Page 45 of Playboy Billionaire

It was hard to convince either of them to join me tonight, but I had no family left, no friends, no one. I was pretty much alone in this world. I kind of felt like I'd pressured them to come out and they'd been a little bit reluctant, but eventually, they'd agreed. I think they just felt sorry for me.

“Ahh, we're all just busy, you know? Work, family, all that –”

I really didn't know because I had none of that at the moment. My mom and dad had both died while I was away – I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye to them. I had no siblings. I'd returned to San Francisco because it was familiar and comfortable. Not because I was returning to anyone in particular. There really wasn't very much for me in the Bay Area. And some days I wondered why I 'd done that to myself.

“Did you hear back about the job?” Bryan asked. “The one you interviewed for last week?”

I tried not to cringe, focusing my attention on the napkin I was folding and unfolding on the table in front of me. I nodded and gave them a rueful grin.

“Yeah, I heard back,” I said. “A form letter. They went with another candidate.”

“I'm sorry, man,” Nick said. “If I hear of any openings at my company, I'll let you know.”

I nodded my thanks and then chugged the rest of my beer, hoping the alcohol would hit me sooner, rather than later. This was supposed to be a night of celebration and fun – not a bunch of moping around feeling sorry for myself, depressing shit.

Nick's phone buzzed and he excused himself to go outside to talk to his wife, leaving just Bryan and me at the table.

“So how did you meet? You and your girl?” I asked, hoping to take the attention off of me.

“Oh, umm, well Melissa and I went to college together,” Bryan said, adjusting his glasses.

He looked around, a strange expression on his face, almost like he was hoping Nick would be back to alleviate the awkwardness of the conversation and atmosphere hovering over the table. We had never really been all that close back in the day. And it seemed that the years between our last visit had only pushed us further apart.

And a few moments later, Bryan got his wish. At least for a moment.


bsp; “Hey guys, that was Beth,” he said, a sheepish grin on his face. “She's not feeling well and our youngest is acting up, so she needs me at home. I'm really sorry, Drew. I was hoping to get a chance to hang out a bit longer.”

“Nah, no problem,” I said.

We said our goodbyes and Nick departed, leaving just Bryan and me. As if things at the table couldn't be any more tense and awkward.

“I don't envy that guy one fucking bit,” I said, watching Nick leave. “Tied down like that, you know?”

Bryan didn't say anything.

“Oh right, you're getting married,” I said. “Well, just don't be like that guy. Live a little, have some fun –”

Bryan was already standing up and putting on his coat, before Nick had even walked out the door. “You know, Drew? I have to be going too. I have an early meeting at work tomorrow –”

“Oh, yeah, right. Okay.” I said, rolling my eyes as I finished off my beer – and then downed the rest of Nick's beer for good measure.

“Happy birthday, man. I'm sorry we couldn't stay out longer. Responsibilities, you know? Life really sucks sometimes”

As if I didn't know a thing or two about responsibilities. I may not have the house with the white picket fence and the mortgage to go along with it, but that didn't mean I didn't know a thing or two about responsibilities. I didn't even thank Bryan, just let him walk off, leaving me alone on the patio.

Yeah, happy fucking birthday to me.


“I want to close out my tab,” I said, leaning over the counter so the bartender could hear me.

“Already?” the man joked. “It's not even –”

“Yeah, I know,” I said, trying to not be irritable with the guy. “My friends are assholes, but what can I do? Can't force those pricks to hang out with me.”

The bartender nodded, gave me a tight smile, and then got to work closing out my tab. I was leaning against the bar waiting, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman standing near the bar – alone. I turned to get a look at her and saw that she wasn't just any old ordinary woman – she was someone who was smoking hot and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her.