Page 91 of Playboy Billionaire

"Class?" He asked.

"I skipped it," I told him. He looked shocked.

"Bad girl," he said. I smiled.

"Maybe. You share your fries with every girl who walks past?" I teased.

"No just you," he answered sweetly. "So, why'd you make me do that pose in class today?" He asked. I laughed.

"You were a natural," I told him. He laughed. "Did you like that pose?" I asked him. He blushed.

"With the right girl, yea," he answered. I took another fry and played with it with my tongue.

"Am I the right girl?" I asked. He licked his lips.

"That's what I'm trying to find out." Suddenl

y I felt as though someone was staring at me. I looked past Richard and saw Professor Moore. He had just walked out of the Creative Arts building and was staring me down. I returned my gaze to Richard.

"Those fries made me thirsty," I told him.

"You want my drink? I haven't drunk from it yet," he told me, pushing the cup towards me.

"You sure?" I asked before taking it.

"Yea, it's all yours. You can have the fries too." I grinned at him before grabbing the cup and taking a long sip. I knew that Professor Moore was watching and I was loving every minute of it. Once I had drunk enough, I took out my phone.

"What's your number Richard?" I asked him. He looked surprise by how forward I was, but told me his phone number anyway. "I'll text you," I told him standing up and picking up the basket of fries and the soda. I turned around and headed back the way I had come, feeling two pairs of eyes staring at my ass.

I ate the fries as I walked. When I finished them, I tossed them in the trash and continued drinking the soda. As I reached my apartment building, I received a text message. It was from Professor Moore and said:

‘Is that your little boyfriend now?’

I rolled my eyes and laughed out loud. Professor Moore was jealous! He had nerve! I decided to ignore him and put my phone back in my pocket. I went inside of the apartment building and headed up the flights of stairs to my apartment. When I got to our door, I put my ear against it and listened. I didn't hear anything. I took my key out and unlocked the door, letting myself inside. Sharon was gone. I could hear music playing and Gemma singing in the shower. I was still hungry after eating those fries so I decided to wait until Gemma got out of the shower so that we could go eat lunch in the dining hall.

I was about to lay out on the couch but thought better of it and instead sat in the armchair. Sprinkles came out of hiding and jumped on my lap. I pet her and she purred. With my free hand, I took my phone back out and scrolled through my contacts, stopping at Richard’s name. I text him:

‘Thanks for the fries and soda :)’

Moments later, he texts back:

‘You're welcome cutie ;)’

I bit my lip and thought about what to text back. I heard the shower and music stop and the bathroom door open. Gemma came out wrapped in a towel, wearing slippers, her wet hair dripping.

"I thought I heard you come in," she said.

"Where's Sharon?" I asked.

"She left," Gemma answered. There was a pause. Gemma was giving me this strange look.

"What?" I asked her.

"Did you put ecstasy in the tea?"

"What?!" I asked her incredulously.

She looked up at the ceiling and spoke slowly.