Page 323 of Playboy Billionaire

I had a black satchel over my shoulder and I reached in and pulled out the magazine with his photo on the front. He always dressed to impress wearing finely tailored suits that fit him like a glove. There was nothing that he could do to hide those muscles from bulging in all the right places. There were times when I used his image to satisfy my longings. I could only imagine what he looked like under the suit. He had the tendency to wear a power red tie.

I went into the building and it made me feel like a fish out of the water. My mouth was dry and I continually licked my lips. I signed in and I took the elevator up to the top floor. When the door opened, I was accosted by a black and white motif. It was a classic choice that had never gone out of style. The secretary behind the desk looked up with her glasses perched on the edge of her nose. She gave me that critical eye.

“I know that I’m a little early. I have a meeting with Mr. Rivers at 10:00 AM.” She didn’t say anything, but the placard on her desk referred to her as Miss Timmons. There was no first name and it gave me the impression that she was looking to be seen as professional and not some eye candy for the office. Her blond hair and store bought implants contradicted that statement.

“I’ll let him know that you are here. He’s finishing up with a client, but he shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. I’ll tell you a secret. He shared with me his thoughts and your designs have potential. That may not seem like high praise, but coming from him it is.” I sat down; demurely crossing my leg which of course made my dress ride up and give the illusion of more skin than was necessary. I had that nervous twitch and I could barely sit still. This was exactly where I wanted to be, but getting into the front door was only the first step.

“I wonder if you could tell me something about him before I go in there and make a fool out of myself. Anything at all would help. I’m sure that you’ve learned to predict what he is going to do next. You might even be on the same wavelength and finish each other’s thoughts like an old married couple.” It brought to mind my mother and this was no time to go down memory lane. I never did know my father and he abandoned us after my birth. It finally dawned on me that maybe my mother blamed me for him leaving and that was the reason why she felt it necessary to put me down.

“I would love to help you, but I’ve only been working here for the past month. I heard through the Grapevine that not many stay any longer than a few months in his employ. Women, in general, can’t stand his womanizing ways and the way that he looks at them in a less than subtle fashion.” She went back to her computer, not elaborating, but definitely giving me food for thought.

My patience was wearing thin. My appointment was for 10:00 AM and it was almost 10:45. I finally heard laughter coming from the open door down the hallway. I spied two men shaking hands. The man that August was meeting left the same way that I came in the elevator. When the door closed, that was when I saw the façade on August’s face change from mild amusement to outright contempt.

“I swear that man is going to be the death of me. He’s stuck in his ways and doesn’t wanna hear a differing opinion. I’ve tried for several years to design something that is going to change the way that he looks at architecture, but he doesn’t want to entertain the idea. I don’t even know why I’m telling you any of this. You do have a kind face and it’s easy to talk to you. Come with me. I know that I have been derelict in my duties. I didn’t mean to make you wait this long.” He was directing his comments towards me, but in a way, that made me feel like I was not even in the room.

I gave the secretary a noncommittal shrug off my shoulders and then I followed him like a panting puppy dog after its master.

I entered into his office and I was stunned by how he had decorated. His desk was pure white and the floors had this very colorful black tile that changed colors in the light. He was sitting there and he motioned for me to take the seat in front of him. It was obvious that he wanted to be in the dominating position. His chair was slightly higher than mine. This was a tried and true technique of intimidation.

I took my portfolio out of my bag and placed it in front of him. He didn’t seem all that interested, but he did peruse the pages until he finally sat back with his hands steepled in front of him.

His dark hair was cut short like that of the military and his gigantic frame really seemed out of place in that chair. It had that design meant to give the person sitting in it good posture. To me, it didn’t look at all comfortable, but he didn’t seem to be complaining. It was his eyes that were his best feature, but that changed when he stood up.

“I do like your designs, but they do need some polishing. I want you to help me to come up with something for him that is not of the norm. Call this a test to see if you are a good fit. I’ve been working 16 hour days and I find myself wanting to slow down a little. That’s the reason why I took interest in your designs when you sent them unsolicited. You were lucky that something caught my eye. I was this close to tossing them in the trash with the others.” I was trying to listen to him, but it was hard to do

He was on the edge of his desk with his crotch right in my face. There was no denying that this man had something that would scare little old ladies on the bus. He didn’t seem to have a shy bone in his body. That was evident by the way that he wasn’t wearing underwear. I wasn’t sure if that was for shock value or if he was just comfortable going commando. I thought that it was in poor taste, but it was not my place to say anything.

