Page 72 of Playboy Billionaire

“I can’t do that,” the blonde said. She looked nervous. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“No!” My reply came out much louder than I’d intended and the word bounced off the walls around me. “No, I’m not going to leave until I can talk to Jackson!”

I was barely aware of the sound of elevator doors pinging open behind me.

“Ma’am, please,” the blonde said. “Mr. Rhodes isn’t available right now. Please leave, or I’ll be forced to call security to escort you out of the building.”

A deep masculine chuckling from behind made me whirl around.

Jackson was standing there, looking sexier than ever in a dark blue suit. His cheekbones were so sharp they looked carved from ice, and his grey eyes flashed over my body. His expression turned to one of disdain when he saw that it was me.

“Jackson!” I cried loudly. “I need to speak to you.” Angrily, I turned back towards the blonde at the desk. “See, he knows me,” I insisted loudly. “He’s my stepbrother!”

Jackson licked his lips. He walked closer and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. A wave of spicy cologne washed over me and I shuddered. It smelled so good, so strong – so powerful, like Jackson himself.

“Belle, what are you doing here?”

This was it. This was my big moment to scream at him, to shame him, to blame him for not wanting to take care of my mother, his late father’s widow. But when I turned to face him, I found that I was suddenly unable to speak. It was like someone had reached into my chest and yanked out the words I was going to say.

Jackson raised his eyebrow at me, smirking. “Belle, I asked you a question,” he said, in a deep, sonorous voice that sent shivers down my spine. “What are you doing here?”

I swallowed. I could hear the blood pounding in my ears and I knew that I was losing precious seconds of time. If I didn’t say anything soon, I’d have lost my chance forever.

“I need to talk to you,” I said softly.

Jackson smirked. “About what?”

That’s when my anger came back. I couldn’t believe this asshole was standing in front of me, smirking, just like nothing was wrong.

“You know why,” I hissed. “My mother is going to be homeless unless you help her out.”

Jackson shrugged. “I didn’t ask my father to leave me everything,” he said callously. “It just worked out that way.” Jackson licked his lower lip and raised his eyebrows. “You ever think that maybe, just maybe, your mom was a shitty wife?”

My fist swung through the air and connected with Jackson’s cheek before I could think twice.

Jackson took the punch without wincing. He stood there, staring at me, then lifted a hand to his cheek and gently rubbed the area where my fist had landed.

“You’re a little idiot,” Jackson said. He shook his head and grinned, then lowered his gaze down my body and stared right at my chest. “You don’t know anything, Belle.”

“I don’t know anything?” I repeated angrily. “I don’t know anything? Fuck, Jackson! It’s you who doesn’t know anything! Don’t you know that you’re supposed to take care of your family?” I pointed angrily towards my chest. “That’s what families do, Jackson! They take care of each other!”

Jackson’s smirk vanished. “My family is dead,” he said coolly, before turning on his heel and walking out of the lobby.

I sank down to the floor and started to sob as Jackson walked away. Even though I screamed after him to turn around and come back, he didn’t listen. Instead, security guards came and grabbed me before unceremoniously throwing me out onto the street. It had begun to snow outside, but I didn’t even feel cold. All I felt was hatred and anger towards the man who should have been one of my closest relatives.

Jackson Rhodes, my stepbrother, was now officially my enemy.

I knew I couldn’t hang around First Perfect all day waiting to see Jackson again. The guards who tossed me out made it very clear that I wouldn’t be allowed back inside under any circumstances. Finally, I decided to take a cab back to the bed and breakfast. I couldn’t face the idea of talking to Mom yet, and I knew I’d have to come up with the perfect phrasing so she wouldn’t be upset with me.

But it is my fault, I thought dejectedly as the cab carried me through the slushy streets. If I hadn’t been such a bitch, maybe Jackson would’ve listened to me. But, oh, I wasn’t that bad. He never wanted to listen in the first place! If I hadn’t bumped into him in the lobby, I probably would’ve gone the whole trip without seeing him at all!

All I could was curl up and cry. I wound up falling asleep, gripping my legs to my chest with my shoes still on.

Hours later, the sound of the phone ringing woke up. My heart sank as I realized where I was. It’s probably Mom, I thought sadly. And now I’m going to have to tell her the truth.

Warily, I grabbed the receiver and held it to my ear. “Hello?”
