Page 119 of Playboy Billionaire

“Everyone is here! Good. Meet Candy. Candy, this is everyone.”

Helen laughed, hugging Jeff and introducing Candy properly to the rest of the family.

Jared’s twin was his complete opposite. Instead of smelling of cologne, and neatly dressed, Jeff wore jeans and a worn-out shirt. His eyes were the same dark brown as the rest of his brothers, but his hair was the darkest, almost black. He commanded the attention of the house as he swept in with a witty remark and hug for everyone. Before he hugged Jared, they did some strange gestures with their hands and punched each other in the shoulder. Jeff did not hug Suzie; instead he shook her hand and looked her dead in the eye.

“Nice job Jared,” Jeff said, his eyes still on Suzie. “This one looks like she keeps you in your place. And a blonde too. Well we know who is going to be having fun this weekend.”

Jared punched Jeff then leaned in close and said with an eyebrow raised, “Candy? Really?”

Jeff ignored him and walked away.

“Hey Dad, did you get the hot tub set up?” Jared asked his dad, who was sitting with his granddaughter nodding off in his lap.

“Yes, it is almost ready to go. We will fill it tomorrow, if you boys want to try it out.”

“We a

re still playing tomorrow right?” Johnny spoke up for the first time since Suzie got there. “You aren’t all going to pussy out because you have your women here?”

“Johnny! Language,” Helen said sternly. The brothers all laughed and started bad-talking each other and picking teams. Suzie remembered Jared told her that he would be playing paintball with his dad and brothers, three-on-three, on Saturday and that Helen had something planned for the girls. Suzie joked that Jared would owe her but was not really upset. Who was she to break up his family tradition? Must be nice now for Helen to be not so outnumbered. The boys were still arguing about teams and who

played who the last time. Meanwhile, Melissa tucked her daughter into bed and said goodnight. Tracey had snuck away a short time ago and Candy had not looked up from her phone since saying hello to everyone. Suzie was content to sit quietly beside Jared and listen to him and his brothers get egged on by their dad. Once again, she was stunned by how gorgeous all the Tiefson men were.

Somewhere along the way, Helen had refilled Suzie’s wine glass and sat down beside her with the bottle. They started chatting as the alcohol warmed Suzie up and loosened her mouth. She was complimenting Helen on the cabin.

“The artwork in here is beautiful,” she said. “I can see many of the pieces are by the same artist and they are exquisite. Where did you find such wonderful pieces?”

“Oh, you are a dear,” Helen replied. “I painted them. Would you like a tour of the house? Oh my, I totally forgot to show you girls where you would be staying. Come now, both of you before I drink anymore wine and need to go lay down.”

Laughing, she gestured for Suzie and Candy to follow her. Then she turned back to the table and spoke loudly. “Boys go get your stuff out of the vehicles before you forget. Johnny, go help them bring in the girls’ bags.”

Suzie trailed behind as Helen and Candy walked down the hall to the first bathroom. Before taking them downstairs she showed them the upstairs with a curved staircase, master suite and loft library. The master suite was luxurious with a private balcony and view of the back deck and yard. Candy was taking pictures as they went, clicking her teeth at the extravagance. Back down, Helen led them all the way downstairs to another sitting area with a large screen television, pool table and small bar. At the back was a small hallway with two rooms and a large bathroom with a tub and walk in shower.

“You four will have to share this bathroom and the basement, but the rest of us will leave you alone. There are towels and everything you should need in your rooms. But please ask if I can get you anything else,” Helen said.

At that they heard thumping on the stairs as the three youngest Tiefson brothers came downstairs carrying more bags than they had arms. Johnny dropped what he was carrying at the bottom of the stairs and went right back up. Helen followed, leaving the two couples alone to sort out what is what.

“Finally some alone time,” Jeff growled and leered at Candy. She giggled and ran off to their room. Jeff followed, winking at Jared.

Jared and Suzie brought their bags to the room, and shut the door behind them.

“So?” Jared asked, wrapping Suzie in a hug. “Not so bad, was it?”

“Mmm,” Suzie mumbled into his chest. “Your mom got me drunk.”

“Yeah and now that you have complimented her paintings, you are her new favorite person,” Jared said.

“You and your brothers all look alike,” Suzie told him. “It’s crazy.”

“But I am the sexiest right.” Jared kissed Suzie. “Just kidding. We get mistaken for each other all the time. When we were kids people could not tell us apart. Except for Jeff. We call him our other brother because he is so different from us.”

“Yeah,” Suzie said. “I still cannot tell the difference between Jason and Jeremy. I thought I had it figured out, then the one I thought was Jason kissed Tracey and now, I am lost again.”

Jared kissed her neck and whispered in her ear. “As long as you make it into the right bed at night, you can mix us up all you want.”

Suzie kissed him back, and felt drowsy. Too much wine did that to her. Her knees shook and Jared steadied her, then suggested it was time for bed.

In the morning, Suzie woke up feeling refreshed. She had fallen asleep immediately last night, slept hard and dreamed. Good dreams if she remembered correctly. Rolling over, she watched Jared sleep. Still aroused from her vague sex dream, she trailed a finger along his naked shoulder, down his chest and across his abs. When she reached the elastic band of his shorts, he groaned. Encouraged, she wiggled closer, the light material of her nightgown pulling tight across her chest as she moved. Suzie kissed Jared’s neck; he rolled over and wrapped his arm around her. Twisting beside him, she continued to kiss his chest, then stomach, abs and lower. Following his treasure trail, she tugged at his shorts, which were now bulging. Jared was now fully awake. Urgently he reached for her, trying to get her to eye level. Not wanting to share morning breath, and feeling like a tease, Suzie pulled his shorts off. Groaning as she grasped him, he bit his lip to quiet himself. Straddling him and leaning forward, the tops of her breasts fell out of her nightgown. Reaching up, Jared touched her chest and tugged at her nightgown. Finally, freeing her breasts, he traced slow circles with his rough fingers. Spiraling inwards, he reached her nipples and gently rubbed them before he moved down her body, caressing her back, sides and hips. Quickly, Suzie pulled up her nightgown and, naked beneath it, rubbed herself up against Jared until he was inside her. Urgently, he rose up to meet her and they embraced, matching each other’s rhythm. Writhing on top of him, Suzie closed her eyes and rocked more quickly. Moaning more loudly, Suzie bit her lip to silence herself as she shuddered in orgasmic relief. Jared, moments later, did the same thing.