Page 251 of Playboy Billionaire

Ivy had her whole life ahead of her, she wasn’t so s

ure if she would be able to spend it with a man who spoke so little. With someone who denied her the privilege of actually expressing his feelings. She wondered if she might feel trapped, just like her mother had. She remembered her mother’s words of caution. To run away from living in isolation if she could. She was certain that Archer would give her a better, more fulfilling life. The kind of life that her mother had never been able to lead. What sort of life would Leon give her?

Ivy shuddered as she thought about it. She had never been to Minnesota. Archer had promised to leave the next day, so that they wouldn’t have to remain in the hostile environment of Leon’s ranch for much longer. She felt lucky and privileged that Archer was willing to do so much for her, sacrifice his own relationship with his brother for her sake.

There was nothing left for her here, she thought as she looked around the estate in its darkness. Leon had his chance, nearly seven weeks to express his feelings. To make her believe that he had more to offer her than employment and satisfying sex.

And now it as time for her to move on, with a man who really wanted to be with her.

That familiar feeling of packing her bags and readying them next to her bedroom door, returned to her in a flood. This was the third time she had done this, preparing herself to leave Old Marigold Ranch. And this time, it appeared as though it was time to leave for good. A feeling of calmness had descended upon her. She was resolved to not cry, or make a scene.

Archer knocked on her door at eight and she opened it, his smiling dimpled cheeks greeted her. And Ivy was filled with a conviction that she had made the right decision.

“Where is he?” She asked him, her heart thumping.

“Who? Leon? I’m not sure, but I told him last night that we’re leaving today. So, he knows.” Archer said, smirking at her before picking up her bags off the floor.

“How are we going to get into town? Are we taking a train?” She asked him, mighty anxious now. She had never been to Minnesota and she was beginning to grow excited. Archer smiled at her, as he turned to carry her bags over to the front entrance.

“Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of everything. You just get ready.” He said, and she nodded her head.

Ivy had been ready since six, but now she gave herself the once over in the full-length mirror. She would miss this room, she thought, as she pinned in a few more black bobby pins into her hair, holding her beautiful golden ringlets in place, neatly away from her face.

But Archer was rich too. They were both wealthy, and she bit down on her lip wondering what kind of house he lived in.

She was in a yellow summer dress, that matched her hair perfectly. One she knew Leon loved her in, because it accentuated her curved. Not that she wanted to stir anything in Leon any more, that would be wrong of her to do, she knew that. She was the one leaving him.

Ivy smoothened the pleats on the front of her dress, and a noise at her door made her turn. She hadn’t shut the bedroom door and now Leon was leaning against the frame. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he was looking at her with his usual expressionless face.

“So, you’re ready to go?” He asked her, and she smiled at him. Nothing could change the fact that she was leaving, so it would be better if she left on good terms, she thought.

“I am. Archer has everything arranged.” She said, walking up to him.

“I’m sure he does.” Leon said, straightening up. She studied his sharp chiseled jaw, that sparkle in his eyes that was lost somehow. His broad chest that made his plaid shirt taut with tightness, how narrow his waist was, how strong his legs were. Ivy gulped, this was going to be more painful than she thought. Leon was like a drug to her. She had fallen for him when she least expected to and he had taught her everything. He helped her explore her own sexuality and she hadn’t thanked him for it.

Ivy fell on him, wrapping her arms around his waist. For a few moments, it seemed that Leon wasn’t sure how to react. His arms were spread open in surprise, till slowly he started to relax. She felt a hand on the small of her back. He was holding her.

“Thank you for everything Leon. I promise I won’t disappoint you. I’ll keep studying.” She said, drawing her face away from his chest, where she had buried it earlier. Leon was looking down at her, and something had changed. His expression had grown softer, and his eyes were shining bright.

“Ivy…” He began to say, and she bit down on her lip. She had no idea what he was about to say, but this was the first time she had seen that look on his face. This was the first time there was an actual imminent danger to their relationship. Was he finally going to say something?

“Stay with me.” He said it in the most neutral, but heavy voice. There was a hint of a strain there, but she had heard it. And Ivy was suddenly struck with a feeling of utter happiness, like she had never felt before.

She flung herself on him again, pressing her face to his chest, tightening the grip of her arms around his waist.

“That’s all I wanted to hear from you, Leon.” She cried into his chest, as she felt his hand on her head. He was stroking her hair.

“That’s all I wanted to say to you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.” She heard him say, and she couldn’t control herself any more. Ivy felt like she was going to burst.

She pulled herself away from him, and Leon dropped his hands to her face, caressing her gently. Holding her in place.

“I love you Ivy. I always have. That was why I didn’t want to share you with Archer, with anyone.” He was saying, but Ivy could barely hear him. She was laughing from her burgeoning happiness. Nothing that Leon could say could make her feel better. This was what she was waiting for. There was no choice now. She would never leave him; she couldn’t live without him. Everything she did, had done…she had done to please him.

“I love you Leon. I don’t want you to share me with anyone. I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to stay here with you.” She was crying by now, but they were tears of joy.

“As my wife. By my side.” He said, looking deep into her eyes. He wasn’t the kind of man who was going to get down on his knees, and Ivy didn’t care.

“As your wife.” She said and they were kissing, blissfully unaware of the fact that Archer had appeared at the bedroom door. He had turned away, leaving Ivy’s bags at the front door. He knew when he had lost, and this time, he had lost to his brother Leon. And he was man enough to admit defeat.