanted to go out. Apparently he is single…” Laura’s voice trailed off as she scrolled through her phone. “Jeff, that’s his name. You met him right?”

“Yeah, I met all his brothers.”

“So, what is he like?”

“Um, I don’t know. Jared has four brothers so, I am not sure.” Suzie hoped she sounded convincing.

“Come on. Try. Picture him and give me a description. Compared to Jared?”

“Okay if you will leave me alone so I can get some work done after. Jeff, now let me think. He is the same height as Jared but with darker eyes and hair. He is built too, like big muscles all over. His hair is long and wavy and he is scruffy and manly and rough…” Suzie said.

“Pretty impressive for not remembering him,” Laura laughed. “He sounds sexy.”

“K now let me get to work.” Suzie turned her back in a huff. Guiltily, she messaged Jared to see how his day was and find out when he would be at work. He was on his way now and was bringing her lunch. She was engrossed and did not look up until she could sense Jared enter her cubicle and with food. She was finishing up and saving the work when he reached around and passed her a white bag of food, it smelled delicious.

“Thanks babe,” Suzie said then grabbed his arm. A sizzle of electricity jolted through her arm and she dropped the food on her desk. Feeling the thick arm she turned around to see Jeff standing there instead of Jared. He leaned against her desk, his groin at eye level. She looked up at his eyes but felt like she was thrusting her chest out. “Oh, it is you,” was all she could speak to him.

“Yeah,” Jeff said, amused. “Jared had some meetings this afternoon, he told me to hang with you while I wait for him. So here I am.”

At that moment Laura walked in, she looked at Jeff and smiled. “You must be Jared’s brother. Wow you weren’t kidding Suzie, he is gorgeous.”