“I’m flattered that you even noticed my work. I would be glad to take a stab at helping you

come up with something for the client.” I could feel that the temperature in the room had risen. His cologne was this manly musk that was hard to deny.

“I certainly didn’t bring you in here to stroke your ego. I’m still not entirely convinced that this is the right position for you. You’ll have to dedicate your time to working underneath me. I’m a bit of a slave driver and you’re going to have to learn to keep up with my stamina. I don’t see any reason why we can’t start tonight. You can come up with some preliminary drawings and I will take a look at them and see if I can salvage anything.” I felt that every word that came out of his mouth had this sexual innuendo. I wasn’t sure that it was my imagination, but I felt like he was putting me on the spot.

“Point me towards an open office and I will get to work.” I didn’t see any reason to waste either of our time. I was ready to roll up my sleeves.

“I would rather that you work here where I can keep an eye on you. I’m sure that you would be more comfortable with your own private space, but that is not how I work. I have this need that burns into my very soul. I want somebody to impress me. I’m not that easily satisfied and it can take a few times to get it right.” I wanted to call him on his use of his vocabulary. It sounded obscene, but there was nothing that I could pinpoint that I could take to human resources.

“You’re the boss. I’m only here to make you happy. I can take whatever your dish out.” I actually found myself playing his game. I saw him give me this cock of his eyebrow. I think that he purposely flexed his pectorals.

“I want you to be comfortable, but I do require that you call me Mr. Rivers. I find in the workplace that it’s better to be professional.” He had moved a little closer and he was only a few inches away from invading my personal space. His pectorals were not the only things that he was flexing. The laugh that ensued was his way of telling me that I was going to have to get used to it.

“Oh, my….is it hot in here, or is it just me?” I made a flirting gesture by fanning myself with my hand.

“Trust me…it’s just you.” He moved behind me and his hands barely touched my bare shoulders. “I’m going to have to go out for a little while. You have the office to yourself. If there is anything that you need then all you need to do is, ask. I won’t be here, but my secretary Miss Timmons will be happy to help you.” He grabbed his trench coat from the back of the door.

“The one thing that you’ll find with me is that I’m low maintenance. The only thing that I need is a caffeine fix with a pot of coffee right in front of me. If it’s possible, I would connect it right to my vein, but drinking it will have to suffice.” I was going to get up, but my legs were shaky and I was afraid that I was going to collapse right in front of him.

“Amanda, you’re certainly a woman after my own heart. I think that we will get along famously. You just need to remember that it’s my way or the highway. I like things done a certain way. You can even sit in my chair and feel what it is like to be in control. To be honest, I’m not much for pleasantries and I would rather just get to work.” He slipped out and left a lasting impression on me that had me feeling like my clothes were a little bit tighter than usual.

I hadn’t even taken off my jacket. He had moved it out of the way so that he could touch me inappropriately without making it look like any big deal. I could’ve said something and maybe I should have.

I surveyed the photos in his office. It showed a man that was into himself and liked to put on a show for the benefit of others. He was quite athletic and into various sports like tennis and soccer just to name two. I’d done my due diligence and I knew that his family life was non-existent. His father was not talking to him. Even though he was a success, his father just couldn’t get over the fact that he didn’t want to get into the family business of running a restaurant. Up close and personal, he really did look better in person than in any photo that I had seen of him thus far.

“I know that he can be a bit much to take, but he really is just a big teddy bear.” Big wasn’t the right adjective and when he walked into a room he owned it from the moment that he stepped through the threshold. “He asked me to look in on you. I brought you a pot of coffee.” Miss Timmons placed it in front of me and she was bent at an angle to give me a bird’s eye view of her heaving bosom.

I’d never been into girls, but she might’ve been the exception to that rule. I got the feeling that maybe her open sexuality was a selling point when she came to work for him. I wondered if things had moved forward into something more physical.

“He really didn’t give me that much time to talk. I do admire the man, but he really does have a big head.” I was talking about the one on his shoulders, but it was not lost on me that the helmet between his legs was in healthy proportion to the rest of the mountain of a man.