Page 386 of Playboy Billionaire

I frowned. “What’s that?”

“Promise me you’ll learn to lighten up,” Andrew said dryly.

I swallowed nervously. I wasn’t sure what that meant, and I didn’t like the sound of it.

But I didn’t have any choice.

“Okay,” I mumbled. “I promise.”

Andrew’s dark eyes flashed. “Good.”

It was then that I got another sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wondered what exactly Andrew meant, but I didn’t want to seem like a bratty little kid by asking too many questions.

Still, I knew I had to agree to his terms. After all, I didn’t have any other choice.

Andrew paid for two more drinks and then we climbed in a cab and rode to where he lived, in the South End. It was a much posher neighborhood than Jamaica Plain, and I couldn’t help pressing my face against the window and watching as we rolled past gorgeous, antique homes.

“How can you afford this,” I breathed. “This is incredible, Andrew.”

Andrew smirked. Then he did something very strange – he rested his hand on my knee. At first, I squirmed under his touch. But after a few seconds, I began to enjoy the heat radiating from his palm and sinking into my skin. Andrew slid his hand further up my thigh. When I looked over at him, he raised his eyebrow.

“Just remember what I said back in the bar,” Andrew said smoothly.

The cab slowed to a stop and Andrew paid, handing the driver a twenty. I followed him back into the cold air, shivering as it hit the exposed skin at my neck and hands. Andrew led the way into a gorgeous, older building with an intricate brass gate.

“This is beautiful,” I said, craning my neck and glancing up. “You live here?”

Andrew nodded. “I have for a few years,” he said. When he opened the front door, I was startled by the sight of another man on the couch.

“Hey,” the guy greeted Andrew. His eyes flicked over me with interest. “Who’s this?”

“This is Kristin,” Andrew said. His voice contained just a hint of mocking. “You’ve heard me mention her, right?”

The guy nodded. He stood up and stared at me, raising his eyebrows as his eyes took in every inch of my appearance. I blushed – between Andrew and this guy, I’d had more attention paid to me by men today than the rest of my life combined.

“I’m Victor,” the guy said. He held out a hand and we shook – his grip was soft but strong, and I was surprised by how thoroughly he shook my hand.

“Kristin is going to stay with us for a while,” Andrew said. “Dad and Carissa kicked her out because she lied about going to Boston.” He rolled his eyes. “She’s twenty-two, if you can believe that,” he added. “My parents are such fucking prudes.”

I blushed at the use of the curse, but after a few moments, I couldn’t help giggling. He was exactly right.

I yawned. “Do you mind…do you mind showing me where I’ll be sleeping?” I glanced down at my watch. “I know it’s only nine, but I’m exhausted.”

Andrew smirked. “Come with me, honey,” he said. “Up the stairs.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, nodding my head at Victor. But to my surprise, he followed Andrew up the stairs. He was cute, too – the opposite of Andrew, with a lanky body, dark blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He had a cleft in his chin and wireless glasses that made him look like a young professor….the kind of professor that girls like Megan would flirt shamelessly with.

Victor smirked at me. I blushed scarlet – for such a mild-looking guy, he had a way of staring at me that made me feel like he was going to detach his jaw and swallow me whole.

Andrew led me up the stairs, through a dark hallway, and into a bedroom with a huge, king-sized bed and a silk duvet.

“You’ll be sleeping here,” Andrew said. He grinned. “Any questions?”

“Uh.” I glanced over my shoulder. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“Down the hall,” Andrew replied. He stepped closer to Victor. Victor reached up and started rubbing Andrew’s upper back. I knew that I shouldn’t stare, but it was hard to tear my eyes away from the two gorgeous men touching each other. As Victor kept massaging Andrew, Andrew closed his eyes and tilted his head back.

My cheeks were burning with shame. “I should leave you alone,” I mumbled, stepping back. But when I glanced up, I saw that Victor and Andrew were kissing deeply. Their tongues entwined with each other’s, and Victor wrapped his arms around Andrew’s muscular shoulders, pulling him close.