Page 268 of Playboy Billionaire

I gave him a tight grip with both of my feet pressed together. He must’ve taken that as a sign and began to thrust his hips out to use my feet in the same way that he would use other parts of my body.

“I don’t know where you learned this technique, but I have to say that you have me at a loss for words. I never thought that I would be into any kind of fetish, but I could seriously revisit this at a later date. I would love nothing more than to cover your feet in my sizzling cream. You can feel how hot and bothered you have made me by the way that my body is responding. You can feel that long and pronounced vein throbbing with insistence.” I had a feeling that all he would need was some encouraging words to reach the peak of his pleasure.

I leaned forward, touching his left ear with the tip of my tongue and then grabbing onto it with my teeth. “I know that you want to shoot that nice load all over my toes. I had no idea that I was this flexible. I can tell that you like it from the way that you jerk every time that I move my feet back and forth on you. Do you suppose that you can keep it from going off long enough for us to make it to the bedroom?” It wasn’t hard to feel that he was close to that moment of truth.

“I really… I really don’t know if I… CANNNNN” I should’ve known that his resolve was crumbling from the way that I was manipulating his flesh. His body responded with a jettison of jizz that cascading over the bearskin rug and my toes. I watched quite happy that I was the reason for his response.

“It looks like somebody has been bottling it up for quite some time. Am I out of line to say that you have been celibate from the moment that we met? I’d say it is a compliment that you didn’t want to ruin what we have together. It’s not like we had any kind of commitment. There was no promise to be faithful, but it does give me hope for all man that you were able to keep it in your pants. I still need to hear it from you to know that it’s true.” I could see that he was stalling and it bothered me that he might have been with someone during our time together.

“I haven’t been with anybody besides you. I don’t know why I waited and I can only assume that I had feelings for you long before I even knew it myself. Deep down, I knew that if I did anything with anybody else it would be cheating. I tried to convince myself that some acts were more cheating than others. I could never do that to you. I think that for the first time in my life that I really want something to last longer.” I wasn’t sure what to say and his declaration was quite unexpected and made me wonder what we had been waiting for.

We didn’t do more than that and the exhaustion of that night had caught up with us. We did manage to get to bed, but it was only enough to sleep off the feeling like we had been dancing all night.

I woke up to find that the snowstorm that was supposed to end early in the morning was still going strong. It didn’t bother me and the resort had already cleared the path leading up to the restaurant. They were going to have to do it again. There didn’t seem to be an end in sight and yet the idea of being with Marshall during the storm inside that cabin was very appealing. I could think of far worse things to do than to show each other the kind of affection that had been growing from each moment that we had been together.

I turned slowly from the window and the sight that greeted me was something that I would like to see every morning when I woke up. His naked body was lying there. There was a sheet lying on top of him but not enough to keep me from seeing the object of my desire.

“I can feel that you are watching me even when I have my eyes closed. I don’t suppose that you want to talk about the elephant in the room. When you told me what you were hired to do, I did manage to circumvent a hostile takeover. She wasn’t just after the contracts that I had a bid on, but she was making inroads with my Board of Directors. I don’t know how she is going to react when she wakes up to find that her plan has come apart at the seams. I would say that both of us are now on her hit list.” I had a feeling that he wasn’t going to allow Lillian to take him for everything that he was worth.

“I should be glad, but I’m not. Like you said, she’s going to feel that I betrayed her in some way. I doubt that there’s any place that I can hide that she won’t be able to find me. I have to find a way to get out in front of this. What I need most of all is to neutralize the power that she has. Between the two of us, I’m sure that we can come up with something that will make her back off.” I was grasping at straws, but I couldn’t help but think that life would’ve been a whole lot easier had I not met Marshall and Lillian.

“I was hoping that you were going to say that. If you really mean what you say, then we need to find where she’s most vulnerable. It doesn’t matter who you are and there’s always some weakness that can be extorted for personal gain. That might be a dim view to look at life, but it’s not like it’s not true. I take advantage of opportunities when they arise and I don’t feel any remorse for that. I should probably hate myself for making people lose their jobs, but companies go under all the time and there are people like me that come in and snatch up the pieces.” I really didn’t know much about his business, but I was starting to understand that he was a vulture.

“It goes without saying that you probably have more resources at your disposal than I do. If we are truly going to go after her, then we need to do it discreetly. We let her know that we are coming for her and she will act first. It is unfortunate that we have to make a preemptive strike. You have people that you can call. You should do that sooner than later. It’s not like we’re going to be able to get out of here anytime soon. I would say that the roads are crippled and whatever budget they had for snow removal has already surpassed that.” I had a sheet draped over me, but then I nonchalantly dropped it. It made him drop the very phone that he was picking up to call in some favors.

“I knew that we were going to get here one way or the other. Last night made me believe that we were destined to walk different paths. It was only after I made peace with how you played with my feelings that I realized that what you were trying to say was that those feeling that you pretended to have are real.” He flung the sheet off of his body, showing me the definition of his legs and what settled in between them.

He took it into his hands and began to show me what a lot of women would have given anything to see. I’d always been interested to see a man handle his own business. I never had that chance and I didn’t know how to bring it up in a casual conversation with prospective boyfriends. It was only now that I was thinking that there could be hope for my love life after all. I didn’t have to contend with leaving lipstick marks on my victims as I left them with that stunned expression on their face.

“I’m going to go downstairs and see what we have in the cupboards. Make your phone calls and then join me when you are able. I do suggest that you leave that thing alone. To give you the proper incentive, I think that tonight we are going to do more than what I did with my feet. I have some ideas, but I’m willing to entertain whatever you have in mind.” He took his hands away from his package. It had to take some effort to do so, especially when it was not exactly the sleeping giant that it was after I had finished with him last night.

“That was an interesting way to throw cold water on my parade. I thought that we could enjoy each other’s bodies and then adjourn for a leisurely breakfast.” I picked up his pants from on the floor and I tossed them to him to indicate that what he was thinking wasn’t going to happen right now.

“Get dressed and try to keep your mind out of the gutter. We can wait until tonight and you know what they say about abstinence making the heart grow fonder. It also has an effect on somebody’s libido. I think that you will be able to attest to that. I don’t mean to make you wait, but we need to think of something other than ourselves. Our actions have consequences. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lillian had a sled dog that she will use to get to us. We can’t wait and we need some kind of leverage that we can hang over her head.” I walked naked into the bathroom, throwing cold water on my face to cool down those tendencies that had been raging between my legs.

“I’ll be down in a few minutes. You need to give me some time to call some friends of mine to do some digging on my behalf. I don’t like calling in this favor, but it’s better to learn her dirty little secret from the source. There’s always somebody that has the keys to the skeletons in somebody’s closet. This is not my first dealing with Lillian in or out of the boardroom. I like to think that I go into battle armed to the teeth with whatever information I can find to make the other person across the table back down.” I came out to him speaking to somebody. I could tell from the tone of the conversation that this person really didn’t want to get involved.

I mimed to Marshall that I would be downstairs. He gave me a dismissive wave that made me feel like he didn’t want me to know what was going on. It was fair to say that we were both in the same boat. If Lillian was going to come after me, then she was going to do the same thing to Marshall. It remained to be seen what she was going to do to make her feelings abundantly clear.

I went down the stairs, feeling happy but also anxious about taking things to that next level. Tonight, was going to be something special. I needed some supplies and it wasn’t like I had brought anything that was going to take him by the throat and never let go. I would need to go into town, but looking outside, it appeared that only those that lived in the arctic would be able to brave the elements.

I saw the manager and he waved as he used a very loud snow blower to clear the path for the second time that morning. He was tapping his wrist indicating that breakfast wasn’t going to wait around forever. I put up my finger to tell him that I did have every intention of enjoying what they had to offer.

He went by the door looking like an abominable snowman. I went to the cupboards to find that they were bare with only a few packets of coffee that would hopefully be an eye opener.

I poured some water into the kettle and plugged it in before Marshall could come downstairs.

The water was

boiling and I had emptied a couple of those coffee packets into two very distinctive cups with the insignia of a scorpion etched into the glassware. It was intricate work and I would’ve liked to have met the author of such a creative license.

I heard his footsteps and the look on his face told me that things didn’t go exactly as planned. “I have some feelers out, but nobody really wants to talk about the ice queen. They suspect that if she gets wind of their duplicitous actions that they will come under fire. I remain hopeful that somebody will come forward. I doubt that she has gotten this far without making enemies.” I passed him the warm cup of coffee and he took it in his hands. We both stared at each other. The only thing that I could think about was how our bodies were going to be flung from one side of that mattress to the other.

He lifted me easily onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. I was sitting there with my legs dangling over the sides. The white robe that I had on split down the middle, as he parted my knees and gave me a reason to think that breakfast was going to be something different.

“I don’t think that you are thinking clearly.” I tried to get him off topic, but his eyes were drawn to more than just my naked thigh. He was very strong and insistent as he moved in with my knees parted. His hands were holding me apart like a wishbone.

“I think that it would be a good idea for me to give you a sneak peak of what is going to happen tonight.” He got down on his knees into a servitude position. I was the one sitting there looking down at his smug face as he grabbed me from around the knees and pulled me towards his mouth with his tongue outstretched.